For the moment, he must rely on the correctives of his military, just as his legitimacy has from the beginning required their recognition. All cited passages are from W.Seyfarth, Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt, Leipzig, Teubner, 1978. WebAMMIANUS AND THE LATE ROMAN ARMY As depicted in many studies of the later Roman Empire, the military sys-tem perfected by Constantine seems more tightly Livy (ca. 21Since Julian is a hero to Ammianus and because the Strasbourg narrative aims in several ways to amplify his stature as such, it is quite surprising that this oration is a persuasive failure probably the most unambiguous failure of all the speeches in the extant text29. Considered in the total context of Julians imperial career as it appears in the Res gestae, this speech-scene stands as an important moment in the historians persuasive characterization of a young man gradually coming into his own. For a response see J.Matthews, Peter Valvomeres, Re-arrested, in M.Whitby (ed. In his speech Julian is, in fact, manifesting the ideal qualities of a war leader. The language of fortune and divine interest runs through these claims like a thread, binding the purported words of the soldiers in a typically Ammeanean formulation of Julians particular aptitude for imperial office.

cit. 29The complex portrait of Julian that emerges from the Strasbourg speech-scene says much about Ammianus various sympathies, literary and ideological, and how they may at times diverge. In the later appearances Ammianus will present this public genius more concretely and also associate it more directly with Julians personal tutelary spirit, as if to conjoin the personal destiny of his favourite with the cosmic destiny of the Roman state, this eagerness had the approval of the superior officers.

This is where youll see your current point status and your earned rewards. Does it confirm his popularity, his aptness for imperial rank, or does it rather suggest that Constantius and his advisors were right, and that the Caesar was not yet competent to hold independent military command? The rather sinister figure of Julians patron and senior imperial partner Constantius looms over Ammianus portrait of the Caesars early career. Tacitus (c. 56/57-ca. Give your students the gift of international friendships. . The surviving books of his history cover the years 353 to 378. WebPaulus, genannt Catena (die Kette; Ende 361/Anfang 362), war ein sptantiker rmischer Beamter am Hof des Kaisers Constantius II., wo er von 353 bis 361 als notarius fungierte. Make international friendships? The emphatic defeat of Emperor Although the first printing of his history occurred in 1474, improved editions were published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. And so that he might be guarded with greater respect they praised him neither excessively nor less than was proper. It is recognizable as such by the presence of certain formal elements common to all of Ammianus speech-scenes which are nevertheless, in deference to the formal restriction on adlocutio speech, carefully suspended in descriptive narrative involving many other points of observation. WebAmmianus was born in Antioch, Syria, into a noble Greek family. Later he retired to Rome, where he wrote his history. In style, he shows best in his excellent characterizations and the vitality of his dramatic narratives, but he is often excessively rhetorical. Tacitus n. 1, p.87-88. 4In the first place, Ammianus formally discrete speech scenes invite comparison of one to the other. This paper argues that this speech nevertheless plays a significant part in Ammianus strategy of building Julian up for imperial office, a role that scholars have failed to see because they have generally neglected the importance of formal speeches in Ammianus historiography a. intimately connected with the fortunes of rhetoric in the late antique empire. The whole book is famously heralded by Ammianus elegant disclaimer that though he might be accused of panegyric in relating Julians activity, he actually speaks the truth (XVI, 1, 3). 125) was a Roman orator and historian. 395 CE, a Greek of Antioch, joined the army when still young and served under the governor Ursicinus and the emperor of the East Constantius II, and later under the emperor Julian, whom he admired and accompanied against the Alamanni and the Persians. For a concise history of Ammianus stylistic reception, see R.B, Mimesis. Indeed, Constantius had only recently suppressed two serious usurpers who had had the backing of the Gallic army15. It is also a history, not a disguised biography, with exploration of the general decline of the empire. It is ironic that Gaius Iulius Caesar, a contemporary of Cicero and Catullus, and certainly another contender for the title of Most I, Marcus Terentius Varro The time to travel and study abroad is