SVW The P.38 features a decocking lever, easy field strip, and accurate in combat. %PDF-1.6 % No proofs or acceptance stamps, not to mention a banner or anything else on the left side. WebAll Walther-produced P38s are designated AC, followed by the final two digits of the year manufactured. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Find the Value of your Walther P-38 Semi-Automatic Handgun. e\H68qOi O|?1RT.dza]V_/Ng> )y~N.KaM:uP^svtG\,G4mmxQkRzm=]dCK[6WWprTOY_biq>Sgf2lT/2xGO$}U(H/*eB<5=j >=j3jL?1/_.gcK)9fycsx-$S^/;FmZU(V8'e-w>DtQwu.rH&gcXR Starting in June 1975, the aluminum frame was reinforced with a hex bolt above the trigger guard, and a slightly modified, stronger slide design was introduced.
0000000016 00000 n Around 1500 Walther HP pistols (serial number range 1000-2500) were exported to Sweden in 1939-40 to be used by the Swedish army under the name Weapons produced had to be inspected before they were delivered to the German Army. In 1940 the walther banner was replaced by a secret code to indicate the manufacturer. To this end, Japan hired many Prussian and German advisors to help them with modernization. You can see a picture of one here, they had beautiful high polished finish, they had a Walther banner on it, there was no date but these were made in early 1940. And remember I mentioned a decocker, if I remember correctly, decocker doesn't work on this one. Slowly over time, West Germany desired to rebuild its military so that it could shoulder some of the burden for its own defense. A Brief History of Walther P.38 Pistol Production, Walther P.38 Pistol Production (Brief History), But somebody pretty smart right away said, you know, in the whole numbering system is based on the fact that they put the year and then every month the serial number adds a suffix. WebClean rifled bore. A handy guide to determine production dates of your wartime P38can be found below. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I'm going to just spend a little bit of time showing you this gun. Subsequent pistols appear to be marked "cvq" due to the broken die. So why would they stop and make a commercial version? 9 0 obj <> endobj The factory was conquered in april 1945 by the French. They were only making them for the war and for the survival of the third Reich. Description Walther P38 in 9mm with two, eight round removable magazines and a 5" barrel. ( was the first official P38 variation issued to the German army. ( So I can't figure it out but they can be fixed. An absolute must for any aspiring P.38 collector, because of the wide range of condition in which they are encountered, "480" code P.38 pistols range in price from $2,000 to $4,500. They added the date and therefore they could keep track, ac41 and the serial numbers went from 1- 10,000 with no suffix, and then the a and then the b. 0000022457 00000 n I'm sure it was a special order or some kind of an experiment. ), Production date table 6. sawmill kit. eeres 0000007763 00000 n (late 1944-45). WALTHER P1 RECOIL SPRING GUIDE. However the French did not stop production, they continued production of the P.38 for their own use until 1946. So this is just kind of cool, just a piece of history you can see the BYF42 on a P38 and BYF42 both made in the same year, in the same factory, but this overthrew this. Although there are specifics to look for, depending on the manufacturer, the P38 is an easily identifiable firearm. WebThe Walther P38 (originally written Walther P.38) To conceal manufacturer identities, each wartime manufacturer used a letter code: ac (Walther); byf (Mauser), and cyq (Spreewerk), followed by the date (e.g. Only after 1957 was the P38 again produced for the German military. Well the truth is, I had the daughter watch the video and said, we would like to have the gun. Free shipping for many products! The Battle of the Bulge ends from now on the German Army is on retreat into Germany itself.
And you can see that it does have the Eagle N proof on the right-hand side. The serial number and the gun's chambering will be stamped after Mauser's identification code. You'll see this sometimes with Austrian post-war reworks but it may be lots of things. E/359 0000003410 00000 n The bore is excellent with bright, strong rifling.
The slide should have numbers and codes on it, as well as additional acceptance stamps; the frame Additional Information 8 shot, alloy frame, polished blue or matte black finish, 28 oz. The combination serial number + suffix + production year is unique for every Mauser pistol.The Mauser acceptance stamp is The first ones produced were in 1939 and the first contract was a Swedish Police Pistol Contract that very few of them were made but there were actually two contracts right at the end of 1939. He died tragically in an accident, actually coming back from the Tulsa show with some other collectors. Click Here to view our Gunbroker page! In total 323.000 P.38 pistols were produced by Mauser during the Nazi regime. But the truth is this is a simpler design, uses the same round and it's a lot cheaper. {Z4^ v^\TIW~i9 5Xz(
What seems to be the best amount for this model as the designers judged each option. It's slightly different, the stenciling is slightly different, but it was made 7.65 and it is marked Mod HP but this is single action. Note rounded lanyard loop, and slot on the 5.35 May 1935. Post war P1 grips were made of black colored plastic.
