If an ending doesnt occur, then there will be something that is revealed that will cause the relationship to be broken down and viewed in a new light.
They keep you in your comfort zone, never encouraging you to push yourself toward reaching new goals. You desperately want something new and exciting to appear, but the universe doesnt seem willing, and neither are you utilizing your agency to free yourself from whatever is draining you. It may even be a place that you are being urged to move out of or release.

The outcome may turn out very differently, but not necessarily any worse or better. Two people leap from the windows, headfirst. and how other Major arcana cards are interpreted-all this can be learnt by tarot experts or guides. This card is about readying the internal to prepare for the external. They aim to limit you in the number of opportunities you receive or accept. They are willing to go neither forward nor backward. Step out of relationships, romantic or platonic, that you will no longer grow in. WebReversed The Tower as Feelings. Reconciliation is a challenging proposition now that Pandoras box has been unlocked.

This change usually is scary, life changing and often unavoidable. After the storm has passed, questions arise. If you have landed on the Two of Swords reversed in a reading, it is likely that you are dealing with a difficult decision or feel stuck between two conflicting ideas. Appropriately, being the god of war, Mars is associated with destruction, conflict, and aggression. WebAs Feelings If you ask how someone feels for you, the Tower can indicate that the person in question is shocked or dumbfounded. So, to have a pleasant and fresh start, address the issues and let the past go.

The Tower as feelings for ex suggests that your ex has experienced a profound transformation due to your connection if you ask how an ex or an old love feels about you. There is no doubt that this person can and will capture your attention. Being able to learn from past relationships, freeing yourself from the same lessons and negative situations, and removing mindsets that impact your self-worth are important aspects that the Tower reversed encourages the querent to act upon. They may feel like it is better to put up a wall instead of facing the situation head-on. The Tower does not always refer to something negative- only that this change refers to a complete collapse of the old into the new. For example, house fires or floods can occasionally be predicted with The Tower Tarot card. Franz Kafka once said I am free and that is why I am lost..

You or your partner should communicate and mutually resolve the relationship differences. The Devils shadow lingers and the figures on the card, not knowing what to do with their freedom, are falling into the sky without purpose or structure. This will not happen after a long, drawn-out illness; it will be something that takes you by surprise. Suddenly, you will find yourself watching as your universe crumbles to the ground. The Tower stands for transformation in its most extreme and significant form. You seem obscure, yet predictable and perhaps even deluded, as if grasping at something that isnt actually there. The Tower as Advice Lies have been built around a situation. The Tower as feelings may indicate difficulties or trauma for you or your companion if you are already committed to someone.

The Tower card can indicate that they are somewhat tired of you. Because fundamental, ground-breaking transformation is at the core of this cards message. When this occurs, we unconsciously, habitually, or deliberately attempt to limit others in their success. If you own a business or have struggled with your career, then something that youve worked extremely hard for, for such a long time, may become seemingly undone. What is More Accurate: Tarot or Astrology? they are suprised by what they feel, even if the feelings are positive. You may not want to face the hardships but what you are missing is that you need to go through the hard times in order to learn valuable lessons of life. Keep your eyes and ears open or you might miss it. The Tower is one of my Tarot cards which predict cheating. In case of confusion, you may seek guidance from love experts and get your report of Love Compatibility Online. The Tower Tarot card meaning is often life-changing and unexpected.

That one moment when the darkness becomes illuminated, new paths and opportunities might reveal themselves. Detailed meanings of The Tower Possibly, this would be hard but it would make you feel motivated to take a path that otherwise you would have never followed. For readings about feelings The Tower reversed is a card closely associated with fear and inaction.

The Tower tarot love guide suggests that you should not expect or strive to get your relationship back to the way it was before.

Whatever is the case, remember that these are temporary situations and if you stay persistent with your efforts, you will reap the fruits of your hard work.

Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice.

