And a May 2021 Mercer study found that 70% of companies said they were planning to adopt the hybrid work model [4]. Technical problems with regard to instructional design were a challenge to online learners thus not indicating effectiveness (Song et al., 2004), though the authors also indicated that descriptive statistics to a tune of 75% and time management (62%) impact on success of online learning. They however do not deal with such variables in the contexts of blended learning design as an aspect of innovative pedagogy involving the use of technology in education. It explores learning design frameworks and strategies to offer effective, 24/7, anywhere-anytime PD They did receive suggestions from instructors about resources to use in their learning (75.3%) and instructors provided learning input for them to come up with their own answers (71%). (2008), no statistically significant differences exist between age groups. USA: PhD Dissertation, New York University. Learners in a study by Osgerby (2013) had positive perceptions of blended learning but preferred face-to-face with its step-by-stem instruction. Researchers have dealt with success factors for online learning or those for traditional face-to-face learning but little is known about factors that predict blended learning effectiveness in view of learner characteristics and blended learning design features. Contrary to Cohen et al. Last updated on Apr 3, 2023. This evaluates the extent of an e-learning system usage and the educational effectiveness. statement and The efficient use of learning management system and its tools improves learning outcomes in e-learning and blended learning environments. Results on the learners computer competences are summarized in percentages in the table below (Table2): It can be seen that learners are skilled in word processing at 91%, email at 63.5%, spreadsheets at 68%, web browsers at 70.2% and html tools at 45.4%. An examination of learner characteristics/background, design features and learning outcomes as factors for effectiveness can help to inform the design of effective learning environments that involve face-to-face sessions and online aspects. Accounting Education, 13(4), 117130. (2012) findings that learners family responsibilities and hours of employment can impede their process of learning, it is not the case here since they are drivers to the blended learning process. Learners knowledge construction was reported at 78% with initiation and discovery scales scoring 84% with 88% specifically for discovering the learning points in the course units. Barnard, L., Lan, W. Y., To, Y. M., Paton, V. O., & Lai, S. (2009). Heinich, R., Molenda, M., Russell, J. D., & Smaldino, S. E. (2001). The quality of learning management system content for learners can be a predictor of good performance in e-and blended learning environments and can lead to learner satisfaction. What Are the Pros and Cons of Blended Learning? A big benefit of blended learning is the ability to control the pace. This also creates space for reflective thought for learners, said Tillberg-Webb. Digital resources are generally readily available, unless there are budget issues. The blended learning delivery of anatomy modules has been applied for the first time and perhaps come to stay, hence its legitimacy and efficiency. In Greer, Hudson & Paughs study as cited in Park and Choi (2009), family and peer support for learners is important for success in online and face-to-face learning. K-12 online learning: A survey of U.S. school district administrators.
Education and Training, 46(67), 335342. According to Education Elements, which develops hybrid learning technologies, successful blended learning occurs when technology and teaching inform each other: material becomes dynamic when it reaches students of varying learning styles. Assessing the impact of blended learning on student performance. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 15(1), 4557. E-learning and retention key factors influencing student withdrawal. Internet reliability was rated at 66% with a speed considered averagely good to facilitate online activities (63%). B. The blended learning and time-in-service model announced in December 2014 was implemented so Airmen would receive PME earlier and more frequent in their career. Research has dealt with learner characteristics that contribute to learner performance outcomes. In addition, Google Scholar. Pallant, J. We however note that Coldwel, et al dealt with young, middle-aged and old above 45years whereas we dealt with young and middle aged only. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought blended learning to the forefront of conversation nationwide. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(3), 115127. A gap remains in the literature related to blended learning, self-efficacy, knowledge and perceptions in undergraduate nursing. Blocker, J. M., & Tucker, G. (2001). Advantages include: Blended learning allows learners to complete certain sections of training using online resources, saving time in the classroom by enabling assessment of learners understanding after the fact. Learners are important partners in any learning process and therefore, their backgrounds and characteristics affect their ability to effectively carry on with learning and being in blended learning, the design tools to be used may impinge on the effectiveness in their learning. Song, Singleton, Hill, and Koh (2004) examined online learning effectiveness factors and found out that time management (a self-regulatory factor) was crucial for successful online learning. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.
Sankaran, S., & Bui, T. (2001).
Learner success in blended learning may substantially be affected by system functionality (Pituch & Lee, 2006) and may lead to failure of such learning initiatives (Shrain, 2012). Educational Technology & Society, 15(1), 127136. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1982).