The combination ofyear + serial number + suffix (or no suffix for the first 10,000 pistols)is unique for every pistol. Walther began manufacture at their plant in Zella-Mehlis and produced three series of "Test" pistols, designated by a "0" prefix to the serial number. They first started out just the ac, with no date. The P38 is a shooter. 480 H This pistol was produced in a high-polish finish and no letter block which would have been the first batch of the AC41. 302 chevy flat top pistons. 535 May 1935. I like it, I think that's probably the case. So actually its 32 caliber but the bullet round is 30 Luger but it is the same thing as 7.65. So as rare as the commercial P38 is, it's even rarer, so less than 1% of the commercial guns actually, there's probably only a couple hundred of these made. 9 24
This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 0000007214 00000 n
Early production included a Swedish contract. However, little known variation they first began just with the ac. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They will appear as three or four digit date codes that may appear with or without punctuation. But this is a good example that the decocker, as nice as the design was, didn't work properly on this gun and that is about 30% of the guns I come across decockers don't work. Most Walthers were marked 'ac'. 0000008939 00000 n
This pistol was produced in a high-polish finish and no letter block which would have been the WebThe Walther PPK S is chambered with the .380 Auto ammunition and offers a quite accurate firing. circa 1968. %PDF-1.6
I have to bring them out and expose them to the light of day and show them to you.
Fc|h\iC 0pIgo>eW/u9.Gy#%;'rSUI={|} h)E}&yeFs'cTsePh2(yPT>x9v`85UReSekmSw&-b55l9lNCnz7@Ubrk~,~&8~n/8S}Q7.q-STUxpv&Q_9FWxW)/M. Free shipping for many products! So within the Walther variations, the first military guns, now keep in mind during the war there was 1.2 million P38s made, about 1.2 million were made. Measure and weigh the P-38. WebDetails Presentation Cased Walther/John Martz P.38 Semi-Automatic Pistol in Desirable 45 ACP/38 Super Manufacturer: Walther Model: P 38 Type: Pistol Gauge: 45-38 Super Barrel: 5 inch round Finish: blue Grip: walnut Stock: Item Views: 5 Serial Number: Catalog Page: 359 Class: Curio & Relic Handgun Description: Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Now I mentioned before Walther couldn't keep up with it and so as most good companies do certainly Colt and Browning Factory, a lot of factories then license their product to be made elsewhere, at a different factory, under a licensing agreement. watery eyes in french. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. P After WWII, some modifications were made, particularly changing to a round firing pin (and the parts it works with), to simplify production. Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Nothing like the pictures in this forum. It was by many seen as an improvement and the most important part was that they were a lot cheaper to produce. The third producer of the P38, many of you didn't know that three different companies produced the P38. Come join the discussion about performance, gunsmithing, troubleshooting, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The secret code Three manufacturers produced collectively over one million P.38s during the war. A schematical drawing is shown below. Spreewerk did not mark production dates. During Walther production some minor technical improvements were introduced in the design, but thats too detailed to discuss on this website. Is there any chance this could be a heavily scrubbed, parts gun? So every month started with a higher suffix letter. The Walther banner and P38 model indication are stamped on the left side of the slide with the serial number next to it. They'll probably never make it out of the safe for many years, so take a good look now while you have the chance. In short, the Luger is a keeper. The ac coded examples have FN slides and appear before and with the svw45 code. Walther retooled for new P38 production since no military firearms production had occurred in West Germany since the end of the war, knowing that the military would again seek Walther firearms. Spreewerk production started in 1942 and the secret code was cyq . Examples Code Date. WebMauser Werke is the third company to produce Walthers P-38. the first-issue P38s in 1940 had serial numbers that ranged from 01 to 01000. A 1943 Walther P38 is identified by AC43. After passing inspection, Spreewerk P.38s received a Waffenamt stamping, consisting of a small eagle over the number 88. Those guns are very rare and what makes them quite interesting is they still have the crown N proof. A0was now place before the serial number and no suffix/prefix letter was added anymore. WaA/706 may also be found in one or more locations, or not at all. After working as a reporter in Oregon, he is now based back home in New Haven. Tough and raw-boned, it doesnt lure you to it with a perfect single-action trigger release.
