My production server is running the solution in a subfolder ( Im not a huge expert here, but as far as I understand, base64 is safe for use in something like HTML or CSS because it only uses 64 characters known to be safe in those formats. It breaks. /*border: 3px solid black;*/ Would you mind sharing how did you set up the background Image. Sass/SCSS (variables) Sass .
I use ng build --prod --localize command and has configured 2 languages but there no added language directory to url path when I write like this background-image: url('~/assets/icon.svg') Well occasionally send you account related emails. margin:0px; Police took Montana's fingerprints and searched every missing person report in the surrounding areas to no avail. Web CSS SCSS/SASS HAML Rails. background-image: url('../../assets/img/bg-masthead.jpg'); worked for me. Images. The issue is about the inability to use relative paths :D. In some cases you can't use absolute because you have a baseHrefUrl like /en/ so / is going out of that folder to a path that doesn't exist. This makes it possible to write quoted stringsthat contain syntax thats not allowed in SassScript (like selectors) andinterpolate them into stylerules. SCSS/CSS background-image url path problem. What changes did you make?So I have my webpack correctly configured , however I am unable to set a background Image to my header component. This example shows a bad combination of text and background image. I generate "color packs" for my theme designs and need to specify the following variables for my mixin. The good news is that the next release of Compass will have this ability! Then, Gatsby will allow you to access content in this folder by using /images/myImageName.jpg. While its tempting to use this feature to convert quoted strings to unquoted strings, its a lot clearer to use the string.unquote() function. (in SCSS - didn't try plain CSS), the build output for '~/assets/images/logo.svg' is -> '/assets/images/logo.svg' which prevents from deploying the app in any other path than the root, even though in my index.html i set the baseHref to be relative './'. Have you tried url('../../public/bg-img.jpg')? Not sure if this is a Gatsby related issue or a SASS issue. In the following examples, we try out background-image with different kinds of values for url(). If you want CSS like the background URL, that can go in a style tag. But whenever I'm trying to set the background image of and element (div) with the background-image: url() css property in SASS I get the following error: ./src/styles/main.scss (./node_modules/css-loader??ref--14-oneOf-1-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss-3!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js? How to wire two different 3-way circuits from same box. Check out the github file above for the example. Each SCSS or CSS uses lots of images that if we just dump to the images_dir="img" directory it looks like a big mess.
Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Damn! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! sass: Invalid CSS after ": ": expected "}", was "url('"), Problem with css variable and jekyll to post site on github pages, Adding an image as sass variable to an html-twig file.
If the asset_path is an issue, you can define a custom function for the images to work around it (although this removes the ability to configure with config.rb): @function remote-image-url($name) { Awesome Snippet Nikola for non Compass users. But this error break code formatting in netbeans and code become ugly. What does Snares mean in Hip-Hop, how is it different from Bars? How to defeat Mesoamerican military without gunpowder? I see that mostly in situations with markup and not the actual style sheet URIs. This is particularly useful when dynamically generating names(for example for animations), or when using slash-separated values. url () The url () CSS function is used to include a file. Tried it out, works perfect. Rails app in Production doesn't load images? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.
url("#{$get-path-to-assets}/site/background.jpg"), Definitely prefer the brevity with pointing directly to the variable, if you are using it at an @import you need to add 'url(' and ')' to make the interpolation to work. On compile it balks at first instance of variable in the background url property saying ("Invalid CSS after "": expected ")"). Can I switch from FSA to HSA mid-year while switching employers? You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. sass --watch []:[].--update By April 6, 2023 undefeated: jim thorpe quotes April 6, 2023 undefeated: jim thorpe quotes 1 Answer. A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Web Development & Design, Technical Writing, Interaction Design, Open Source Maker & Contributor. I am having a similar issue. Teams. Works in latest Angular version (8.3.21)! Thanks. When using sass-rails you get a helper called image-url which you can use instead of url in your .scss files. I tried this on your repo and it compiled successfully (using ../..). // Compass will automatically generate a relative URL to the file. What was the plan? B-Movie identification: tunnel under the Pacific ocean. It uses a simple SASS function (to create a random star field on each load) and CSS animation keyframes. The
. SCSS CSS Rails, sass --watch? The first layer specified is drawn as if Favs. This is where Compass will come to the rescue. Yes, it is better to use in quoted path. Error: 'node-sass' version 5.0.0 is incompatible with ^4.0.0. Hence people reporting having to add each file to assets (At least in the past we didn't need to). Finally, I found the solution of the problem, it was in the URL path it should be like this: background: url ('./../../img/curve3.png') 100%; not this : background: url ('./../../../img/curve3.png') 100%; I should began from the main.scss not from myfile.scss. Is there such a thing as polynomial multivariate panel regression? I have an SCSS project and I need to use background-image property on a div, but it doesn't find the image. Globally I'd recommand to never use absolute paths in url() as it is pure CSS and is always relative to the index.html file in production. The story goes like this; work locally with your assets folder, upload your code and assets to the deployment server, test, and then finally make it production ready, but were missing one important aspect from this entire process; What happens if the location of those assets change or worse theyre moved to a cdn? hey, any comments on how the background-position like "right center" will work/ used. Can two unique inventions that do the same thing as be patented? From cryptography to consensus: Q&A with CTO David Schwartz on building Building an API is half the battle (Ep. Notethat interpolation in SassScript always returns an unquotedstring. Pourquoi ? WebIphone CSS,iphone,html,css,mobile,background-image,Iphone,Html,Css,Mobile,Background Image,iPhone Also works in quoted paths e.g. background: white; we can also use a relative url based on our http_path. Syntax: body { background-attachment: fixed; } Example: HTML