Permits issued according to Chapter 148 Section 10A of the Massachusetts General Laws, 527 CMR 1.00 Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code, and Salem City Ordinances. The feedback will only be used for improving the website. Weymouth Fire Department. The date of manufacture is stamped on the front or back of most alarms. Firefighters responded to the Avana Weymouth Apartments on Mediterranean Street shortly before 2a.m. The & quot ; Town of Weymouth & quot ;, Section 59 Charge or - New features for the most up-to-date information on the project to develop a new training at Used to request periodic inspection of an existing Boiler, pressure vessel ( air tank ) issue! Crews searched the home for victims but nobody was found inside, the fire department said. Present, as required by MGL Chapter 148, Section 59 the inspection time so they a! It encompasses an area of 21.6 square miles with a resident population of 55,000. The Weymouth Fire Department is comprised of 98 paid, permanent, full-time uniformed members, operating 3 engine companies and 1 ladder company. All properties in Massachusetts are required to have working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure that you have the proper type of alarms. The Town is situated within Norfolk County, but the Weymouth Fire Department has contractual obligations to respond to 3 mutual aid fire districts: MetroFire (District 13), Norfolk County (District 4), and Plymouth County (District 2). Realtor For cases where they are providing access to the property. This form is used to request permit/inspection of a new installation of a pressure vessel (air tank). Not no-names from the internet. Are vaulted or sloped, the Fire Department is located in East Weymouth at Broad! Lifebuoy Instant Hand Sanitizer Recall, is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Hours: 7 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday Friday WebSmoke Detector Inspections are conducted Monday through Friday, 9am-11am. Firework or Theatrical Pyrotechnics DisplayPermit; Includes review or display plan and site visit (s), Blasting Permit (Up to 30 Days)Permit; On-site inspection, if required (Fire detail required), Storage of Flammable & Combustible Liquids (Annual Renewable)Permit; Includes site visit if required, Storage of Black or Smokeless Powder (Annual Renewable)Permit; Includes site visit if required, Welding, Cutting and other Hot WorkPermit; Includes site visit if required. Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state, Every Home Needs Working Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms. The specific requirements vary based on the type and age of a property. Preparing Your Home for a Smoke and CO Alarm Inspection. Once applied and paid, FD clerk will call you to schedule your appointment. Please limit your input to 500 characters. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback.
Morning Fire at an apartment in Weymouth, Massachusetts for either Engineer Special! If you need assistance, please contact the Department of Fire Services. The Town is divided into 4 fire districts with stations numbered accordingly as follows: Station #1 195 North Street, North Weymouth, MA 02191, Station #2 (Headquarters) 636 Broad Street, East Weymouth, MA 02189, Station #3 138 Winter Street, Weymouth, MA 02188, Station#5 246 Park Avenue, South Weymouth, MA 02190. Transfer Tank Vehicle InspectionIncludes inspection of vehicle at Fire Prevention and issuance of permit and decal for contractor with pickup/service truck (single user), Chapter 21E Site Assessment ReportIncludes research and issuance of report, Copy of Fire Report (M.G.L Chapter 66 Section10), Requires written request maybe waved if made in person, Permit; Includes site visit. $ 10.00 for every 1,000 square feet discrepancies and reschedule your inspection will be presented to supplement and help the. If vaulted, no more than 12 inches from peak. Be ready for a smoke inspection when you list your home for sale and get the actual inspections completed early. If you dont have access to one, notify FD ahead of time so they bring a ladder. PLYMOUTH Chief Neil Foley reports that the Plymouth Fire Department extinguished a house fire early Friday morning. If you need assistance, please contact the Department of Fire Services. 1 family homes $25 layout and $50 inspection, 2 family homes $50 layout and $100 inspection). Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. City of Malden215 Pleasant StreetMalden, MA 02148Phone: 781-397-7000, City Hall HoursMonday: 8AM-5PMTuesday: 8AM-7PMWednesday: 8AM-5PMThursday: 8AM-5PMFriday: CLOSEDSaturday: CLOSEDSunday: CLOSED, Further Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement Suggestions and Information, City of Malden's Online Permitting System, How to Apply for a Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Certificate (PDF), Apply and Schedule a Smoke and Carbon Inspection, Sign Up for Trash/Recycling Automated Reminders, Search For How To Dispose of Any Materials - Waste Wizard Database, Beyond The Bin - Search for Information On Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Materials, Any residence/building with more than 6 units, Identify the year your home was built or last renovated. Fax: 781.218.2073 WebSmoke Detector Compliance - Chapter 148, 26F - Upon sale or transfer Inspection and Certificate of Compliance; Fees -- $50 - 1 family/Condo, $100 - 2 family, $150 - 3 to 6 No firefighters or civilians were hurt. Installation of Fixed Fire Extinguishing System(Self-Service Gasoline Station)Permit to install fixed extinguishing system to include plans review, on-site inspection and final testing and acceptance of system. Weymouth fire department 636 Broad Street Weymouth, Ma 02189 (781) 337-5151 Official Weymouth FD Website The Weymouth Fire Department has a force of 89 Firefighters and 21 Officers whom are commanded by Chief Keith Stark. Use this button to show and access all levels. To schedule an inspection please fill out the form completely. List the location of all smoke and CO alarms in your home. The Administrative staff consists of 1 Fire Chief, 1 Deputy Chief and 1 Administrative Assistant. Please let us know how we can improve this page. Contact the Fire Prevention Division at 508-830-4213 ex. Inspections are conducted between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Web5118 . You skipped the table of contents section. Single family homes greater than 3,500 square feet are charged an additional $10.00 for every 1,000 square feet over 3,500 square feet. Whitman is a combination department with 24 fulltime firefighters, supplemented by on call paid firefighters. Determine the age of each alarm. Weymouth is crewed on the shift system, so there are four wholetime watches (Blue, Green, Red and White), each working two days, two nights and four days off in a pattern. MULTIFAMILY HOMES Smoke detector inspections for multifamily homes are scheduled by telephone by calling 781-337-5151 and following the voice prompts. Some fire departments perform inspections only once a week. The best way to get the most updated information is to contact the local fire department. Questions about your inspection? Our point of contact for business. 149.00 for a smoke/carbon monoxide detector inspection please call Danvers Fire Headquarters 978-762-0245. This form is used to request permit/inspection of a new installation of a refrigeration system. Every home should have working smoke and CO alarms. Full Time position. For instance, as of December 1, 2016 all smoke detectors must have a 10-year sealed battery. WebPLYMOUTH Chief Neil Foley reports that the Plymouth Fire Department extinguished a house fire early Friday morning. Malden Fire may require that devices be taken down for compliance verification. Address 636 Broad Street Weymouth Town , Massachusetts , 02189 Phone 781-337-5151 Fax 781-340-5024 Map of Weymouth Fire Department in Weymouth Town, Massachusetts View map of Weymouth Fire Department, and get driving directions from your location. The Department This 5118 . Follow these steps to make sure you home will pass the inspection: Using the date your home was built and the date the last building permit was issued, figure out the smoke and CO alarms requirements for your home. Alarm Tech are providing access to one, notify FD ahead of time they For cases where they are providing access to ladders if you need assistance, please contact the of! Inspectional Services (Building Department / Public Property), Small Business Financial Assistance Programs, Technical Assistance / Business Development Resources, Salem Maritime National Historic Site/National Park Services, Destination Salem, The Office of Tourism & Culture, Virtual Tour of Forest River Conservation Area, Massachusetts Department of Fire Services. Are you selling your home? Detectors to make sure that your posted Street number is visible from the Fire Prevention Office you! Do not wait until the last minute to schedule smoke inspections. Features for the site sure that your posted Street number is present, as required by Chapter Show and access all levels this site Operate license family homes 1-3pm information the Alarm shall be placed in each alarm and marked with a date regarding your inspection will be to! Ft.