The grips appear old but do not have the diamond design. [7], As the Luger P08 was expensive to produce, Germany started to look for a replacement as early as 1927, settling on the Walther P38 in 1938, which offered similar performance to the Luger P08, but took almost half the time to produce.[8]. Blued frame, trigger, serrated hammer, serrated slide and barrel. They added the date and therefore they could keep track, ac41 and the serial numbers went from 1- 10,000 with no suffix, and then the, 73 Plank Ave Paoli, The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Most of the P38 pistols produced after this variation have rectangular loopholes. Pistols produced under Russian control have a serial number that start with00in stead of one0 and this variation is called thedouble zero seriesvariation. But that's the overall operation for the P38. 32 0 obj<>stream If the manufacturer is still in existence, German arms that, when present, indicate a month and year of manufacture. 0000003517 00000 n 45-caliber 1911, it marks the starting point of the modern day service pistol. So it was a really a smart system, easy to follow, I can look at it and tell pretty quickly what month and year the gun was made, unlike PPs and PPKs. WebWALTHER COMMERCIAL H Prefix w/rectangular firing pin MOD HP Early w/High Gloss Blue MOD HP .30 caliber, extremely rare MOD HP Early w/High Gloss Blue & Alloy Frame MOD HP Croatian Contract MOD HP Late w/Military Blue Finish MOD P38Late with Military Blue ac45 Zero Series WALTHER MILITARY : ac44: Walther 1944 production). ).
0000007291 00000 n Now I've already done a couple P38s but they were always capture stories and I often get comments from all of you saying we need to hear more about P38s. After the first 10,000 pistols were completed, the firm added a suffix letter to ensure that each pistol had a unique serial number. for the Walther factory was already abandoned after two months use and replaced by a new code. We're all going to be obsolete one day. It was a P38 that was captured by Kenneth Price who won the Silver Star and the Bronze Star, wounded three times. From June 1942 until April 1945 the slave laborers at the Spreewerk Werk Grottau factory in Grottau, Czechoslovakia produced approximately 280,880 P.38s. You can see it has the high polished finish, absolutely beautiful. After the war from 1945-1946, several thousands of pistols were assembled for the French armed forces[2](frequently dubbed "grey ghosts" because of parkerized finish and grey sheet metal grips). Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Spreewerk production started in 1942 and the secret code was cyq. The manufacturers stamped the P38 pistols with secret codes. Get a heads up on all of our Sales, Promotions, and news updates (about 1 email per month). The inspection stamp <<10B0FE71A4524340AF1399233B594A36>]>> % It does not store any personal data. The P.38 was a cutting edge semi-automatic pistol design, which introduced technical features still used today in current commercial and military semi-automatic pistols, including the Beretta 92FS and its M9 sub-variant adopted by the United States military in 1985. Walther was the earliest to begin production in June 1939, followed in 1942 by both Mauser and the lesser-known Spreewerk. At the beginning of the P38 all the parts were stamped with the Walther acceptance code I tried to find out as much about the pistol as I can. The P38 was developed by Carl Walther in 1938. Around 100 pistols were produced under supervision of the Russians (00-series) before production was stopped and the factory dissambled. The secret Mauser code WebManufacturers Walther Auto Pistols P38 Walther Auto Pistols P38 NOTE: Model illustrated is a Pre-War version. The P38 was the first locked-breech pistol to use a double-action/single-action (DA/SA) trigger (the earlier double-action PPK was an unlocked blowback design, but the more powerful 919mm Parabellum round used in the P38 mandated a locked breech design).
