For more information about our privacy practices and a list of our affiliated brands, please read our, Kitchen Appliances to Bring Culinary Inspiration to Life | KitchenAid, Model and Serial location forKitchenAid Range or Oven, Copyright 2023 Product Help | KitchenAid. Top. Find the model number starting with K (The number should be something in the way of K45 or K4 etc. Input the serial number of your KitchenAid mixer when youre asked to do so.
Welcome to! : , FIP: , 192, '22 - '23, Best in Pharmacy Awards 2023 6 . Lionel Picard , : , 28 , , T , . With a little bit of research, I found the answer and a method of telling the age of most KitchenAid products. If you would like to download or view product literature for your appliance, please visit our. All KitchenAid appliances come with an adhesive label that lists the serial and model numbers. When you pay close to 300 bucks for a kitchen appliance youre going to want to use it for years to come. WebThe model and serial number sticker is located underneath the base of the stand mixer.
Hang in there, we are looking for alternate products just for you. All rights reserved. Note: Model and serial numbers may (and usually do) contain both letters and numbers. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to LA8 45 01552 45 = 45th week of either 1998 or 1988. The letter indicates the year. Perfectil TV SPOT: "O ! Generic form submit error message if an error response is not returned or is empty but an error has occured. If the label says K45 your bowl is capable of holding 4.5qt and so on. In the comment box, ask the company if they can tell you how old your mixer is based on the information you have provided. Thank you for your inquiry.
Lets take this KitchenAid stand mixer with serial number WJ3976683. Now, add a comment in the box asking for the age of your KitchenAid mixer regarding the information youve provided. Inside the refrigerator, on the left wall, On the inside of the compactor's sliding door, On the cooktop's liner, beneath the burners, On the left edge of the dishwasher's door, On the front, inside edge of the hood or vent, Beneath the counter, where the dispenser is mounted into the sink, On the inside of the warming drawer's face, Beneath the blender on the base of the unit, Beneath the push-button controls on the base of the food processor, On the bottom of the unit's base, adjacent to the accessory holders, On the bottom of the unit's base and back, On the bottom of the unit's base, adjacent to the electrical cord. The KitchenAid mixers we know and love are greatly upgraded if you compare them to the first model, released back in 1919. Thank you for your inquiry. Please use this list as a guide for finding your model number. The format is yyww For example: If the first four numbers were 9912, this translates as the 12th week of 99 (March 1999). Subscribe to Receive It is necessary to turn the mixer over to see it. This feature is meant to help consumers save energy when their ovens are unused. Brand Name Contact Us | to your account to save and access your shopping cart on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.
Lets take this KitchenAid stand mixer with serial number WJ3976683. Provide the serial number of the product. Where can I find my model number? Model Number Brand Tag Search Add/Update Delete. This will provide the details of coverage on your appliance. Sign in and register your Kitchenaid appliances to access tips and tricks, manuals and schedule service and repairs. Now, add a comment in the box asking for the age of your KitchenAid mixer regarding the information youve provided.
Choose from the lists below, to match the first three digits of your model number. WebIf our list of models doesnt contain your KitchenAid Dishwasher model number, call our Customer Service team at 1-800-269-2609 or start a Live Chat for help.
If the appliance looks 10 years old it is probably 1988.
The design of the stand mixer is a trademark in the U.S. and elsewhere. Discount taken off regular price excluding taxes, delivery, install/uninstall and haul-away.
The above appliance with serial # MS731902A was made in July 1997. Please use this list as a guide for finding your model number. Please use this list as a guide for finding your model number. / 2022 KitchenAid. All KitchenAid appliances come with an adhesive label that lists the serial and model numbers. Nevertheless, the K5-A is a great mixer, a reliable workhorse, and an appliance that never seems to overhear. The design of the stand mixer is a trademark in the U.S. and elsewhere. ! Robin is in his 30s and still enjoys the things he enjoyed as a teenager. This will provide the details of coverage on your appliance. ). Hit the Product Category option and choose Mixers.. Place the mixer on a towel or soft surface and carefully turn it over to prevent bending the speed control knob or locking mechanism. Find the right parts and accessories foryour KitchenAid appliance. Below you will find pictures, for the locations, of the model and serial number plate/sticker on your KitchenAid microwave. WebModel and Serial location for KitchenAid Range or Oven If you would like to download or view product literature for your appliance, please visit our Manuals and Literature page. Of course, more often than not, the original bowl will still be connected to the appliance but you never know.