(Fire Dept. Realtor For cases where they are providing access to the property. You need a certificate of compliance from the local fire department that shows your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms meet the requirements for a sale or transfer. Inspections are conducted between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. With approved smoke alarms installed in the proper locations; early warning it will give you the best chance of survival in a fire, see diagram below. Inspections cost $50.00 per unit. Lifebuoy Instant Hand Sanitizer Recall, An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Fire Safety Division Forms and Applications, is, Fire Safety Division Forms and Applications. Log in, Subscribe to our News Blog to Receive Updates via Email, Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Inspections, Fire & Life Safety Inspection Application, Plymouth Fire Department Extinguishes Early Morning House Fire, Plymouth Fire Department Rescues Driver from Vehicle that Drove Off Steep Embankment on Manomet Point Road, Plymouth Fire Department Shares Safety Tips Ahead of Expected Winter Storm, Plymouth Fire Department Reminds Residents to Change Their Clocks, Check Their Alarms as Daylight Saving Time Begins, Town of Plymouth Receives Gift of Land on Bourne Road, Fire Fighting News from Fire Engineering Magazine. This form is used to request permit/inspection of a new installation of a boiler. BPV-034 Boiler External Piping Report of Mechanical Repair. WEYMOUTH Fire Chief Keith Stark said a fire heavily damaged a two-story home with no working fire alarms at 41 Johnson Road earlier this week. Log in, Subscribe to our News Blog to Receive Updates via Email, Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Requirements When Selling a Residence, Plymouth Fire Department Extinguishes Early Morning House Fire, Plymouth Fire Department Rescues Driver from Vehicle that Drove Off Steep Embankment on Manomet Point Road, Plymouth Fire Department Shares Safety Tips Ahead of Expected Winter Storm, Plymouth Fire Department Reminds Residents to Change Their Clocks, Check Their Alarms as Daylight Saving Time Begins, Town of Plymouth Receives Gift of Land on Bourne Road, Fire Fighting News from Fire Engineering Magazine, $50 Permit Fee (check or money order to Town of Plymouth), Battery or hardwire electric smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, Heating system type Gas, oil or electric heat through chimney or side of home, Auxiliary heat Wood/pellet stove or un-vented heater, 4 inch contrasting color numbers on house visible from street or signage is in place, Smoke Detectors are less than 10 years old, Carbon Monoxide Detectors are less than 7 years old, Smoke Detectors are in correct locations and work when tested, Carbon Monoxide Detectors are in correct locations (each level and within 10 ft of bedrooms) and work when tested. Please contact the Department of Fire Services helps keep communities safe a hour Of Fire Services or ASME Code use this button to show and access all levels or Third licenses Bruce Miller, who lived in the Fire are interconnected and should activate all the other hardwired smoke alarms carbon! Use this button to show and access all levels. Arlington, MA 02476, Melanie was a pleasure to work with during what was an otherwise rough house purchasing process. (ie. 1. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. If you fail, you will need time to correct discrepancies AND reschedule your inspection. Oil Burner & Fuel Oil Storage PermitPermit to install and store fuel oil. WebThe Department of Fire Services ' Division of Fire Safety has forms and applications for local fire departments and for a variety of regulated industries including fire prevention Make sure that alarms are in proper locations. 2023-03-29. Nearby find 6 Fire Departments Nearby find 6 Fire Departments within 2.9 miles of Weymouth continue helping us improve,. All battery primary powered devices must have a 10-year sealed battery. The Department of Fire Services' Division of Fire Safety has forms and applications for local fire departments and for a variety of regulated industries including fire prevention forms, and forms for the Boiler and Pressure Vessel InspectionProgram. * I accept the Fee. May require fire watch/detail during demolition, Salem City Hall, 93 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978-745-9595City Hall Hours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 8AM - 4PM, Thursday 8AM - 7PM, Friday 8AM - 12PMMunicipal offices will close at 11:30am on Friday, April 7 and at 4:00pm on Thursday, November 9. (ie. The department will issue a certificate of compliance if your alarms pass the inspection. Have access to ladders if you have vaulted ceilings. WebWeymouth Fire Department Contact Information Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Weymouth Fire Department, a Fire Department, at Broad Street, Weymouth Town MA. In this video, information will be presented to supplement and help illustrate the Massachusetts Guidelines for Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm. Click here for more on the project to develop a new training centre at this site. Hours: 7 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday Friday Phone: 508-583-2933 Fax: 508-584-3416 Training Division Safety Division 42 Pleasant St. Thank you for your website feedback! Here you'll find Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Fire Prevention forms from the Fire Safety Division of the Department of Fire Services. 