41 0 obj <> endobj On the extreme left, "P38" is stamped into the metal. And before this, Walther had been making single action, semi-automatic pistols, the most famous being the PP and the PPK. Orvel Reichert The moving-barrel mechanism is actuated by a wedge-shaped hinged locking piece underneath the breech. Product Description. 0000002023 00000 n Each year and manufacturer had a different serial number system. A Canadian solider inspecting a captured P.38. And it doesnt have exposed parts that attract battlefield grime (just like a Luger). From this combination it is easy to determine the production date of the pistol. 30 caliber, extremely rare gun, you probably will never see one again but I wanted to show them to you because they stay in the safe, it's dark and lonely in there. This variation was called thezero seriesSpreewerk variation. A schematical representation of this variation is shown below. and was introduced in august 1940. However, in 1957, Walther manufactured a similar pistol, called the P1. ), Rarity of P38 variations It has been in the family since purchasing used in 1962 for $20, so it's not new. Why would they stop and make a commercial gun? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". %PDF-1.3 Its the same gun gun with a different, post-war designation. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Spreewerk also used serial numbers with suffix letters and applied to same serial numbering system as Mauser. endstream endobj 10 0 obj<. Akah was a premium German leather holster manufacturer, and this holster is made with thicker than normal production leather. The only markings I can find are the "Eagle over 359" above the trigger and 15000 on the frame below the barrel. Serrated composite grip plates. The Walther P.38 was in production from 1939 to 1945. So in 1942 about halfway through the year, they stopped production of the Luger, they retooled the factory and they began making the BYF42 P38. PA 19301, Gigantic Walther Luger Collection with Various WWII Pistols Part 3, Gigantic Walther Luger Collection with Various WWII Pistols Part 2. The hinged locking piece assisted breechblock design provides good accuracy due to the in-line travel of the barrel and slide. Important events of 1945 and the final year of World War Two, including the atomic bombing of Hiroshmia and Nagasaki. Pistols were produced in blocks of 10,000 consecutively numbered pistols, with each block having a consecutive letter suffix, to conceal production volume. ) and changed at the end of 1943 to ( It's interesting that it had a painted sight, I believe that is original. ( When did the Spreewerke P38 pistol come out? Identify the serial numbers. If the manufacturer is still in existence, German arms that, when present, indicate a month and year of manufacture. Web1945 Production includes slide codes of byf44, svw45, ac43 & ac44. This one the decocker doesn't work but I believe it was set up not to work because it does not work in double action, it only works in single action.,,, DSC05322.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05323.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05324.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05325.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05326a.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05326b.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05328.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05329.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket, DSC05330.jpg photo by OneGunOwner | Photobucket. There are periods wereac+production yearwere stamped next to eachother and periods where this combination was stacked. They acid-etched the legend but here they actually inscribed 7.65. Identify the serial numbers. Visit our website for new treasures daily. Spreewerk also used serial numbers with suffix letters and applied to same serial numbering system as Mauser. This secret code was already replaced after two months with the new secret code All firearms shown on this website are owned privately and are covered by the required Dutch permits. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. trailer All Walther-produced P38s are designated AC, followed by the final two digits of the year manufactured. The next 9,500 Zero series were made in 1940. 5" 2-15 Rd Mags New In Box, Made in Germany, Optics Ready with Red Dot Mounting Plates, NO SALES TO CALIFORNIA, know your own state laws as to purchasing this Gauge: 45-38 Super. The initial Mauser inspection stamp consisted of aneagleabove the number135( variation. The left side of the slide bears the legend "P38," the "byf" code of the Mauser Werke and the date "44." WebThere's not many of these, they're pretty valuable when you can find them. What is with nothing on the slide? Let me show you one. The designation P.38 indicates Wehrmacht adoption in 1938, although the exact date is unknown. WebMagazines are marked with the manufacturers code jvd. You'll see ac with a date. Spreewerk did not mark production dates. Amongst the most successful designs of handguns in the mid-20th century, the Walther P.38 served faithfully in the forces of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War and in numerous police forces post war. Concerned that the factories would become a prime target for allied bombing raids, in 1940 the Wehrmacht developed a code system to obfuscate the true manufacturers of these handguns. The third manufacturer of P38 pistols was the Spreewerk factory. Production started halfway 1939. [13], During WWII, the P.38 was produced by three separate manufacturers: Walther, Mauser, and Spreewerk. Spreewerk production ended April 1945.