As their name suggests, racers are fast-moving. Western Pygmy Rattlesnake 5. The copperhead and timber rattlesnake can both cause very severe injuries if they strike a human with their venomous bite. They are a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Kentucky. They can be gray, light yellow or tan. If there is insufficient prey in a particular area, they will use their natural camouflage to wait for the prey in the bushes. These snakes are long and heavy bodied. Interestingly, these snakes have small, chiseled fangs in the back of their jaw, which they use to inject venom into their prey. Snakes live predominantly on small rodents like mice and chipmunks of the area; however, they also eat other reptiles, frogs, birds, and even insects. These snakes are endangered and are in need of conservation in Kentucky. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Adults typically range from 35 to 48 inches in length. The timber rattler prefers small mammals that include mice, rats, squirrels, and rabbits as their primary prey, but they will also eat reptiles and amphibians. These snakes prefer swampy areas and still water sources. When the heat of summer comes they are nocturnal, but in spring or fall they are active all day. Didn't find what you need? They may be found in pine forests, dry upland forests, floodplains, sandhills, and near lakes, rivers, and marshes. Stripes run down its sides and on its yellowish belly, which are colored brown, black or yellow. They use underground burrows for winter hibernation and protection from hot weather. Common to find in the wild, these snakes have a healthy population. The venom they produce has relatively low potency. Gray rat snakes are often found in moist, swampy areas with plenty of water and vegetation. There are usually four more golden-colored stripes on the ventral side that run lengthwise down its body, with some models having very narrow dark brown lines running through them. Queen Snakes prefer moving water and are generally found near streams and rivers with rocky bottoms. They are also primarily a southern species that reach the northern edge of their range in southern Kentucky. All four venomous Kentucky snakes belong to the Viperidae family. The 7 Snakes Found in Kentucky 1. Thick body, dark bands that run from the corners of the eyes to the jaw, a small rattle prone to breaking, and elliptical pupils. Quite a few species look similar, especially if you just get a glance as one moves across the water. Always proceed with caution if you arent 100% certain of a snakes identity. Venom helps them paralyze prey, which is delivered by back fangs. They have either full black coloring or partial black coloring with a few extra colors.

There are seven different types of snakes found in Kentucky, each with a distinct design. Look for a dark chain-like pattern down the back. They prefer areas with more sandy soil and are only active in the day. Smooth earth snakes eat earthworms and other soft body insects to survive. Mississippi Green Water snakes are found only in the United States and along the Mississippi River. Eastern Worm Snakes are completely harmless to humans. They have large blotches that cover their body. It has big wide eyes and a large mouth. Snakes do more good than harm, and we need to keep them around. However, they may vibrate their tail if disturbed, producing a buzzing sound when in leaf litter. Snakes can be found in the waterways, along tree lines, near grassy fields, and other places. 216 T.P. Western Mud Snakes live in rivers, marshes, swamps and other aquatic habitats in North America and western Ketnucky. Timber Rattlesnakes strike their prey and release them, waiting until their venom has taken effect before eating them. These snakes are ambush predators, waiting for unsuspecting prey to come within range of their strike. Northern water snakes can be brown, gray or black and are covered with blotches. Ringnecks have grey backs and black heads. Slugs are this snakes main source of food. Instead, their presence inside barns is likely due to the high number of mice, some of their favorite prey. Prairie Kingsnake 9. Describes the primary coloring present on the belly of the snake. Yellow or greenish colored stripes run along the sides of its body. For example, it is not uncommon to find slender or moderately-shaped northern watersnakes. The base color of the snake is yellow. Look for them under logs, rocks, boards, and other debris. This species has a healthy population andis commonly seen in the wild. Reptile Guide is also a Chewy affiliate partner. Unfortunately, many people also kill them out of fear, even though they are completely harmless, especially if you leave them alone. Adults typically range from 30 to 60 inches in length. Eastern Ribbon snakes inhabit highly vegetated areas with water sources like lakes, bogs, marshes and wetlands. A Watersnake is a type of snake, and the Diamond-backed Snakes are no exception. They are usually found in forests with lots of leaf litter and canopy cover, which helps them avoid heat and dehydration. Coloration is typically gray or light brown with darker gray, brown, or reddish-brown blotching, sometimes outlined in black, down the length of their body that fades with age. Adults typically feed on small mammals, birds, bird eggs, lizards, and frogs. Kirtlands Snakes are rarely found far from a water source in northern Kentucky. Forrest, near barns, and agricultural fields are habitats fit for this snake. Mostly black or dark brown head with white, light-cream, or yellow lips, chin, and throat. To trick humans and predators, rat snakes may shake their tail to act like a rattlesnake. The copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) is a venomous snake found in the eastern United States.