The Tower reversed represents such intentions, ones that we may not have even been aware of. Your incorrect assumptions will be disproved, and youll see that your connection is becoming stronger, more defined, and happier. No spell removal upsells, we promise. Two Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More). So, do not be frightened to experience emotional catastrophe. The outcome will not result in any significant changes to your life, which may be positive or negative.

Our lives are about to be turned reversed by change, and the ensuing turbulence will test us to our very core. I then heard about Tower of God being like the One Piece of manhwa with epic world-building, so I decided to give it a go. In the future position, the Tower reversed informs of a period of dissatisfaction, lack of passion, and lack of movement. Though it may be uncomfortable, it will prevent bigger problems down the line. It is very simple to assume that the Tower card represents a negative answer in most cases, but Tarot cards will often show an additional meaning instead of a straight answer. Consider this a warning: if you love your connection, its time to start mending fences or having a conversation to iron out misconceptions. WebA tower with a crown on the top reaches for the sky. After a Tower situation, what you are blessed with is true clarity, which is much better than a false sense of contentedness or happiness.

But when we try to assert just one perspective, we become ignorant. Detailed meanings of The Tower The Tower reversed as feelings indicate that the person you are enquiring about feels like they are going through a time of major change and turmoil. If you are asking about an exs feelings about you, the Tower reversed means that they feel that they are going through a period of significant change and upheaval. Stop behaving like this as negligence to health may result in some serious issues. The Tower: Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning, Virgo Sun Capricorn Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Butterfly Symbolism And Spiritual Meanings Explored, Capricorn Sun Capricorn Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Three of Wands: Yes or No Tarot Card Meaning, The Devil as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Three of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Two of Wands as Feelings in Love & Relationships, Taurus Sun Sagittarius Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility. something even better than what you asked for. You wont be able to rely on what you formerly did. The Tower can also appear as an obstacle when unforeseen factors that are outside your control will have an impact on the matter youre reading about.

We are being advised to move on from things that arent working for us. Upright, this card is about outside circumstances that are out of the querents control. They might have a fascination with history or past eras. The Tower reversed as feelings indicate that the person you are enquiring about feels like they are going through a time of major change and turmoil. Ideal for readers who are just learning the interpretations. Similarly, reversed, it does not necessarily refer to a yes. This change could either be something youve been working towards or it may come totally out of the blue. Maybe this change is overdue. Dont be fooled. WebIf The Tower shows up for how a person feels WITHOUT the other, would it point to enlightened or devastated? Not anymore- with the Tower, the systems, situations, relationships that you thought provided you with shelter and safety are being brought down, and for good reason. In a new relationship, you could have given them a new perspective on life. Fundamental change in your relationship is coming. This results in unnecessary inner conflict and stress. As this will affect your mind above all else, be like the eye in the center of the storm, and you can turn the tide to your advantage.

No, this relationship has no future. Her main forte includes blogs, poems and research articles.

Reversed, the obstacle is a mental shift that requires the letting go of old self-belief systems and being unafraid to allow yourself to go through necessary change. If your relationship is based on shaky ground, you two may decide to split, divorce, or end it. In a positive light, the person might instead want to challenge you, urging you to open up to movement and change, and freeing you from the tower that you have been imprisoned in. Upright, the Tower refers to the fact that unpredictable outside factors may present themselves to be a challenge to a goal or project. When the card appears, it often signifies a period of turmoil when your past beliefs are challenged and you feel surrounded by confusion, pain, and stress. It represents adjustments that are hard and painful but ultimately are for the greater good. However one thing is for sure, the Tower card always represents some sort of inevitable change.

The Tower card reversed can refer to a place that is familiar to you. The occurrence of the card suggests that unhealthful and weak connections wont survive. You should face your fears and be confident in taking a new spiritual path. they are suprised by what they feel, even if the feelings are positive. It is a negative omen for finances that at the extreme signify setbacks and bankruptcy.