Model Number Search. Providing your exact location will allow us to ensure our products are available in your area. We seem to have lost our map and can't update your zip code right now. Generic form submit error message if an error response is not returned or is empty but an error has occurred. Now that we have found out the age of your stand mixer, lets take a look at its capacity. This online merchant is located in the United States at 553 Benson Rd, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. Lastly, make sure to check our Repair Help section which gives free troubleshooting advice and step-by-step video instructions for replacing a variety of KitchenAid Refrigerator parts. Generic form submit error message if an error response is not returned or is empty but an error has occured. If the appliance looks 10 years old it is probably 1988. Please try again in a bit. Unfortunately only modern appliances made after the 1970's or 1980's are possible to date this way (and sometimes not even then). But once two years have passed, youre on your own. To determine the age of your appliance, use your serial number (not model number) to find date of manufacture. This blog is operated and cared for by Robin and Felicia. Sign in
This online merchant is located in the United States at 553 Benson Rd, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. This will provide the details of coverage on your appliance. Be sure to check out our latest offers to start saving! The list below is a fuller list in numeric order, with part numbers starting with C being the Canadian models. Where do I Find Replacment Parts for a Mixer? It is necessary to turn the mixer over to see it. Make sure to check if theres something wrong with the appliance and what may need replacing before purchasing it. to your account to save and access your shopping cart on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.
Kenmore (Sears), being a department store brand do not make their own appliances. If the appliance only looks to be a couple of years old, probably 1998 is more likely. WebAll KitchenAid appliances come with an adhesive label that lists the serial and model numbers. The first 2 letters show the manufacturing date. Example model numbers: LRS6233BW1= 1994 , SF367PEYW1= 1992 , LE6685XPW1= 1985 or 2004 , ET22PKXXW0= 1991 , EV150CXKW0 = 1982 or 2001, Posted In: Appliance Age and Manufacturer, GE, American GE, Canadian GE, Moffat, McClary, Hotpoint (Camco). Below you will find pictures, for the locations, of the model and serial number plate/sticker on your KitchenAid microwave. Serial No. Visit our Manuals and Literature page to locate Owner's Manuals, Owners Manuals, Warranty Documents, Installation Instructions, Parts Lists and Energy Guides.
This online merchant is located in the United States at 553 Benson Rd, Benton Harbor, MI 49022. Providing your exact location will allow us to ensure our products are available in your area. For major appliances, the label is typically silver; for portable appliances, it is white. Please try a different email address. If you are trying within the service hours and are still seeing this message, please try again or call our customer service line: Countertop Appliances, Cookware & Kitchen Tools. All
WebBuy 2 countertop or major appliances, save 5% or buy 3 or more and save 10% with your KitchenAid account. Please provide a Canadian postal code. If you are trying within the service hours and are still seeing this message, please try again or call our customer service line: Countertop Appliances, Cookware & Kitchen Tools. Model Number Brand Tag Search Add/Update Delete. ", H Sanofi , , , , : 150 , Johnson & Johnson: , B C SkinCeuticals, , , .. The first 4 numbers indicate the factory it was made in and the date.
LA84501552 45 = 45th week of either 1998 or 1988. Link your shopping cart across all your devices! The power save option is a relatively new feature for ovens. The number can be found on the bottom of the appliance or in the instruction manual. *.
Lets take this KitchenAid stand mixer with serial number WJ3976683. Uploading File: / KitchenAid. The first 4 numbers indicate the factory it was made in and the date. Based on your postal code, we do not offer home delivery to your address. In my article My KitchenAid Mixer Will Not Turn On I highlight why users should be very careful when opening the KitchenAid mixer and replacing parts while the product is still under warranty. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.