Their saliva contains a mild anticoagulant that can cause bites to bleed, making the injury appear worse. Its the most extensive family of snakes, and the most diverse. Eastern ribbon snakes are small and thin. They are typically diurnal but can be hard to find due to their secretive nature. Other species are usually slender for their length. Other prey includes frogs, snails, fish, shrimps, and small minnows. Small head, barely distinct from the neck and a red snout. So how do you tell the difference between a dangerous coral snake and a harmless Scarlet Kingsnake in Kentucky? However, these snakes pose no threat to humans unless provoked or threatened with violence. Gray rat snakes eat mainly small mammals like rodents, rabbits, and possums which they find by scouring their habitat at night. Typically light gray in color, but some individuals are reddish. When disturbed, Common Watersnakes flee into the water to escape. Eastern garter snake: Thamnophis s. sirtalis, Coloration varies, but most are brown or black with three light-colored stripes along the body, Dark bars on the lip scales help distinguish the common garter snake from its relatives, the ribbonsnakes, Especially common near sources of fresh water. Identification can be one of the biggest issues when differentiating between different species of black snakes due to the lack of large distinguishing marks. On their belly sits a checkered pattern that ranges in color pink to red. Although these features are excellent identifiers, many snakes have evolved to look or act like deadly vipers. Watersnakes swim with their heads at the waters surface.

Adults typically range from 18 to 26 inches in length. This species is often confused with cottonmouths. In fact, they were used as stand-ins for venomous snakes in the movies Snakes on a Plane and The Mummy Returns.. Scarlet Kingsnakes are found in pine flat woods, pine-oak forests, fields, agricultural areas, and occasionally urban environments. The underside usually has a black and white checkerboard pattern which may have some orange. The most suitable way to overcome a fear of snakes is by educating yourself. They are gray to brown in color, with large red blotches that creep to its side. Diamondback water snakes live in the Central United States near slow moving waters like ponds, streams, rivers and lakes.

The end of its tail is black with a rattle on it. Black Snake has been noted for its unusual place name. Rodents are a main source of their diet, but birds, eggs and lizards are also consumed by this snake. They spend most of their time underground and are found under rocks, logs, and old animal burrows throughout their active period and winter hibernation. This snake has a diverse diet of sea and land life. Long and slender, their color is bright green. If captured, they will bite and release a foul-smelling musk from glands near the base of their tail. Its belly is yellow with crescent or spot patterns on it. From slender ribbon snakes to stout copperheads, this state boasts 32 different species of snakes. This snake will normally flee if approached, but if aggravated they do not hesitate to strike. It adapts well to human development and has a reputation as a city snake. However, pesticide usage and clean-up of cover objects may reduce their populations in urban areas by reducing their habitat and food source. Kentucky is great for reptile and snake lovers. However, some sources maintain that they were named for the pattern on their underside, which sometimes looks like kernels of bi-color corn. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. If disturbed, the Prairie Kingsnake may try to warn perceived threats by mimicking a rattlesnake. This species is black or dark brown on the backside with a cream-colored underside. Pinesnakes accomplish this by forcing air through its windpipe, which has a piece of cartilage called an epiglottis that flaps back and forth. Their big jaws and fast swimming help hunt down prey. Prey is typically grabbed and quickly swallowed alive. Corn snake 11. Common name: Resplendent desert shovel-nosed snake. Copperhead skins vary in color depending on the habitat they live in: typically brown to reddish-brown with darker pigment around its eyes and mouth. However, if disturbed in the wild, they may vibrate their tail and lift the front of their body into an S-shape to appear more threatening. Solid coloration of gray, brown, olive, or black. This species is considered in need of conservation in Kentucky.