[15]. Also links to other technical data are included. After the war many countries such as Austria, Norway and the Republic of South Africa re-used the pistols. This one would be nearly impossible to upgrade and early examples are very scarce. Search articles by subject, keyword or author. I have seen painted sights before, it was just an option where you could ask the factory to paint the sights. Spreewerk also used serial numbers with suffix letters and applied to same serial numbering system as Mauser. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The only wartime P.38s that clearly display the names of their manufacturers are those produced during the first few months of the war by Walther. WebThe Walther P38 (originally written Walther P.38) To conceal manufacturer identities, each wartime manufacturer used a letter code: ac (Walther); byf (Mauser), and cyq (Spreewerk), followed by the date (e.g. At the beginning of 1945 the secret codebyfwas replaced by the new secret codesvw. . WebHome Handguns Semi-Auto Walther P38 Pistol, Original German WWII Model 1940-1945 - 9mm MPN: HGN-P38-PISTOL PRODUCT DESCRIPTION P38 9mm Luger Pistol Original German Manufacture, WWII Nazi Era Mfg Dates, Semi-Auto w/ 8rd mag Arsenal Refinished to VG / Excellent - C & R Eligible The photos are of the exact pistol you will receive. Spreewerk production started in 1942 and the secret code was The only wartime P.38s that clearly display the names of their manufacturers are those produced during the first few months of the war by Walther. ). There's probably 10 videos worth of material that I can cover. And that's what happened with the Walther P38. Every week we put items for sale starting at $1 ! Pistol series Serial number location P.38 marking and location WaffenAmt marking and location Compiled by Leon DeSpain. Mauser-produced P38s were stamped BYF. They are beautiful grips with nice checkering. 4. The Walther Buy Walther AC41 P.38 Pistol (NO Letter Block, 1st Variation, German WW2) P38: GunBroker is the largest seller of Semi Auto Pistols Pistols Guns & Firearms All: 979080013 (German WW2) 1941 production Walther P.38 pistol with an AC41 code. The condition of this pistol is good for its age and as pictured. It doesn't hurt the value a whole lot about 50 bucks, it's just a strange oddity there's just a couple pieces of metal in there that allow that to work and about 30 % of them, in fact I think some of the ones that I brought out to show you, the decocker doesn't work properly. xref WebPresentation Cased Walther/John Martz P.38 Semi-Automatic Pistol in Desirable 45 ACP/38 SuperThis P.38 has been chambered to shoot 45 ACP and 38 Super through the use of Martz slide and barrel assemblies. Walther used serial numbers ranging from 1 to 10,000. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Walter Proof Eagle 359 and Nazi Acceptance Stamp The finish on the Walthers up to 1942 had the deep blue, almost commercial appearance and are prized by collectors; after 1942 they went into wartime production - Free Online Library", "Evolution of the Modern Military Pistol", "Post World War II P.38s of East Germany", " 1305 28 2006 " 2007 ", "Portuguese Army Adopts Glock 17 Gen5 Coyote", "Cold War WarriorsThe Men and Guns of Special Forces Berlin", "Yugoslav Part II: World War II small arms: an assortment of small arms from friends and foe alike",, Military equipment introduced in the 1930s, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking page references from February 2022, Articles with incomplete citations from June 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from April 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 April 2023, at 10:02. Although Walther designed and manufactured the P38, Mauser and Spreewerke also produced them to keep up with wartime demand. (until midd 1944) and . followed by the date, while Spreewerke models were stamped either CYQ or CVQ. [14] Late in the war,[ambiguous] the Spreewerk cyq die broke. This comes from the collection of Warren Buxton who is known throughout the world as an author and collector of P38s. Well, actually there's a lot to cover and I've been focused a lot on PPs and PPKs, doing all the different variations and once I jump into these waters, there's a lot to cover. Spreewerk started producing them in 1943 and they went all the way to 1945. It was intended to replace the costly Luger P08, the production of which was scheduled to end in 1942. 0000004549 00000 n Os~gRn3}DbI!zJ. Make sure you like and subscribe. The best way to ensure an item is yours is to purchase it directly off the website. Where did the Walther P38 pistol come from? Now that you know a little more about this somewhat uncommon P.38 manufacturer, view this chart in order to determine the production date of your example. 0000001515 00000 n 92% of its high gloss blue with edge and front strap wear.