now! By signing up, I confirm that I'm over 16. Ammianus even mentions the commonplace rumour that Constantius really sent Julian to Gaul so that he could die there in battle, thus eliminating a threat of usurpation (XVI, 11, 13)14. Yet the greater focus on detail allowed by the battle narrative means that the scope of action is somewhat exploded, and certain concluding elements of the speech are delayed, just as certain of the introductory elements were dispersed in explanatory text. Here shields and spears are clashed together, and this, along with gnashing teeth, is indication at least of eagerness for battle (ardoremque pugnandi) if not of outright anger, which is the way Ammianus explains the gesture at XV, 8, 15. Read properly, Ammianus ceremonial speech scenes are rich loci in which ideology becomes a dynamic and indeed dramatic aspect of Ammianus historical judgement. At the same time, most readers have agreed that Ammianus, a highly rhetorical writer that regardless his taste or success in execution, he tries his best to emulate the Roman tradition of literary historiography in artfully representing his own world, . One of my favourite Latin histories, perhaps because I'm more interested in the fall of the Roman empire instead of its rise. Bear our banner as a brave and fortune-blessed leader! While meaningful allusion is a key aspect of Ammianus method, the present case does not seem to yield more than superficial similarities, and in more important ways is quite different. Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. 11As we have noted, the first matter of note in Ammianus representation of Julians speech to his assembled troops at the outset of the Battle of Strasbourg (XVI, 12, 9) is its formal anomalousness. Ammianus's sources were his memory, notes, interrogations of eyewitnesses (often mentioned by name), and a complex variety of written material. New Catholic Encyclopedia. "Ammianus Marcellinus - Life" Literature and the Ancient World, Critical Edition In a more regular adlocutio scene, Ammianus would mention here the tribunal or speaking platform and describe the bands of high officials surrounding the imperial figure. 32 Ammianus includes a brief digression on the personal tutelary spirit, the daimon or genius, at XXI, 14, 3. After some difficulty the messengers obtained a first interview with Attila., Inc. The Representation of Reality in Western L ; 4 Cursory comments appear in M. L. W. Laistner, The Greater Roman Historians, Berkeley, University of ; 2 Over the past century and a In a life that spanned the reigns of the Flavian emperors and of Trajan, Livy In this magisterial depiction of the closing decades of the Roman Empire, we can see the seeds of events that were to lead to the fall of the city, just twenty years after Marcellinus' death. In the meantime, more information about the article and the author can be found by clicking on the authors name. On the one hand, Ammianus focuses on the emperor in the three different varieties of, .

He then reports the exclamation of a standard bearer: perge, felicissime omnium Caesar, quo te fortuna prosperior ducit. The Best Books to Get Your Finances in Order, Books Based on Your Favorite Taylor Swift Era, Cook a Soul Food Holiday Meal With Rosie Mayes, Aug 05, 1986 Ammianus includes a brief digression on the personal tutelary spirit, the, Ammianus is selective in choosing these sentiments from the uproar of massed soldiers. Put another way, we could say that in his effort to represent a different reality than that of traditional Roman historiography, Ammianus had to transform deliberative rhetorics shape and role, yet has at the same time preserved its capacity to invest narrative with an innate intellectual dimension8. 33 Cf. 1 Ammianus narrative on the siege of Amida (XIX, 1-9) takes up more space, but covers a period of 74 days. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Given the warmer attitude towards Ammianus rhetoric and willingness to view it as an effective tool of mimesis and of persuasion, it is surprising that the historians treatment of deliberative oratory in, arguably the most overt species of rhetoric in Roman historiography of the grand style has received so little focused attention to date. The rhetorical Prowess of Ammianus Constantius, in D.Ct & P.Fleury (eds), Discours politique et histoire dans lAntiquit, Besanon, ISTA (Supplment des DHA, 8), 2012, p. 211-248. The whole book is famously heralded by Ammianus elegant disclaimer that though he might be accused of panegyric in relating Julians activity, he actually speaks the truth (XVI, 1, 3). The reason Ammianus has presented them as he does here is to attach to Julian as seamlessly as possible the divine protection and army fidelity which might otherwise seem absent. There is a brief and dated monograph: G.B. Pighi, I Discorsi nelle Storie dAmmiano Marcellino, Milan, Vita e Pensiero, 1936. Web2 For a concise history of Ammianus stylistic reception, see R. B lockley, Ammianus Marcellinus and ; 3 The now classic account is that of E. A uerbach, Mimesis. Ed. Edward Gibbon judged Ammianus "an accurate and faithful guide, who composed the history of his own times without indulging the prejudices and passions which usually affect the mind of a contemporary." His failure is the focus of this account. WebThe later Roman Empire (A.D. 354-378) by. Tacitus Publisher. A negative, or at least an ambivalent, reading may seem plausible in this case, since Julians audience rejects his caution. 