This behavior is unique as most other water snakes consume their prey alive. This snake is easily identified by its upturned nose, which looks similar in appearance to a hog. Broad Banded Water Snakes have large dark bands that cover its body with orange, yellow or tan coloring in between. This is a slender snake with smooth scales and a short body that grows to 11 inches. Hopefully, you enjoyed our list of the most common snakes in Kentucky. Scarlet Snakes can only be found in the U.S and inhabit parts of western and eastern Kentucky. These beautiful snakes can be found in parts of Kentucky in pine flat woods, dry prairies, hardwood hammocks, sandhills, and open woodlands. The reason for this is that they need areas where its easy for them to dig! 1. Ollie, originally from the USA, holds his master's degree in wildlife biology and moved to Australia to pursue his career and passion but has found a new love for working online and writing about animals of all types. They may also prey on earthworms or frogs if theyre feeling lucky! In addition to this senseless slaughter, many are killed while crossing roads. Stout body, broad head, and elliptical pupils. They feed primarily on small mammals but may also consume frogs, birds, and other smaller snakes. Unfortunately, people often kill this species out of fear. Hognose snakes prey on primary amphibians. The colors represent the different subspecies of Storeria occipitomaculata. Brown snakes can be found in different habitats across North America and Kentucky. Copperheads mostly eat small mammals such as squirrels, rabbits, and chipmunks. Coloration is orangish-brown with black-bordered orange, red, or brownish blotches and a spear-shaped pattern on the head and neck. Worm snakes eat earthworms and other soft body insects. The blotches are red or orange and have black edging. The various habits this snake lives in includes wetlands, marshes, forests and pastures. Theyre often found in backyards and gardens under objects. These snakes are docile and easily handled, making great pets for beginners. Interestingly, when the threat has left, the snake will right itself and continue as normal. Adults have thick bodies and range from 24 to 40 inches in length.

A black pointed head followed by a whitish or cream band and then a black collar. With the destruction and removal of certain habitats some snakes may live close or near humans. This is one of two types of water snakes found in Kentucky, where they can be seen swimming on small tributaries or ponds. In addition, copperheads also frequently employ false strikes, dry bites, and warning bites. Cottonmouths enjoy swimming in water or basking on land. Solid colored bodies; either gray, black, olive, or somewhere in-between, Distinguishing yellow, orange, or red ventral scales and a ring around its neck. Mississippi green water snakes eat mostly fish and amphibians they find while swimming. Black snakes are common in the US. Corn snakes are a species of rat snake. Ring-necked Snakes mostly eat small salamanders, earthworms, and slugs. Their venom is potentially deadly, but a bite will mostly likely just bring pain. Western Pygmy Rattlesnakes are only found in a small area of southwest Kentucky. When threatened kingsnakes will mimic rattlesnakes or emit a musk from their tail. These snakes are usually solid olive, brown, bluish-gray, or smoky colored. Be on the lookout for these snakes in the western part of the state near swamps, marshes, ponds, and slow-moving streams and rivers, as well as flooded fields and drainage ditches. Whether you have concerns about your dog, cat, or other pet, trained vets have the answers! Utilize the resources below to find professionals in your area. Kingsnakes are immune to the deadly venom other species produces. Theyre well-adapted to living around people and can often be found in city parks, farmland, cemeteries, and suburban lawns and gardens. Coloration is smooth, glossy black with a red and black checkered underside with the red extending up the sides, creating a triangle pattern. Pinesnakes prey on rats, mice, moles, other small mammals, and eggs, often entering or diging into animal burrows after prey. When intimidated, cottonmouths vibrate their tails; watersnakes dont. If we forgot any, let us know! What is The Most Poisonous Snake in Kentucky? Theyre most often seen basking on rocks or logs in or near the water. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. They have a healthy population and are common to find. Leave a comment below now, Ill cover how to identify the most common, most dangerous, and most iconic snakes in the Bluegrass State, Although these features are excellent identifiers, many snakes have evolved to look or act like deadly vipers, Many people easily and frequently misidentify these snakes as venomous coral snakes, Admire it from a distance and continue on your way, or let it leave on its own, The only times youll need professional assistance are if you or your loved ones are in danger, Quickly Identifying Venomous Snakes in Kentucky, Articles Related to Kentucky Snake Identification, Pennsylvania Snakes Identification Guide: All Species & Pics, Arizona Snakes Identification Guide: Species Info & Pro Advice, Michigan Snakes Species Guide: How to Identify Snakes & Keep Safe, Central Bearded Dragon Care Guide (Diet, Housing, & Well-Being), Indiana Snakes Identification & Safety Guide (Images Included), The Ultimate Bearded Dragon Care Guide for Beginners, Small Pet Turtles: 6 Tiny Babies to Melt Your Heart, Ball Python Care Sheet: First-Time Owners Guide (Updated), Leopard Gecko Care Sheet: New Owners Guide, Ball Python Morphs With Pictures: The 50 MOST Popular. Forrest, grasslands, wetlands, swamps, wet meadows and damp areas are habitats fit for this species. Venomous snakes have egg-shaped or cat-like (elliptical) pupils. But even though theyre common throughout their range, its rare to actually see one. Under rocks and natural debris is where they hideout. When disturbed, Rough Greensnakes typically freeze and rely on their camouflage. And even when they are picked up, they generally dont bite. The scales along the dorsal side are keeled, which means they have ridges running along their length. You can expect them to bite, thrash, defecate, and release a foul-smelling musk, especially if you try holding one. Copperbelly water snakes live in wet and warm habitats across North America and western Kentucky. This snake feeds mainly on frogs and fish, which it locates by sight and smell. Theyll roll onto their back, let their tongue hang out, and emit musk from glands near the base of their tail.