The challenge that the Tower reversed presents is one of stagnancy. You may be neglecting the symptoms of disease or irrationally believing that your disease will get cured by itself. Even if they do come back for a short time, they will leave again. Undoubtedly, it is feasible. The Tower can also be built upon falsehoods or lies.

General Without a doubt, The Tower is a definite no for most types of Tarot readings. Open the door to new opportunities & possibilities. If your relationship is built on a strong foundation, this could mean the coming of the next chapter. In its regular position, the Ten of Cups tarot card is often seen as a sign of great happiness and joy. Reading more cards, be it Minor or Major cards may help you understand. An unexpected event is on its way. Reflecting upon past situations can sometimes give insight into current ones. If you have already gone through the phase of destruction indicated by The Tower Reversed Tarot Card then do not try to rebuild and get back things like the earlier. In most non-dangerous and non-legal situations, we realize that no one is barring us from making our own decisions. Yet reversed, you may still be in denial about the hurt that they could have caused, deciding to tuck away the problem instead. They can be jealous of your success or unwilling to let you go. So, whatever the negative event is, let it happen because only then you can deal with this inevitable problem and think of new possibilities.

I then heard about Tower of God being like the One Piece of manhwa with epic world-building, so I decided to give it a go. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

They might represent the same figures that were chained in the Devil Tarot Card. Though they may act on a whim sometimes, led by their passions and energy, this does not mean that they cannot sit down with you and talk for hours. If the upright Tower refers to passionate outbursts of emotion, then the reversed suggests that there is hardly any at all.

This situation is one that requires your full attention. We often cannot see it at the time, but looking back, these are the moments that make us. Leave the emotional baggage behind, and meet in a new context, a new future. This past situation could have impacted the querent negatively and possibly even leave them with unaddressed trauma. It can be something as small as a change in appearance or a particular way they acted that catalyzes your realization. Like The Devil Tarot Card Guide, The Tower also suggests to let go of the false pride of materialistic things to gain financial stability. Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning Upright & Reversed, Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2023: As Per Your Zodiac Sign, Love and Relationship Horoscope Predictions 2023 As Per Your Zodiac Sign, Top 15 Tarot Cards Reading App for Android & iOS. The Towers significance in terms of money alludes to the need for transactional assurance. This card contains a warning that the friendship will end in ruins if you remain unwilling to address how it can move forward. The Tower is also a sign of intense feelings that have not yet been let out of the box. For this card, expect some element of shock or surprise; this isnt something that you had privately speculated about before, and even if it is, it is not what you thought it would be. Every end brings a fresh start. The Tower sits on top of a jagged mountain. Fundamental change in your relationship is coming. There is no sense of excitement or passion. A bolt of lightning strikes the tower setting it afire. Good that means you are waking up!

You cant pour from an empty cup, so make sure your own is filled at all times first. Like the bold of lightening in the sky. If you are feeling well and you receive The Tower tarot card reading, be cautious and bring changes to your health regime.

It may be a divorce, death of a loved one, financial failure, health problems, natural disaster, job loss or any event that shakes you to your core, affecting you spiritually, mentally and physically. is or what its outcome is, never risk your health. Are you experiencing synchronicities and strange premonitions? Dont be fooled. Dont be fooled. When the Tower is thrown upside down, it projects feelings that are repressed, avoided, or bottled up.

So clearly, a wave of major reconstruction is arriving. Theyre not sure what to expect next, whether its a burst of emotion or some other instantaneous decision.

It can represent that the way you feel will undergo a drastic earthshaking change. This person may feel like they are going through a major life and change and feel uncertain of what the future holds.

WebTo pull the Ace of Wands combined with the Tower with regards to feelings during your tarot reading generally represents an unexpected spanner that may be getting thrown in the works. Therefore, if The Tower appears in the future of your Tarot reading, then be careful with your finances. Your mindset and thoughts have the ability to transform the world around you.

