Have you found any witches in your family tree? My mother has told me that her great(lots of great) grandma was accused of witchcraft and hanged in 1692, (1621-1692) her name is Susannah north Martin. My grandma knows a hell lot and has many stories. I saw ghost all the time. I have Hungarian and Ukrainian heritage and my grandmother has told me on several occasions that a few relatives practiced herbal crafts. [1] This law was issued after a local court in Kodawa had burned a group of women after severe torture and a trial with dubious legality. Im coming into more of my comfort zone using crystals, healing rocks, moon energy, ect , I just wish there was someone near my area to help me grasp my full potential.. Ancestral Witchcraft: Witch Bloodline Names from England, Ireland and U.S. What is Ancestral Witchcraft? Meliot Used as incense for protection to those who had been given the evil eye. My daughter and I posses much of what you have written about. Cookie Notice My last name is Long, Do your ancestry DNA< I knew some Longs in GA and I think there are some in SC, Hello i am also looking for my bloodline im a decendent of the Bell witch you know the real one Patience Eldora Summers and Bertha Bellzora Summers. I have O positive and I have many signs of being a witch. My grandfather was a bespoke herbalist and my brother and i knows how to use herbs in healing our family members. Same mom, different marriages. BUT its pretty darn cool, anyway!!! I found an old tombstone in Texas with Handcock, written on it. Im trying to dig into it but my dad has always been a mystery to me and lots of things were kept in secrecy. Im adoped but i have amost every sign you mentioned too cool thanks for affirming my uniqueness kelly. Is witchcraft in your blood? he sometimes see the shadow and he told me that the ghost always hide under the kitchen sink cabinet!! I dint onow how to cast spells though, My mothers grandfather was a healer and card reader, my aunt was a card reader. WebOct 11, 2020 - Explore Kristine K's board "Polish Slavic witchcraft" on Pinterest. I can talk to the recently deceased, and have visions. The Witch Trials in Ireland were fewer than those elsewhere in Europe, but they still happened. Hello Lisa, if youre the Blair i think you are, notice the name Weir! Perhaps it is the way they carry out their incantions or maybe just not enough people really know about them.My mothers family comes from decendants of the craft way back.My great, great grandfather was tasked to bring down the witches that would steal the cinnamon tree branches, so the ability to stop or allow the passage through the Cinnamon tree orchards was very important to the town as this was one of the major money makers for the town and the people that lived there.I know it might sound a little bit odd but the value of cinnamon back in those days is equivalent to the Vanilla Bean today.Witches were drawn to the tree groves and still to this day most witches utilize cinnamon for their incantations. Study your ancestors ways, wherever they are from. Ladanki contained written spells, herbs, stones, amulets and talismans. Birch A harbinger of spring, and it is said to bring good fortune and protect against witches and the evil eye. Jahrhundert, "Procesy czarownic w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodw", "Polskie polowanie na czarownice. hereditary Sometimes I see a dead animal and cry, I have been a witch since birth and found out since I was 4, now I am in my mid 20s and I have several powers in one, I anonymously would like to know if there are others like me. Knots in willows were considered powerful catalysts in love magic. If you were taught how to garden and use herbs, you might be from a line of witches. It is up to you to determine if your ancestor was a witch or not. Thanks for writing the family name lists! Hope this helps somewhat. They were often documented as a young girl of nine, the prettiest woman in town, the rich woman, the reverend of So even if you dont see your ancestral names in the witch bloodline names, still doesnt mean you arent descended from witches. I was taught the art of the Craft by a friend and continue to practice as a solitary to this day, I mostly have dreams were I am falling and my mom will just say anny what happen and my granny and mom dream and predict stuff a lot and make healing herbs and she give us honey and salt but we are christians but I feel I have powers I watch every witch and fairy film I think I do have powers. There is little documentation preserved of the witch trials of the 1790s, but a witch trial is known to have taken place in aszkw in Polish Ukraine (then Russian partition) as late as 1799. I also have Porter in my lines and a few others. It was said that it was like a book that I have always questioned my family heritage and why we were able to fo the things we do. I know that when people do me wrong that within days and Ive seen it happen to someone within an hour. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. Zawagory (this form is known in Russia) zamowy (this in Poland, from zamawianie choroby praying for illness to go away) is Polish one. Ancestry.com is now hosting the database, where you can find out whether or not you were related to any of the accused witches of Scotland. [1] However, these laws were also commonly ignored by the local courts who continued to conduct witch trials, and the ban against witch trials could not be enforced in Poland. Almost all of these fit my grammy could predict things, ghosts. Not just one, but my actual full name is present. I have goosebumps while reading this. I hide my powers because in the past I have done extreme evil with them, I want to learn the good side of my powers, hope I can make a friend that is very similar to me. I dont know if this is true or not, because my grandmother on my dads side was brutally murdered on Halloween night, & this was before I was born!!! I can go on and on sweetheart, Ive probably got enough that would last days on in if not weeks! I have doubted ever since that i come from a line of hereditary witches, though i love crystals, incense, salts, herbs, and being with nature. Xo, Tracy, HELLO! Google last name carrier origins and usually the results will tell you other forms of the name. Hope this helps. After some research, it looks like Im a descendant in the direct line. White Bryony This herb was fenced in when it was found on property to protect it; as the leaves resemble a child and digging it up would destroy their own happiness. As in other European traditions, the crossroads are a sacred and magical place where both divination and invocations were uttered. A term used to mean a curse being on someone, or working magic against someone. [1] However, this law was commonly ignored, and local courts continued to arrest, trial and execute people for sorcery so much that the law had to be repeated without effect several times until 1713. Thats fallen away now and my witchy self is stronger than ever. Italy and surrounding Mediterranean countries also had their fair share of Witch Trials and executions. Medicine and charm bags that were worn on the belt or around the neck. Rebecca Nurse was Rebecca Towne, and so was her sister Mary Easty. Any help I can get on thoes names would be amazing. Watch. February 26, 2023 By Leave a Comment. If the skin darkened, they would survive. [] to the Other Worldly Oracle, the following are some witch last names with strong [], Can anyone tell me where the name Whigham originated from and is it associated with any witches, Uh so Im not sure if my family is a long line of witches or not but I have visions or premonitions of the future, it sounds crazy, but its true and the name isnt listed on here Im just curious as to what it is cause it happens literally all the time I cant go a day or night with out having some sort of vision or premonition but sometimes its just about small things like a conversation or something someone does and Im not sure theyre bad things, what is it I need answers like honestly, this is my email: arielburnett5@gmail.com, Could my name be changed overtime because it is Horton now but it could changed Thornton. Since Ive been on this path Ive always wanted to get more in touch with my roots and learn more about the beliefs of my Polish ancestors but have come across numerous barriers: My family is not very connected with our lineage at all, like most immigrant families of the early 1900s set on full assimilation, my family stopped using our native tongue and never taught the younger generations much, if anything, about our ancestry. Thank you. I dont claim to be psychic but I know things without being told about them and my dreams tell me things before they happen. I see Bishop listed. fra; ind; polish witch bloodline names. Go find out what it is thats nagging u. Thats probably someone that is trying to contact u from the other side to warn u or wants u to know something very important! I have Parker and porter in my lineage , My birth fathers birth family hails from West Virginia Im told I have a ancestor on the hanging side but am curious to see if I share bloodline with Mary Parker and Alice Parker. Another form of Italian hereditary witchcraft is called Benedicaria, of whose practitioners claim devout Catholicism with folk magic mixed in. Please can you help , Im interested in unlocking my inner self . Like most of Eastern Europe, Catholicism is huge in Poland and kind of bastardized a lot of ancient belief systems and knowledge. If you see small parts of the future or past, you are a diviner. Do they believe in holistic healing over western medicine? SO if your mom, grandmother, aunt, uncle, etc. About fifty witnesses were questioned at the trial. Think about how many people have lived over the years whose blood is in your