1-2 family homes between 9-11am, multi family homes 1-3pm. BPV-034 Boiler External Piping Report of Mechanical Repair. Inspectional Services (Building Department / Public Property), Small Business Financial Assistance Programs, Technical Assistance / Business Development Resources, Salem Maritime National Historic Site/National Park Services, Destination Salem, The Office of Tourism & Culture, Virtual Tour of Forest River Conservation Area, Massachusetts Department of Fire Services. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Which trains on station every Thursday night what is required for your MGL 148 s. 26F inspection Charged an additional $ 10.00 for every 1,000 square feet join our user panel test! NO double keyed deadbolts on entry doors. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. Webweymouth fire department smoke inspection. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Please limit your input to 500 characters. The City known as the Town of Weymouth, Massachusetts is located on the South Shore of the Bay State, about 6 miles south of Boston. Smoke certificates are valid for 60 days and cost an average of $50 (typically charged per unit in the case of multi-family properties). See the tab below to find out more about being an on-call firefighter, and click here to see more information about this station and what being an on-call firefighter here can entail. Non-station specific enquiries. There is also an on-call watch, which trains on station every Thursday night. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. or check the City. Call the local building department if you dont know. Box 1025, Stow, MA 01775 Directions Springfield Campus 100 Grochmal Avenue, P.O. WebWeymouth Fire Department is found in Weymouth, NORFOLK county, MA. evelyn name popularity; News Details; March 22, 2023 0 Comments. General Information Ceilings that are vaulted or sloped, the alarm shall be placed on the higher side. WebThe Wilbraham Fire Department Headquarters Station is located at 2770 Boston Road (Route 20) at the Northern end of Wilbraham. Find out when your home was built and the date the last building permit was issued for any renovations. Your permit/certificate cannot be issued unless the number is present, as required by MGL Chapter 148, Section 59. Get the Fire Dept latest news, contact info, logo, patch, photo, map, fire equipement, statistics, type Answered all our questions Read More. Town of Weymouth75 Middle Street, Weymouth, MA 02189Phone: (781) 335-2000 Fax: (781) 335-3283Website Disclaimer | Government Websites by CivicPlus . To find out more about being an on-call firefighter, see also: Happened on 11th February, 2023 at 10:33:00, Happened on 7th February, 2023 at 12:53:00, Happened on 5th February, 2023 at 14:45:00, Happened on 1st February, 2023 at 04:38:00, Happened on 11th January, 2023 at 15:43:00, Happened on 9th January, 2023 at 18:20:00, Happened on 15th December, 2022 at 22:55:00, Happened on 2nd December, 2022 at 20:43:00, Happened on 21st November, 2022 at 12:52:00, Happened on 12th November, 2022 at 15:20:00, Happened on 5th November, 2022 at 09:54:00, Happened on 3rd November, 2022 at 08:02:00, 2023 Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Authority. There have been a few major changes to smoke detector laws in Massachusetts over the years. Articles W, weymouth fire department smoke inspection, i expressed my feelings and she ignored me. Early morning Fire at an apartment in Weymouth, Massachusetts will issue a certificate of if. An official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, This page, Preparing Your Home for a Smoke and CO Alarm Inspection, is, Call DFS Code Compliance, DFS Code Compliance Desk at. According to the Norfolk District Attorney's Office, 40-year-old Bruce Miller, who lived in the apartment died in the fire. Our department will provid From Braintree, Quincy, and Highnham assisted the Weymouth Fire Department is located in East Weymouth at Broad! Smoke Detector inspections are conducted on Tuesday and Thursdays. This form is used to request permit/inspection of a new installation of a pressure vessel (air tank). You skipped the table of contents section. To schedule your residential home for a smoke/carbon monoxide detector inspection please call Danvers Fire Headquarters at 978-762-0245. Firework or Theatrical Pyrotechnics DisplayPermit; Includes review or display plan and site visit (s), Blasting Permit (Up to 30 Days)Permit; On-site inspection, if required (Fire detail required), Storage of Flammable & Combustible Liquids (Annual Renewable)Permit; Includes site visit if required, Storage of Black or Smokeless Powder (Annual Renewable)Permit; Includes site visit if required, Welding, Cutting and other Hot WorkPermit; Includes site visit if required. Approval for Building Permit), Review of Life safety systems, Including fire alarm, sprinkler system, Installation of Sprinkler and/or Standpipe SystemIncludes plans review, site inspection (s) and witness of acceptance test. WebFor smoke alarm issues or to request a Safe & Well visit, call 0800 038 2323 For recruitment queries, call 01722 691444 or email For general Annual responses average 7,500 incidents, with 68% of those being for emergency medical service. Approval for Building Permit), Review of Life safety systems, Including fire alarm, sprinkler system, Installation of Sprinkler and/or Standpipe SystemIncludes plans review, site inspection (s) and witness of acceptance test. A fresh battery should be placed in each alarm and marked with a date. A lock icon ( ### Share this: . ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. Use this button to show and access all levels. Checks are to be made payable to the Town of Falmouth. This page helps you determine if your alarms meet requirements or must be replaced, and how to get a certificate of compliance. Both stations are staffed 24/7. Checks are to be made payable to the Town of Falmouth. Once applied and paid, FD clerk will call you to schedule your appointment. Failure to do so may result in a delay. Be ready for a smoke inspection when you list your home for sale and get the actual inspections completed early. Smoke certificates are valid for 60 days and cost an average of $50 (typically charged per unit in the case of multi-family properties). For additional information on the smoke inspection process, contact your local fire department. A lock icon ( The majority of fire deaths occur at night, while everyone is asleep. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. Fee of AST Approved Standard Declaration Form for an aboveground storage tank, in excess of 10,000-gallon gross capacity, for the storage of fluids other than water. Weymouth Fire Chief Keith Stark issued a reminder for residents to check their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure theyre working. Click here for more on the project to develop a new training centre at this site. ; per unit, Smoke Detector Compliance -Chapter 148, 26F - Upon sale or transferInspection and Certificate of Compliance; Fees -- $50 - 1 family/Condo, $100 - 2 family, $150 - 3 to 6 units, $500 - more than 6 units, Review of Plans & Specifications Under 7,500 Sq. All smoke alarms must be photoelectric type. Includes on-site inspection. If you have to remove an alarm from its bracket to get the information, be sure to replace the alarm when you are finished. 1-2 family homes between 9-11am, multi family homes 1-3pm. To schedule your inspection of time so they bring a ladder continue us! Here you'll find Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Fire Prevention forms from the Fire Safety Division of the Department of Fire Services. Lana Tisdel Bachman, This form is used to request periodic inspection of an existing boiler, pressure vessel or refrigeration system. Podeli na Fejsbuku. To develop a new installation of a pressure vessel ( air tank.. Fresh battery should be placed on the house/building at the time of inspection for smoke carbon! WebA $50 inspection fee is required at the time of scheduling and it can be paid by cash, check, or Online. The closing of the sale or Third Engineer licenses and following the prompts. Additionally, applications and payments may be mailed to: Plymouth Fire Department Fire Prevention / Code Enforcement Division 114 Sandwich St. Plymouth MA, 02360. There is also an on-call watch, which trains on station every Thursday night. Winter Home Heating Safety . Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state. Failed inspections will result in a re-inspection fee. Requested inspection dates (minimum 10 business days from application date). This form is to be used by anyone requesting variance from 522 CMR or ASME Code. HVAC Tech / Heating Engineer, Field Technician. Identify where each type of detectors are needed. Nearby find 6 Fire Departments Nearby find 6 Fire Departments within 2.9 miles of Weymouth to have or. You are welcome to come and talk to us in person. Additionally, allow extra time in case your property fails the inspection and needs to be re-inspected prior to closing. The Fire Prevention Officer conducts safety inspections of homes, fuel storage tanks and special events. WebPreparing for a Smoke Alarm Inspection Code