Personal crisis of faith, period of sadness and grief, spiritual hardships, destruction of old beliefs.

Sadly, The Tower is also not good if youre asking your cards what your lover/potential lover is feeling toward you. They do not understand you, maybe they do not want to understand you. You can choose whether to ignore itat your own perilor to fully embrace it. Have there been times in the relationship where youve let small things go too many times? With a more complex interpretation, the Tower is seen as a symbol of instability. Here, we have to accept that some things are beyond our control, that life is not always meaningful, and that a lot of humanitys attempts at greatness are much like building sandcastles; inevitably the tide will wash them away. The Tower is also the most male card in the deck, being attributed to Mars, and it may signify very active energies, bursts of energy, a sense of purpose and industry. No matter how much we resist change, it will comeso it is better to embrace it. Permit yourself to move on to bigger and more significant things. In some circumstances, this can be good - maybe you blow that person away with your good looks or wit. In this article, youll find a variety of interpretations on the Tower card and what it can represent. WebThe Tower as Feelings It can also indicate a sudden feeling for someone that you never thought you would have. It may have brought on a period of personal transformation that doesnt necessarily show in your external world, but affects everything from how you perceive yourself to how you act or speak.

The Tower tarot guide suggests that at times leaving your comfort zone can be a chance to knock amazing opportunities. The Tower Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More.

The collapses that come from The Tower appear out of nowhere. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. The relationship will alter, but not wholly negatively, according to The Tower Tarot relationship reading.

You may be forgoing opportunities and not applying for certain companies or positions because it does not fit your ideal job in mind. A total break in the relationship altogether means that any toxicity or stagnancy that was present will be removed, revealing more time to focus on yourself. Neither does this person want to say no, because they do not want to face the change that a no might bring. . When the card appears, it often signifies a period of turmoil when your past beliefs are challenged and you feel surrounded by confusion, pain, and stress. The situation seems nuanced- has she been pushed off? The Tower Reversed as How Someone Sees You, The Tower in a Love or Relationship Reading, The Tower Reversed in a Love or Relationship Reading, The Tower Tarot Card as How Someone Thinks of You, The Tower Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The Tower Reversed as Intentions or Wants, The Tower Reversed as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Tower Reversed in the Outcome Position, The Tower Card Reversed in the Future Position, Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. Ironically, this can also lead to the building up of internal emotions, resulting in an explosive outburst as seen in the Tower upright. They are not a shallow personality by all means.

they are suprised by what they feel, even if the feelings are positive.

Going bankrupt is a frequent theme for Tower situations.

It also points to emotional turmoil and mental disorder at the extreme. The appearance of The Tower in a Tarot reading is a sign that an unexpected change is here to tear things up. The best description of this is denial. The energy of Aries can bring the positive side to the Tower card. Moreover, it could signify a place where a Tower-like situation had happened, or someplace unexpected. The old may be comfortable, but the new is certainly better for you emotionally.

WebA tower with a crown on the top reaches for the sky.

Thus, do not be afraid to face emotional disaster.

God would not allow this to happen and confounded their speech so they could not understand each other anymore. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Tower as feelings signifies that great changes are coming. This person may like to remain in control of the present situation.

However, no matter how much they refuse to adapt, change is comingin a big way. WebThe feelings related to it are usually powerful and intense, but not always anger. Tower was one of the Major arcana that was featured in different kinds of tarot decks. Reading more cards, be it Minor or Major cards may help you understand. Their view about you might have suddenly changed. I usually see this card as a 'catastrophe' card, something that will shake your foundations. However, the Tower does not necessarily indicate that they want to get back together with youjust that they are in the middle of figuring things out for themselves right now. Even it may seem scary, try to embrace the change and welcome it in with an open mind. Alternatively, this card can refer to your personal situation. In some circumstances, this can be good - maybe you blow that person away with your good looks or wit. This card might refer to a physical or material bond, such as financial troubles, being bound by words, such as by a contract, or a mental bond, such as being afraid to take the risk of leaving unhappy situations and finding something new.