veins. Hello. They were kinda like Gypsy I guess u could say. His last name is Langford, though. My great gram on my moms side was a herbalist for a native American tribe in Maine and Canada. Debate as to whether the tradition is passed down over MANY generations, a few generations, or whether the tradition itself has to be verbally defined (by the family) as witchcraft circulates in the pagan community today. N we have a tiny strawberry on our right breast..its been handed down for 2 generations I know. I was told that I am High Priestess, whatever that means. So I have no real familial link to follow. I literally walked out my door and seen this man got punched to the ground from this other man and it sounded like a brick that had hit a brick wall. Something I shall ponder further another time. Under the Salem witches it lists Parker for Mary (Ayers) Parker which was my ancestor. In a land mostly spared from the Inquisition and Witch Trials, Romanian hereditary traditions have almost all remained intact. That said to get to that state of being is up to you to find, it could be one simple thing to achieve it or a combine of things. so yea after walking were succesfully now in chapel haha and this december 2019 we have a musical broadway in our school while resting we decided to walk around the hall we went to the very dark stairs up in the backstage i can sense that theres a shadow i told my classmate hey did u notice something then he said to me lets come down quick i guess he saw the ghost he told me that he can see ghosts sometimes he told me that theres a shadow figure in the dark corner and i was shooked so yea i never go to that place again btw i know places in my school where theres ghostsin our 4th floor crgrotto etc.. i dont usually go to those places unless we have an activity there :)), Comment This is because of the popularity of witchcraft in this day and age. well until now i can sense the ghost at my grandpas house.. btw our house and granpas house are just side by side and also at my school i can sense theres many ghosts!! [2] The witch trials in Poland, although lasting longer than in most of Europe, have been described as less intensive; the number of people executed for sorcery in Europe is estimated to be around 60,000. You may have heard the term stregheria which is a close (but more modern) form of Stregoneria. If I lived in America, Id unlock all this, never late to go anyway. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I am feeling deeply depressed and alone. If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. If your mother or grandmother always kept religious statues around BUT maintained and treated them as if they were alive or had magical powers, she might have been a witch. A traditional invocation to Matka Ziema; with a jar of hemp oil: Mother Earth, subdue every evil and unclean being so that he may not cast a spell on us nor do us any harm. West Mother Earth, engulf the unclean power in thy boiling pits, and in thy burning fires. South Mother Earth, calm the winds coming from the South and all bad weather. I am a practising witch and I want to know if Im related to Susannah Martin. or even around the late 1300s, My grandma died before I could even meet her , Im all 15 Im a Heredity witch my grandma on my dads side of the family I felt her she felt me we had same dreams like all the same things nature herbs spell casting predictions premonitions. Remember a witch will always know another one when they meet. After my great grandmother passed I was in the living room and I had a dream that she was in our utility room and I picked her up as she walked out and I sat her on the table. Perhaps even your brother had a social disorder of some kind. My mothers side was Germany, though. i cant see them but i feel them!! A countenance had in the 1600 I dont know anything about my ancestors and I dont know how to deal with this or even channel in, Me either my gifts have expanded greatly I can just see the outline of spirits and can channel people energies better Gods give me the gift of sight and listening to things that are hidden still being enhanced on a daily everyday my gifts get stronger its divine intervention too me. These are all signs. According to Wikipedia, a hereditary witch is someone who is born into a tradition of esoteric origin. Basically, a hereditary witch inherits practice from generations before (mother, grandmother, aunt, etc.) In all traditions, circles can be made of with lighted candles, drawing circles in the soil, or with natural objects and tools. I am about 65% sure I searchedcorrectly but not enough to be 100% yet, Susannah is my 12th ggm as well..Inam also gifted. My story overlaps my ancestors accused in more ways than make sense so maybe the gifts are still passed generationally. I dont believe she was a witch. With one SmartFX If your mother or grandmother (or other family member) taught you how to