The two numbers after indicate the week the product was made. accurately from the code usually contained within their serial number. The email address you entered already exists. All rights reserved. Opening the mixer, replacing parts and modifying it will render the warranty useless. WebThe warranty is something specific to each product, and can normally be found on the last page of the Owners Manual. / KitchenAid. KitchenAid will be using the following information we gathered from the external platform you selected to create your account. The date code is the 3rd to last on your model number. Just enter all the necessary data and press the button. / KitchenAid.
LA 8 4501552 = year, this could be 1988 or 1998. Lastly, make sure to check our Repair Help section which gives free troubleshooting advice and step-by-step video instructions for replacing a variety of KitchenAid Dishwasher parts. Model Number Search. Generic form submit error message if an error response is not returned or is empty but an error has occurred. For example the letter "S" (if present) should not be confused with the number "5" or vise versa. News | Today, the appliance works as intended and it rocks. If you would like to download or view product literature for your appliance, please visit our, I do not wish to receive special offers, promotions or other e-mail marketing communications from the KitchenAid brand or its affiliated brands. To determine the age of your appliance, use your serial number (not model number) to find date of manufacture. For more information about our privacy practices and a list of our affiliated brands, please read our, Kitchen Appliances to Bring Culinary Inspiration to Life | KitchenAid. SEPTEMBER SAVINGS | SAVE ON SELECT MAJOR APPLIANCES SEE DETAILS SHOP SALES. Novartis Hellas: , Place the mixer on a towel or soft surface and carefully turn it over to prevent bending the speed control knob or locking mechanism. WebThe serial number is usually the key to determining the manufacturing date (aka "age") of most major home appliances.
Please use this list as a guide for finding your model number. Please use this list as a guide for finding your model number. Top. WebThe model and serial number sticker is located underneath the base of the stand mixer. Providing your exact location will allow us to ensure our products are available in your area. Are you a medical professional? Or theKitchenAid appliance that gets you back to making. 1 (800) 807 6777 Front Load Electric Dryer with Extra Power and Quick Dry cycle - 7.3 All gathered information is governed by our. Between now and then the company has released a plethora of mixers. users report their mixers lasting 15-20 years. Search for manuals, support information, videos, and more content specific to your appliance. WebBuy 2 countertop or major appliances, save 5% or buy 3 or more and save 10% with your KitchenAid account. Select BrandAbsocoldAdmiralAlliance LaundryAmanaAmerican Dryer Corp.American RangeAmericanaAnaheim MfgASKOAvantiBadgerBaycrestBeatyBeaumarkBertazzoniBlombergBone CrusherBoschBradaBroanCaloricCamcoColdspotComfeeCoronadoCriterionCrosleyDacorDaewooDanbyDCSDexterDometicDynastyEco LogicEconowashEdgeStarElectroluxEmersonEstateEurotechEverchillEwaveFaberFagorFeddersFhiabaFisher & PaykelFriedrichFrigidaireGaffers and SattlerGeneral ElectricGeneral FreezerGibsonGlenwoodGoldstarGSWHaierHampton BayHardwickHisenseHolidayHotpointHuebschIdylisIglooIkeaIn-Sink-EratorInglisInsigniaJadeJC PenneyJenn AirKelvinatorKenmoreKitchenAidKindredKirklandKoldfrontLeonardLGMagic ChefMarvelMaytagMcClaryMicroFridgeMideaModern MaidMoffatMontgomery WardNorgeNutonePanasonicPeerless PremierPulveratorRCARoperRoySamsungSanyoScotsmanSharpSiemensSignatureSinkmasterSmegSoleusAirSpeed QueenState IndustriesSub-ZeroSunbeamSunrayTappanThermadorTitanU-LineUltralineVestaVikingVissaniWardsWaste KingWastemaidWhirlawayWhirlpoolWhite-WestinghouseWolfWoodsZLINE* The 2 letters at the beginning of the serial number tell you the month and year it was made. Use the button below to find your country's KitchenAid website. cu Oops! It shouldnt be done unless its the last option. There are many benefits to registering your appliances: You can register your appliance online by visiting ourProduct Registration site, or by calling us at1-800-422-1230.
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