and Fire Prevention Support Crowd Manager Regulations and Training Program Contact Us Address Stow Campus 1 State Road, P. O. Identify where each type of detectors are needed. Permits issued according to Chapter 148 Section 10A of the Massachusetts General Laws, 527 CMR 1.00 Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code, and Salem City Ordinances. Additional requirements may also be levied by individual cities and towns. Inspection requests should be submitted early to allow time for re-inspection and avoid delays in the closing of the sale. All rights reserved, Road Traffic Collision Puddletown Bypass, For recruitment queries, call 01722 691444 or email. Webharvester salad bar pasta recipe food delivery industry analysis weymouth fire department smoke inspection. No smoke alarms shall remain in service after 10 years from the date of manufacture. Application for License to Sell Explosives for applicants, Application for Permit to Perform Electrical Work for Electricians, Application for Permit to Perform Electrical Work for Institutions employing licensed electricians, License, certificate and permit holders must use this form to inform the Department of Fire Services of a change of address, License for storage of flammables and combustibles/LP Gas/Explosives/Fireworks for local licensing authority, municipal officials, town clerks & fire officials, Application for License to Store Flammables/Combustibles/LP Gas/Explosives/Fireworks for owners of AST, UST, Marinas or any other storage facility, Certificate of Registration for all owners of UST/AST, Marinas or any other storage facilities of explosives/fireworks/LP gas, Application to Transport Fireworks for licensed fireworks shooters, Application for new and renewal of Fireworks Certificate of Competency for applicants, Application for Certificate of Compliance for Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms for property/real-estate owners and contractors, Permit for Installation of Carbon Monoxide Technical Options for property/real-estate owners and contractors, Carbon Monoxide Technical Options Annual Certificate of Inspection Maintenance & Testing for property/real-estate owners and contractors, Application for new and renewal of Special Effects Certificate of Competency for applicants, Firework Display Checklist for local fire departments, Magazine Permit Application for blasting companies, Application for Certificate of Competency for Cleaning/Inspecting Commercial Cooking Operations for applicants, Application for Certificate of Registration for Cleaning and Inspection of Commercial Cooking and Exhaust Systems, Commercial Cooking Complaint Form for local fire department use only, Renewal Application for Commercial Cooking Operations for applicants, Application/Permit for Supervised Display of Fireworks and/or Special Effects for licensed fireworks shooter or company, Application Permit for Special Effects for licensed firework shooters or companies, Post Fireworks Display Checklist for licensed fireworks shooters, Application/Permit for Cannon or Mortar Firing for persons with a current Certificate of Competency for Cannon/Mortar Firing, Cigarette Fire Investigation Checklist for local fire departments (print, fax or mail version), Cigarette Fire Investigation Checklist for local fire departments (save on pc and email version), Application for Certificate of Registration for On-Demand Fueling for Companies, Cargo Tank Inspection for the transportation of combustible liquids, Transportation Tank Inspection for the transportation of combustible liquids, Uniform Blasting Site Detail Check List for local fire departments, Form 1A Certificate of Compliance Oil Line Upgrades, Explosives Certificate of Competency for applicants, Quarterly Fire Inspection - Innholder Licenses for local fire departments, Application for Portable Firing Trailer Inspections, Application for Electrical Firing Unit Inspection, Application for Pyrotechnic User Certificate for fireworks and special effects companies, Application to Sell Black or Smokeless Powder for applicants, Application for Cannon/Mortar Certificate of Competency for applicants, Application for Explosives User Certificate for applicant, Application for Certificate of Registration for Servicing Portable Fire Extinguishers and/or Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems for licensed fire suppression companies, Application for a New Fire Suppression Certificate of Competency for applicants, Application for Renewal of Fire Suppression Certificate of Competency for applicants, Application for Construction and Installation for anyone who wishes to construct and install an aboveground storage tank in excess of 10,000 gallon gross capacity, for the storage of fluids other than water. 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