13The general impression of Julian that Ammianus wishes to convey in the chapters before the Strasbourg battle narrative is clear: the pious, learned, divinely favoured Caesar is achieving great things in the provinces against adversaries both native (in campaigns against the Alamanni and Franks) and Roman (he is calumniated by the magister peditum et equitum Marcellus, XVI, 7, who had refused him aid in battle, XVI, 4, 3). Am Hof des Kaisers Constantius (regierte Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Further significance is to be discovered in Ammianus artful manipulation of these details. ; Compendium of Roman History, 1896). Ammianus Marcellinus was the last great Roman historian, and his writings rank alongside those of Livy and Tacitus. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. marcellinus ammianus anastasius memoirs surviving when proper advice has been taken in good part, divine assistance has often put right a tottering, Julian moves through the customary apostrophe flattering his audience (, , XVI, 12, 9) and presents his proposition to their good judgment in the, (XVI, 12, 11). The History reveals a general "faithfulness to facts, based on clear proofs." cit. . Tamdem per te uirtutem et consilia militare sentimus. Of special interest in this case is the tidy way in which the historian emphasizes the combination of divine and popular consent for Julian, which, though not excluding Constantius indispensable support, has the effect of diminishing its prominence and leaving his motivations for the elevation in question. The epic tone is continued in the following phrase. ai thinker esp32 cam datasheet For discussions of Ammianus Strasbourg narrative see N. Bitter, Kampfschilderungen bei Ammianus Marcellinus, Bonn, Habelts Dissertationsdrucke, 1976, p. 56-101; R.Blockley, Ammianus Marcellinus on the Battle of Strasbourg: Art and Analysis in the History, Phoenix 31 (1977), p. 218-231; K.Rosen, Studien zur Darstellungskunst und Glaubwrdigkeit des Ammianus Marcellinus, Bonn, Habelts Dissertationsdrucke, 1970, p.95-131; G.Sabbah, La Mthode dAmmien Marcellin. WebThe Later Roman Empire chronicles a period of twenty-five years during Marcellinus' own lifetime, covering the reigns of Constantius, Julian, Jovian, Valentinian I, and Valens, and When Ammianus represents Julians unilateral elevation to Augustan rank in Paris in 360, he will modulate the careful methods he used to objectify his heros legitimacy first in Milan and then in Strasbourg. From the general statement of divine favour, the soldiers move to the notion of a fortunate leader, which in Ammianus usage means much more than simply lucky, as J.C.Rolfe translates31. He loathed Christianity, but was liberal-minded enough not to try and destroy it as earlier Emperors had done, merely end its stranglehold on the running of the Empire. 13 Julian, Epistula ad Athenienses 278a. 64 B.C.-ca. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. His work primarily focuses on military matters of the Roman Empire, including a cit., p.104-110. The praetorian prefect Florentius is made to speak on behalf of all the higher command in the judgement that it is important to engage the enemy now whatever the risks, both because of the present battlefield situation and because the very alacrity of the Gallic soldiers might easily turn to rebellion if they were denied the fight. See also M.Roberts, The Treatment of Narrative in Late Antique Literature: Ammianus Marcellinus (XVI, 10), Rutilius Namatianus and Paulinus of Pella, Philologus 132 (1988), p.181-195, and J.Fontaine, Le Style dAmmien Marcellin et lesthtique thodosienne, in J.denBoeft & alii (eds), Cognitio Gestorum. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Having taken control along the Danube, the Visigoths- led by Fritigernand the Ostrogothscommanded by Alatheus and Saphrax-headed toward Constantinople. The interruption of the expected formal sequence, as Julian halts his advance and addresses the army, clearly corresponds to the substance of the speech itself, which recommends a postponement of the intended engagement22. Ammianus Marcellinus was the last great Roman historian, and his writings rank alongside those of Livy and Tacitus.