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Copper-red or brown with chestnut, hour-glass shaped bands, and a distinct copper-colored head, Juveniles have yellow-green tail tips that fade as they age. Its essential to identify what kind of snake it is before killing it because pet owners might mistake an Eastern hognose for a cobra or other dangerous species like the coral snake, which has three different colors on its body (red, yellow, and black). They are also commonly found burrowed inside abandoned ant mounds. Red Cornsnakes prey on rodents, lizards, frogs, and birds and their eggs. While herping and exploring the wilderness it is essential to know what to look out for when encountering a snake species.Hopefully this list of all the snakes in Kentucky will be useful on your next adventure. It is easy to confuse the black racer with other all black snakes. If red touches yellow, youre a dead fellow; if red touches black, youre all right, Jack.. Ring-necked Snakes mostly eat small salamanders, earthworms, and slugs. Black Rat Snake: Pantherophis obsoletus: Non-venomous Broad-Banded Water Snake: Nerodia fasciata confluens: Non-venomous Brown Snake: Storeria dekayi: Pygmy rattlesnakes are one of the smallest rattlesnake species. On their neck sits a bright orange ring, which is where they get their name from. Small and slender in size , it has a small head fit with large round eyes. Snakes are unique, variable animals. If not hunting they will usually take shelter under a rock or log. Ill cover how to identify the most common, most dangerous, and most iconic snakes in the Bluegrass State. You might spot these snakes basking on branches of trees, bushes, or grasses overhanging the water. Copperheads can be found all throughout North America and Kentucky. These snakes are secretive and hide underground, logs and other debris. Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, The University of Kentuckys Forestry Department. Producing a mild venom, they have rear fangs to paralyze tiny prey. Since they are venomous, please use extra caution if you come across an unknown water snake. Let us know in the comments! Lizards, eggs, rodents, and small lizards are common prey for this snake. Breeding & Reproduction Guide, 13 Types of Angelfish for Freshwater Aquariums (With Pictures). They have smooth scales and are a smaller species of Kingsnake. It typically ranges from 12 to 36 inches long and feeds on small mammals, such as mice or rats. Use the search! Their belly is pale yellow and around their mouths is white coloring. These water snakes are long and slender, with a small head. This species is one of the largest snakes in Kentucky and can get up to 6 feet long. If you encounter one of these serpents, back away slowly and make noise to try to scare it away. Birds, eggs, lizards and ducks are also common predators. Copperheads have thick bodies, and large copper colored heads. Black Snake is an unincorporated community located in Bell County, Kentucky, United States. Hawks and large rodents prey on this snake.

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