What employees qualify for Heart and Lung Act benefits?

Many different types of public employees are eligible for Heart and Lung Act benefits, which is similar to and overlaps with the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation law. This includes State and local police officers, firefighters, sheriffs, corrections officers and psychiatric aides with the Department of Corrections or Department of Public Welfare, park guards, drug enforcement officers, special agents of the Office of Attorney General, and enforcement officers or investigators with the Liquor Control Board or the Board of Probation and Parole.
If you are injured in the line of duty, you may be entitled to your full salary. However, Heart and Lung cases are only for workers who are disabled, but their disability is expected to be temporary. If you become permanently disabled, we can assist you to convert your case from a Heart & Lung Act case to a to a workers’ compensation case.
Call Colarusso and Cohen today for a free consultation and evaluation of your Heart and Lung Act case. Our Western Pennsylvania Heart and Lung Act Lawyer will do everything to get you the best maximum settlement for your injuries.
What is the Heart and Lung Act?
Under Pennsylvania’s law, the Heart and Lung Act entitles eligible Pennsylvania employees to receive 100% of their salary tax-free if they are injured on the job and cannot work. That means that if your job is covered under the Heart and Lung Act, you may get larger payments than with workers’ compensation alone, which is limited to two-thirds of your average weekly wage, subject to a statewide cap. However, unlike workers’ compensation claims, any overtime hours and second jobs are not taken into account when calculating payments under the Heart and Lung Act. Payment for medical expenses which are reasonable, necessary, and related to the injury are also 100% covered. Heart and Lung Act benefits are for certain eligible employees who are totally but temporarily disabled from their employment. At Colarusso and Cohen, we have decades of experience helping people with Heart and Lung Act claims. Call us today at (412) 261-1380 to speak with our Pittsburgh, PA Heart and Lung Act Attorney. We offer Free Case Evaluation to new clients.
What employees qualify for Heart and Lung Act benefits?
Many different types of public employees are eligible for Heart and Lung Act benefits, which is similar to and overlaps with the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation law. This includes State and local police officers, firefighters, sheriffs, corrections officers and psychiatric aides with the Department of Corrections or Department of Public Welfare, park guards, drug enforcement officers, special agents of the Office of Attorney General, and enforcement officers or investigators with the Liquor Control Board or the Board of Probation and Parole.
If you are injured in the line of duty, you may be entitled to your full salary. However, Heart and Lung cases are only for workers who are disabled, but their disability is expected to be temporary. If you become permanently disabled, we can assist you to convert your case from a Heart & Lung Act case to a to a workers’ compensation case.
Call Colarusso and Cohen today for a free consultation and evaluation of your Heart and Lung Act case. Our Western Pennsylvania Heart and Lung Act Lawyer will do everything to get you the best maximum settlement for your injuries.
Am I eligible to file a Heart and Lung Act claim?
To obtain the full salary reimbursement of the Heart and Lung Act, you must meet 4 criteria:
Call us today at (412) 261-1380 to speak with our Western Pennsylvania Heart and Lung Act Lawyer. We offer Free Initial Consultation to new clients.