K.Rosen, op.

." Peter OBrien, Ammianus Marcellinus, the Caesar Julian, and Rhetorical Failure,Cahiers des tudes anciennes [En ligne], L|2013, mis en ligne le 19 aot 2013, consult le 05 avril 2023. Following Constantius first presentation of Julian, for example, he is actually interrupted by the soldiery: interpellans contio lenius prohibebat arbitrium summi numinis id esse non mentis humanae uelut praescia uenturi praedicimans (XV, 8, 9)9. (see index under Ammianus Marcellinus: treatment of letters and speeches), and in G. , p.430-432. He also includes some period and touching details such as the doffing of helmets by army officers when fighting in the emperor's presence to increase the likelihood of recognition in the promotion sweepstakes. n. 1, p.248-249. Ancient Rome, 354-378. To begin with, I suggest that Ammianus incorporation of oratio recta within stereotyped descriptions of the ceremony of adlocutio, or generals address to a military audience, is itself a mimetically apt representation of communication between ruler and ruled in the fourth-century milieu.

19501956). Caesar. By the time he is unilaterally declared Augustus by his army in Paris, Ammianus has already developed a technique of arguing for objective legitimacy in the language of ceremony and oration. 27 R.Seager, Ammianus Marcellinus: Seven Studies in his Language and Thought, Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 1986, p.69; 7176. Title. Tamdem per te uirtutem et consilia militare sentimus. WebAmmianus Marcellinus (c. 330 - after 391) is the preeminent historian of the Late Roman Empire, whose extant work forms the most important narrative we possess on the Fourth The result is a tension between the historians account of an individuals subjective merit to rule, and his objective legitimacy as a ruler. Word Count: 67. The Roman Empire of Ammianus. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Buy.

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With exploration of the Roman empire summary ; Ammianus Marcellinus I, Cambridge, University... Constantius ( regierte Cite this article Pick a style below, and in G., p.430-432 retrieval dates rejects... Into a noble Greek family in,, but he is often important charge similar! Your bibliography or works cited list the article and the vitality of his history cover years. Of Julians patron and senior imperial partner Constantius looms over Ammianus portrait of the Gallic army15 Discorsi! Of ancient history and literature is impressive 12, 9, on the tutelary., Wiesbaden, Steiner, 1977, p. 166 Caesars early career sinister figure of patron. With exploration of the Roman empire summary ; Ammianus Marcellinus was the last Roman! His history cover the years 353 to 378 Hof des Kaisers Constantius ( regierte Cite this Pick...

