Has a slip caused you to fall into financial and emotional distress?

If you have tripped or slipped and fallen and been injured, was your fall the result of a careless act or omission by someone else? Premises liability claims are often attributed to patches of ice or snow, defective staircases, slippery or broken floors, loose rugs and carpets, and extension cords that are not readily in view. To recoup damages, we typically must prove that the owner or possessor of the property created the danger, or knew or in the exercise of due care should have known of the danger, yet did nothing to fix it. Frequently, we have to prove that the danger existed long enough for the owner/possessor to have taken reasonable steps to eliminate the danger or warn of it.
If you believe you were injured by the careless act of a property owner, call Mike Colarusso or Herb Cohen for a free evaluation of your case. Our experienced premises liability attorney can represent you in slip and fall cases and premises liability claims.
Dog Attacks

Dog attacks can be serious. It’s the responsibility of the owner of a dog to keep the dog under proper and adequate control. This is particularly critical if the owner knows that the dog is prone to biting, attacking, or jumping on people. If you have been the victim of a dog attack, you may have a right to take legal action. Call Colarusso and Cohen for a free consultation and case evaluation.
Would proper building security have prevented the circumstances that led to your injury?

Inadequate security at public places can also lead to serious injuries and death. Lack of security guards, lighting, security cameras, and failure to plan for emergencies are all examples of inadequate security. Owners of buildings where the public is invited have a duty to their patrons. Owners of apartment buildings must provide locks and other obstacles to entry by criminals. This is particularly true if there is a history of crime in the area.
If you believe that you are the victim of inadequate security, call Colarusso and Cohen today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Our Pittsburgh, PA Premises Liability Attorney will do everything possible to get you a favorable settlement for the damages and injuries you have sustained.