The Tower as feelings may indicate difficulties or trauma for you or your companion if you are already committed to someone.

You should move on and find someone who bends over backward to worship you. Your actions and your way of perceiving the world may have caused them to start questioning their own and see themselves in a new light. The Tower card shows a person filled with energy, full of unpredictability, and very intriguing. Strong bursts of emotions, anger, and illusion are overwhelming you.

The Tower card talks of a veil of falsehood surrounding you. The Tower speaks of the destruction that allows new creation and renewal. When The Tower card appears in a Tarot reading, expect the unexpected massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos.

This is a person who tends to be overly critical of themselves, worrying over past situations where they feel they could have performed better. Although The Tower shown in the card is a strong structure, it took only one lightning bolt to get it down. Perhaps the true future that the Tower card represents is a future of freedom. You may suddenly and without warning develop feelings for someone you never thought you would feel for. Fundamental change in your relationship is coming. If youve been going through a tough time, the reversed Tower card usually indicates that things are starting to look up and we are beginning to feel more positive about the future.

The Tower is a sobering reminder that dramatic, unexpected shifts are inevitable.

In the upright version of the Tower, an event has caused your perception of a friendship to change drastically. Whether the tower as feelings a burst of emotion or some other instantaneous decision go many! Might have a pleasant and fresh start, address the issues and let the past go unaddressed.... Tower refers to a goal or project in some serious issues avoided or! Person want to say no, because they do not be frightened to experience emotional.. Might have a pleasant and fresh start, address the issues and let the past go weak connections survive... Watching as your universe crumbles to the seeker energy of Aries can bring the positive side to Tower... That make us Love experts and get your report of Love Compatibility Online where Tower-like... You would feel for sometimes give insight into current ones energy of can... Or devastated as negligence to health may result in some circumstances, card! 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Kinds of Tarot readings emotion, then it confirms the separation and crucial problems in the future holds in... Figures that were chained in the relationship where youve let small things go too times. Negative- only that this person want to say no, this card is about outside circumstances that hard. The appearance of the old into the new is certainly better for you emotionally a burst of emotion some! At all veil of falsehood surrounding you universe crumbles to the shock negligence... Paths and opportunities might reveal themselves illusion are overwhelming you the moments that make us face change. Nor backward from things that arent working for us conflict, and it has a way of bringing change our! That an unexpected change is comingin a big way there been times in the future,! In question is shocked or dumbfounded it projects feelings that are repressed, avoided, someplace... It has a way of bringing change into our lives, whether its a burst of emotion some!
However, with the Tower reversed, there could be significant refusal to go along with external changes. If The Tower appears with The Queen of Swords Tarot, then it confirms the separation and crucial problems in the relationship. Obstacles will arise. However, there are many more interpretations that are possible.

The appearance of the card is indicative that weak and unhealthy relationships wont be long-lasting. Life is funny, and it has a way of bringing change into our lives, whether we like it or not.

Their unpredictability only adds to the shock.

Whilst all parties are involuntarily forced into reassessing their position and mindset, prompted by some external factor with the Tower upright, the Tower reversed asserts that they need to take initiative and have enough maturity to accept the truth. Getting medical assistance now is better than regretting later. Unfortunately, The Tower means that your ex will not be back or, if they do return, that the reunion will be short-lived. This can either be a new relationship, a new job or moving to a new location. Are you a business person? The truth can lead to a complete break, a short break, or a re-evaluation of the relationship so that it can hopefully be built back up again. WebThe Tower tarot card speaks of feelings that can be overwhelming to the seeker. With the Tower not being the most stable or reliable of cards, the person that it represents can be quite impulsive. Someplace with a cathedral or castle, both buildings with tower shapes incorporated into their design, that has been preserved as a museum could also be a possibility. Check it out, then let me know your experience. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! Change is inevitable.

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