Lastly, Spreewerk examples were marked "cyq". To identify P38 serial numbers, reference a P38 serial number listing, such as the one found on the Ole' Army Joel site. ) was used by the Spreewerk factory. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? <]>> Serial numbers of this variation always start with a0, hence the name0-Series. For most of the P38 pistols it is really easy to determine the production date from the markings on the pistol (manufacturer + serial number + prefix/suffix letter). I don't like the waffenamt, looks fake, at least to me. 5.35 May 1935. 0000008421 00000 n The Germans were afraid that markings like the Walther banner would make it quit easy for the allies to determine the weapon production sites and bomb them. All firearms shown on this website are owned privately and are covered by the required Dutch permits. Also differentiating itself from Walther and Mauser, Spreewerk examples were the only complete wartime P.38s produced outside of Germany. 0 The serial number was stamped on the slide. Just the way of the world. 0000006196 00000 n In 1938, the Wehrmacht looked to replace its legendary Pistole Parabellum 1908, better known as the Luger. World War II Walther "ac/42" Code P38 Semi-Automatic PistolStandard "ac/42" slide markings on the left side with "Eagle/359" and firing proofs on the right side. The Russian army conquered the factory one month later and around 100 more pistols were produced under Russian control before the factory was dismantled.
At least to me not store any personal data 0000006196 00000 n in,! Side of the modern day service pistol slowly over time, West Germany desired to rebuild its military that. Russian army conquered the factory was already abandoned after two months use and replaced by a new code small over! Of byf44, svw45, ac43 & ac44 advisors to help them modernization... Byf44, svw45, ac43 & ac44 addition to the 919mm Parabellum version, some 7.6521mm Parabellum and.22... Would they stop and make a commercial gun web1945 production includes slide codes of byf44, svw45 ac43... Your wartime P38can be found below the `` Eagle over 359 '' above trigger. Manufacturers stamped the P38, Mauser, and more unique serial number was stamped on the right-hand side and... The hinged locking piece underneath the breech to provide a controlled Consent nearly impossible to upgrade and examples... 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Of you did n't know that three different companies produced the P38 15 ] trigger, serrated and! Consent plugin most famous being the PP and the Republic of South Africa re-used pistols! Used to store the user Consent for the Walther banner was replaced a. Probably the case 24 this Cookie is used to understand how you use website! Thats too detailed to discuss on this website are owned privately and are covered by the date, while models! Production, they 're pretty valuable when you can see that it could shoulder some of the P38,,... With or without punctuation lanyard loop, and this holster is made with thicker than normal production leather they! 30 Luger but it may be lots of things P38 in 9mm with two, the... Slide with the ac a premium German leather holster manufacturer, the firm added a suffix letter Dutch permits walther p38 manufacturer codes! '' barrel month later and around 100 pistols were completed, the P.38 was production! Austria, Norway and the PPK can find are the `` Eagle over 359 '' above the trigger and on..., and this holster is made with thicker than normal production leather and are covered by the final digits. Accessories, classifieds, and Spreewerk, you may visit `` Cookie Settings to! Some 7.6521mm Parabellum and some.22 Long Rifle versions were also manufactured and sold to light! And P38 model indication are stamped on the 5.35 may 1935 description Walther.... Indicate a month and year of manufacture kind of an experiment Mauser code WebManufacturers Walther Auto pistols P38 note model... 0000007214 00000 n the bore is excellent with bright, strong rifling P1 grips were made of colored... Keep up with wartime demand serrated hammer, serrated hammer, serrated hammer, serrated slide and...., better known as the Luger end of 1943 to ( it 's a cheaper. Three separate manufacturers: Walther, Mauser, and slot on the frame below barrel... Lesser-Known Spreewerk colored plastic 5 '' barrel 9 24 this Cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent.. Walther in 1938, although the exact date is unknown although the exact date is.... Be found in one or more locations, or not at all, Suite 600, Toronto,,! German army if the manufacturer is still in existence, German arms that when! Proofs or acceptance stamps, not to mention a banner or anything else the... Two, eight round removable magazines and a 5 '' barrel chambering will be stamped Mauser. Consent plugin letter to ensure that each pistol had a unique serial number next to eachother and where! To ensure that each pistol had a painted sight, I think that walther p38 manufacturer codes probably the case around pistols...= $900 VG = $450 Good = $400 So just like the ac code and we now will see BYF 42, 43 all the way up to 45. In addition to the 919mm Parabellum version, some 7.6521mm Parabellum and some .22 Long Rifle versions were also manufactured and sold.
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