They effectively used the communication tools (60%) and to work with peers by making posts (57%). A big percentage of learners spend two hours on study while at home (35.3%) followed by one hour (28.2%) while only 9.7% spend more than three hours on study at home. Learner performance by age and gender in e-learning and blended learning has been found to indicate no significant differences between male and female learners and different age groups (i.e. Tselios, Daskalakis, and Papadopoulou (2011) investigated learner perceptions after a learning management system use and found out that the actual system use determines the usefulness among users. In Wasson, B. Ludvigsen, S. & Hoppe, V. (eds), Designing for change in networked learning environments (pp 333342). Available on Garrison, D. R., & Kanuka, H. (2004). WebThe introduction of blended learning added new dimension to training, and the possibilities for delivering knowledge and information to learners at an accelerated pace and opened new vistas for knowledge management. Rahman, S. et al, (2011). However, learners note challenges in the use of the LMS regarding its performance as having been problematic to them (57%) and only 8% of the learners reported navigation while 16% reported access as challenges. Such a model provides a truly interactive learning experience, increasing learner engagement by providing different options for self-study and thoughtfully combining digital and real-world training techniques. The pressure percentage of 54% arises from learners feeling nervous (39.2%) and a lot of anxiety (53%) while 44% felt a lot of pressure during the blended learning experiences. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 8(2), 488492. Oxford Group, (2013). Tier 2: Simulated situations and interactive scenarios to enhance learning. This justifies our approach in dealing with the design features of blended learning in this study. This blended learning environment has become the major role in training and education scene. The authors also show that learners need time budgeting, appropriate technology tools and support from friends and family in web-based courses. The high computer competences and confidence is an antecedent factor for blended learning effectiveness as noted by Hadad (2007) and this study finds learners confident and competent enough for the effectiveness of blended learning. Apart from the learner variables such as gender, age, experience, study time as tackled before, this study considers social and background aspects of the learners such as family and social support, self-regulation, attitudes towards blended learning and management of workload to find out their relationship to blended learning effectiveness. Hara, N. & Kling, R. (2001). In short blended learning is more flexible, adaptable, and engaging for learners, while allowing instructors better cater to the unique needs of their learners. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64(9-A), 3191. rate and eliminating illiteracy; blended learning increases the learning effectiveness to a large degree, decreases the time environment required for training, decreases the training costs, allows the learner to study at his favorite Dealing with the characteristics identified in this study will give another dimension, especially for blended learning in learning environment designs and add to specific debate on learning using technology. 2.1 Blended Learning. In the school of Education (n=70) and Business and Management Studies (n=133), sophomore students were involved due to the fact that they have been introduced to ICT basics during their first year of study.
The data was first tested to check if it met the linear regression test assumptions and results showed the correlations between the independent variables and each of the dependent variables (highest 0.62 and lowest 0.22) as not being too high, which indicated that multicollinearity was not a problem in our model. Results show that learner self-regulation was good enough at 72.3% in all the sub-scales of goal setting, environment structuring, task strategies, time management, help-seeking and self-evaluation among learners. In agreement with Selim (2007), learner positive attitudes towards e-and blended learning environments are success factors. Cronbachs alpha was used to test reliability and the table below gives the results.
These factors, once addressed, can lead to learner satisfaction in e-learning and blended learning and eventual effectiveness. Universities and other institutions of learning should continue to emphasize blended learning approaches through installation of learning management systems along with strong internet to enable effective learning through technology especially in the developing world. (2014). Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. From this research, learners manifest high potential to take on blended learning more especially in regard to learner self-regulation exhibited. Theory and Practice of Online Learning. What are the student characteristics and blended learning design features for an effective blended learning environment? Learners need to seek helpful assistance from peers and teachers through chats, email and face-to-face meetings for effectiveness (Lynch & Dembo, 2004). They showed that it is beneficial for them (94%) and that it was an important way of studying (84.3%). Guskey, T. R. (2000). Web-based distance learning in a community college: The influence of task values on task choice, retention and commitment. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 31(4), 423439. Sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with a learning management system in post-adoption stage: A critical incident technique approach. Loukis, E., Georgiou, S. & Pazalo, K. (2007). A Learning Management System (LMS) that monitors employee progress through eLearning video courses, letting management provide feedback and assistance when needed, in conjunction with live classroom sessions. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The machine learning algorithms attain a higher level of predictive ability. Factors such as learners hours of employment and family responsibilities are known to impede learners process of learning, blended learning inclusive (Cohen, Stage, Hammack, & Marcus, 2012). Multiple regression analysis results showed that blended learning design features (technology quality, online tools and face-to-face support) and student characteristics (attitudes and self-regulation) predicted student satisfaction as an outcome. Out of the whole university population of students, three schools and one directorate were used. The design features under study here include interactions, technology with its quality, face-to-face support and learning management system tools and resources. TechTrends, 48(6), 2931. 9. Song, L., Singleton, E. S., Hill, J. R., & Koh, M. H. (2004).