heal with herbs or how to use your hands to provide healing energy to others, you might come from a line of witches with healing abilities. I have a lot of family still in Massachusetts. I pray often. Debate continues as to whether the tradition is passed down over a few or MANY generations or whether the tradition has to be defined (by the family) or not. It is so easy for me to fall to evil. If you have one of the Salem witches names in your family, you could be a descendant from the Salem witch bloodline. They were hung or pressed to death, with any number also dying in the prison of the usual ailments associated with imprisonment at that time. My Brother told me my grandma (moms side) healed his hand so he can touch fire now and not get burned and I was like woah, and my moms side has always been a little spooky and shady, with ghosts and stuff. murder of priest David Ldecke. All of them went into the medical fields and my mom would know things and have premonitions. Or do you think it comes from biological? But we dont all have the ability to move off the grid and live like our ancestors once did. Your family claims their magical heritage, 15. Record your findings in your journal, BOS, or in your family tree! Thats up North Mississippi. Now that Im growing up, Im getting ready to move to Scotland. Me, I can sence them2 weeks before they happen most of the time. Families of hereditary witches sometimes carry something called a witchs mark in the form of birthmarks that tend to pass from generation to generation. Check the bottom of the Wikipedia pages for the Bibliography section. [2] (That claim has been disputed, however, as witchcraft was not a criminal offense in Prussia at the time. Mary Ayers Parker is my ancestor, also! Another way to honor your witch ancestors, study the ancient culture of his/her people and also the culture at the time of his/her life. Ive been taught a lot of things Im so strong of an Empath to as well. My maiden name is Barrett Im really interested in my history . If so, how do you honor them? Chances are you descend from witches somewhere in your family tree! And somehow, when I fell off my bike and skinned my knee, I instinctively knew to break off an aloe vera leaf and apply the sticky substance to my wound. my Martins settled in Kentucky! Everyone in my family knows when bad things will happen and I can manifest lots of things. My great aunt did a family tree lineage all the way back to Rebecca Nurse. king Robert De Bruce is my 21st great grandfather. the house seemed grand and was very busy. The Central High Court interrupted witch trials in local courts and stopped executions on several occasions, such as in czyca 1702 and Przemyl 1756. My mom and grandmother were nurses but still always leaned towards natural healing as i do. WebThe name of a supernatural creature in Eastern European mythology, known in English as "Lady Midday" or the "Noon Witch". I had dreams where i talked to dead people i was related to. If you have any information about the bell witch will you please email me, hi do you live in TN, I live in TN and there is so so much information available. Any man who had the bad luck to meet the procession was felled without mercy. My mom always puts salt around the house and there is always a owl outside our porch does is it mean she is a witch. When Sidonia recanted her confession, she was tortured anew on 16 August. This is an obvious one. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. Maybe youve heard her say something like, this place feels icky. Or maybe she has a hard time breathing in certain places. Maybe Saxon? Now, if your grandmother taught you how to use herbs to heal and make magic, taught you how to cleanse the air in the house, and told you folk stories of her ancestors, among other magical customs, you could DEFINITELY claim hereditary witchcraft. WebThe original post boasts witch bloodline names out of Scotland, Salem MA, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, and you may Italy. We have strong magic in our family, even if it has been abused or neglected by a generation or two. [learn_more caption=Sidonia von Bork] Sidonia von Borcke (15481620) was a Pomeranian noblewoman who was tried and executed for witchcraft. Stay tuned. Along with many other names listed in the events that took place. A Russian word for charm books and no czarwonica would be worth his/her salt without one. This was very helpful! Explore. znakhari are znachorzy (folk healers), znakharka is znachorka (medicine woman), znakhor is znachor (medicine man) She was also a Towne. It is said that the stems and leaves from this plant were used in spells and incantations. Girl. And that they come from a long line of witches. In the last article Ancestral Witchcraft article, we listed off the names of the Salem witches. To learn more about how to find witch ancestors in your family tree,click here. When empaths absorb