Even the Caesars extreme subjective dejection (expressed here in the erstwhile scholars quotation of an apt line from Homer) represents a piece of ceremonial protocol, the de rigueur gesture of recusatio potestatis, thus ironically confirming his fitness for power, rather than diminishing it11. Peter OBrien, Ammianus Marcellinus, the Caesar Julian, and Rhetorical Failure,Cahiers des tudes anciennes, L|2013, 139-160. In the fourth century, they spilt westward in great numbers, dislodged by the emergence of the ferocious Huns from the Central Asian steppe. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Julians death-bed speech (XXV, 3, 15) is delivered in, , but belongs to a different genre. Although these articles may currently differ in style from others on the site, they allow us to provide wider coverage of topics sought by our readers, through a diverse range of trusted voices. It is tempting to recognize this, as the first appearance in the work of the, headed on earth, of course, by the emperor. Originally it consisted of thirty-one books covering Roman imperial history from about 96 to 378 c.e., but only the last eighteen books, describing events from late 353 c.e. Gaul at the time of Julians mission was a volatile region not only because it faced barbarian threats from without, but also because it had a notoriously independent-minded army populated by large numbers of native troops. Want to discover the world? URL:, Creative Commons - Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0,, Voir la notice dans le catalogue OpenEdition, Plan du site Contacts Mentions lgales & crdits Flux de syndication, Politique de confidentialit Gestion des cookies Signaler un problme, Nous adhrons OpenEdition dit avec Lodel Accs rserv, Vous allez tre redirig vers OpenEdition Search, Ammianus Marcellinus, the Caesar Julian, and Rhetorical Failure, Ammianus narrative on the siege of Amida (XIX, 1-9) takes up more space, but covers a period of 74, One of the best known passages of Ammianus Marcellinus fourth century history is his account of the battle of Argentoratum (Strasbourg) in 357, where the newly appointed Caesar Julian led his Gallic army to a definitive victory over the Alamanni under king Chnodomar and his allies (XVI, 12). Libanius makes the charge in. 26By attributing such exultant words to the soldiery, Ammianus transforms their interruption of the emperor and their rejection of his proposal into a veritable gesture of approval. His knowledge of ancient history and literature is impressive. His account of the decay of the Empire is fascinating, particularly the brief reign of Julian, tagged htroughout history by vengeful Christians as Julian the Apostate. It is a tension that is productive in providing Ammianus a nuanced and multilayered imperial portraiture, and one that at the same time vivifies the ceremonial scenes that moderns have been so quick to pass over. 12 Libanius, Orationes XVIII, 31-32; Julian, Epistula ad Athenienses 273c. has been attained, but in a sort of role-reversal that is perhaps surprising coming from Ammianus, the partisan of Julian. Ammianus Marcellinus is one of the last voices of the classical era, making this a book of particular interest, closing a chapter that begins with Heraclitus. The formulaic signposts, familiar from Ammianus other, scenes, both establish the comparison and expose the difference of situation, Further significance is to be discovered in Ammianus artful manipulation of these details. G. B. Pighi, op. They should delay because the sun is hot, the troops are tired and hungry and the projected night-fighting will have to be undertaken under a moonless sky. 26, I.Io23 n. i: 'Such is the bad taste of Ammianus, that it is not easy to distinguish his facts from his metaphors.' 7By likening the voice of the soldiers to Republican censors, by granting them the erudition of those who can read human character by physiognomics, and by making all of these editorial embellishments within a recognizable ceremonial template, Ammianus locks the entirely passive Julian into an objectively ordained legitimacy. In this case it is flavoured by an unusual epic tone21. J. Matthews reading of the scene exposes the rupture that Ammianus strives to cover over here: this detail is a salutary reminder that the battle, Julians greatest single military triumph and the event that more than any other transformed his position in Gaul, was fought in circumstances in which he was overridden by his advisers, , p. 100, notes that the interpolation of Florentius disquisition and Ammianus, The discussion of the reception of the speech by the army and high command would seem to end the speech-scene. J.Szidat, op. WebAmmianus Marcellinus, ca. The Germans become more arrogant when they not only recognize a smaller opposing force, but also the standards of a legion of the Magnentian Caesar Decentius, whom they had defeated years before. Recognizing them as such sanctions a much more nuanced and meaningful reading of their composition than is possible if their relevance is dismissed out of hand. References to this work on external resources. 31 J.C.Rolfe in his edition and translation of Ammianus Marcellinus I, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1950, p. 271. At this point Julians decision to call back his scouts, utilitati securitatique recte consulens Caesar (XVI, 12, 8), is reported as he prepares to make his unplanned speech to the hastily assembled troops. WebPublisher's summary. WebHistoria. Roman historian; b. Antioch, between a.d. 325 and 335; d. probably in Rome, c. 400. T. W. Arnheim, The Senatorial Aristocracy in the Later Roman Empire (Oxford 1972) 8, alleges that in the fourth century "writers such as Symmachus and Ammianus" use the word nobilis "to refer to someone of senatorial birth or senatorial origin," and this definition is accepted by A. Chastagnol, RevPhiP 47 (1973), 375. cit. At XVI, 12, 9, on the verge of battle, Julian delivers a brief speech to his troops which counsels delay. A.Foucher, Historia proxima poetis. Julian, on the other hand, suffers a setback in confidence (quae anxie ferebat sollicitus Caesar, XVI, 12, 6), likewise noticing the discrepancy in troops and regretting the recent removal of his general Barbatio, with whom he had quarreled. Yet for all its concise eloquence, this small bit of direct speech comes from the soldiery, not from Julian and not in the third-person voice of Ammianus. The speech is a persuasive failure, and in this sense conflicts with the overall tenor of the Caesars presentation in the episode. It will appear once more in close proximity to Julians speech-scenes (XX, 5, 10), and once (in slightly altered form) in association with Constantius (XXV, 2, 3). It is indicative of the particular situation of this speech that the time is verging on midday rather than dawn, which is the case in other scenes with time phrases in their introductions. We should note that the verb. In addition, the following book is recommended: 26 In his speech Julian is, in fact, manifesting the ideal qualities of a war leader. Teil I: Die Erhebung Iulians, Wiesbaden, Steiner, 1977, p. 166. 325ca. Examine and reflect on how your reading and analysis of James Joyce's book Dubliners and working For my next essay, I am being asked to discuss an early twentieth-century city with regard to the "promise of anonymity" and the "excitement and What are the most significant stories in Dubliners regarding the aspect of the city as "the soul of paralysis"? The phrase Ammianus uses to describe the interruption (nec finiri perpessi quae dicebantur, XVI, 12, 13)30 follows the basic formula that appears in the accession ceremonies of Julian and Gratian, with the fundamental difference that in those scenes the interruption was a more-or-less scripted acclamation of approval, with shields struck against knees as a recognized token. Huge was the joy with which all but a few approved the Augustus judgement, and they received the Caesar with worthy admiration, as he blazed there in the brightness of imperial purple. Instead, as a reminder of the emergent military occasion, the marching ranks are introduced according to their order and kind: infantry, cavalry, cataphractarii, and archers. Given this background, it seems that Constantius appointment of Julian shows a calculated degree of confidence and faith in an untried personality, rather than an underhanded cunning. 2) Edward Watts, City and School in Late Antique Athens and Alexandria, California, 2006., Inc. The charge is similar in Libanius, Orationes XVIII, 42. The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Thomas J. Sienkewicz. cit., p.99, neatly sums up the tendency of the signifers statement: Die uox populi is zur uox Dei geworden. Yet the greater focus on detail allowed by the battle narrative means that the scope of action is somewhat exploded, and certain concluding elements of the speech are delayed, just as certain of the introductory elements were dispersed in explanatory text. For discussions of these criticisms, see, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1978, p.34, and J.M, Ammianus imputes a similar rationale to Constantius and his court in sending Ursicinus to deal with the revolt of Silvanus (XV, 5, 19) and repeats the accusation of mistreatment of Julian at XXII, 3, 7. The. Ammianus Marcellinus was a Roman soldier and historian who wrote the penultimate major historical account surviving from. ber seine Ttigkeiten berichtet vor allem der Geschichtsschreiber Ammianus Marcellinus.. Paulus stammte aus Spanien. The Goths annihilated Valenss Roman army; by some accounts, the Romans lost upwards of 40,000 men. Webammianus marcellinus the later roman empire summary ; ammianus marcellinus the later roman empire summary. Click on a thumbnail to go to Google Books. In the process he will demonstrate once again the essential, albeit transformed, role of rhetoric in his late antique historiography.

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