energies from others, they are prone to anxiety and social disorders. The power is more like a connection in your bloodline to all and everything around you. For example, Hoodoo often uses Biblical verses in uncrossings, healings, and even curses. And for that I also do some research on my family, especially my fathers family because I dont really know them and my genealogy at this side. Burnette Saxifrage An herb that in folklore is said to protect you from death by eating or drinking it. The witch trials in Poland started later than in most of Europe, beginning in earnest in Poland until the second half of the 17th century, but also lasted longer than elsewhere. My nana and great nanas have had these things but never talked about them due to the pastor saying to ignore it. She followed astrology closely and also did folk magic. When animals die I feel it even with plants and all of nature. And on my mother side I have weird in my ancestors and Thomas weir strangled and Bernadette in Scotland not sure if we share about Dean Im gonna keep digging my mothers maiden name is also Wilson. U watch for those real sudden strong thoughts that tell u something that ur mind wont let u forget! [1][2][3] Unlike elsewhere in Europe, due to the privileges of Polish nobility, there are no recorded instances of a process and execution of a noble (outside of a legend of Walenty Potocki, which historians describe as a fictional story).[2][5]. And our family has a background of witches but I do not no a lot about that. I am a healer. polish witch bloodline names. The young women and men who are witches today will become parents, pass down their beliefs and customs to their children, and possibly their grandchildren. A white tablecloth covers the workspace, and your candle is set in the middle of the table. Related Articles. I do know I have many many witches in my line, but I carry so much powers in one it is incredible but scary because who can I learn from. Eldora is my great grandmother we have been looking for our family for years. taught you witchcraft or folk magic, then youcouldclaim hereditary witchcraft as a tradition. Whereabouts are thinking your Thornton connection might be?? When I do spells and offerings, they are to Jesus, The Holy Father or Mary on some occasions. Bread and salt are placed behind the candle, flowers and incense to the right and a cup of water to the left. But avoided embracing the ME me because I was trying to be a good Catholic. But I dont see our family name Blair. Ive already planned everything, it remains for me to settle down to do my research. Bea Thats hard to deal with, but I would say focus on your ancient ancestors. Henceforth there will be more hereditary witches in the future than there are nowadays. I think her step mother wanted to get rid of her. My name is Shawn. I have not been able to prove this without a shadow of a doubt. If you can say yes to more than one of these, you might be from a line of witches. While I find this interesting I question how much our ancestral line has to do with our abilities and such since, according to my beliefs anyway, we reincarnate multiple times and may jump from one family to the next bases on our soul contracts. I think I inherited something from my mom, who was a McNeil and Hoffman. The Knights of Poland to protect them from all possible danger used it. Some were shamans and druids. Sarah Bridges (later Preston, then Price) is not listed. Do you know where your Martin family came from? Something happened there that i believe started this. If anyone could find out if Im related to any witches, I would be so great full. Is your family seemingly drawn to the healthcare field? February 26, 2023 By Leave a Comment. In January 1620, a man named Elias Pauli was appointed as Sidonias defender. I dont know how far Id have to go back to find a generation of decent folks. Belts held knives, ladanki and were wore by both women and men. Im thinking now maybe it wasnt a dream after all! Jonnie Handcock, it was in a Gulley like it was discarded. Old Greek and our The cinnamon being worth a lot makes sense to me! Juniper On the Holy Day of Dyngusy, branches were used to playfully whip blessings onto each other. Despite being formally banned in 1776, the law was not evenly enforced for the next half a century even after the witch trials had ended or became a rarity in the rest of Europe. ONE of these traditions doesnt make one a witch. Read those books. Can these seemingly mental health problems be attributed to something deeper maybe your family members are empathic! Although he presented a defense showing that those allegedly murdered had died natural deaths, he also dissociated himself from statements of Sidonia which had incriminated Jost von Borcke and other officials. To evil few others Blair i think you are a diviner it happen to someone within an.. 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