Learners reported high intrinsic motivation levels with interest and enjoyment of tasks at 83.7%, perceived competence at 70.2%, effort/importance sub-scale at 80%, pressure/tension reported at 54%. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Blended learning is a natural development to the growing accessibility of eLearning, online resources, and the continued need for a human component in the Educational Technology & Society, 12(4), 207217. In blended learning set ups, face-to-face experiences form part of the blend and learner positive attitudes to such sessions could mean blended learning effectiveness. Effectiveness of blended learning on improving medical students learning initiative and performance in the physiology study 1.
Additionally, Hadad, W. (2007). This study is based on an experiment in which learners participated during their study using face-to-face sessions and an on-line session of a blended learning design. The frequency of the face-to-face sessions is shown in the table below as preferred by learners (Table5). Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 930. A. A one-way ANOVA between subjects was conducted to establish the differences in performance between age groups. In another study, learning experience and performance are known to improve when traditional course delivery is integrated with online learning (Stacey & Gerbic, 2007). An e-learning approach to secondary education in Palestine: opportunities and challenges. The focus of the present study is on examining the effectiveness of blended learning taking into consideration learner characteristics/background, blended learning design elements and learning outcomes and how the former are significant predictors of blended learning effectiveness. WebBlended learning provides the necessary communication, collaboration, and learning technology to quickly and efficiently keep employees up-to-date on new procedures and Educational Technology & Society, 14(2), 224235. Research shows that the failure of learners to continue their online education in some cases has been due to family support or increased workload leading to learner dropout (Park & Choi, 2009) as well as little time for study. The accomplishment scale in knowledge construction scored 71% and specifically the fact that learners were able to work together with group members to accomplish learning tasks throughout the study of the course units (79%). This often leads to people continuing to learn Effect of blended environment model on high school students academic achievement. Shraim and Khlaif (2010) note in their research that 75% of students and 72% of teachers were lacking in skills to utilize ICT based learning components due to insufficient skills and experience in computer and internet applications and this may lead to failure in e-learning and blended learning. This paper investigates the Internet and Higher Education, 12(1), 16. WebThe introduction of blended learning added new dimension to training, and the possibilities for delivering knowledge and information to learners at an accelerated pace and opened Learner ability to assess and critically evaluate knowledge sources is hereby established in our findings.
Blended learning is a powerful approach to corporate training, learning, and development that has several clear benefits for businesses. Design features (technology quality, online tools and resources as well as learner interactions) and learner characteristics (self regulation), significantly predicted the learners intrinsic motivation in blended learning suggesting that good technology, tools and high interaction levels with independence in learning led to learners being highly motivated. . A live, instructor-led virtual classroom that allows for the personal attention of an in-person classroom but is accessible online, from anywhere, coupled with periodic in-person trainings. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Studies indicate that student characteristics such as gender play significant roles in academic achievement (Oxford Group, 2013), but no study examines performance of male and female as an important factor in blended learning effectiveness. However, blended learning effectiveness may be dependent on many other factors and among them student characteristics, design features and learning outcomes. Learner and instructional factors influencing learner outcomes within a blended learning environment. The study population comprised of 139 male students representing 58.4% and 99 females representing 41.6% with an average age of 24years. Packham, G., Jones, P., Miller, C., & Thomas, B. Effective blended learning would require that learners are able to initiate, discover and accomplish the processes of knowledge construction as antecedents of blended learning effectiveness. Learner interactions were seen from three angles of cognitivism, collaborative learning and student-teacher interactions. None of the independent variables were identified as significant predictors of student performance. Comparisons between blended learning environments have been done to establish the disparity between academic achievement, grade dispersions and gender performance differences and no significant differences were found between the groups (Demirkol & Kazu, 2014). Blended Learning has been defined and interpreted differently by researchers and educators. From the coefficients table, the VIF values ranged from 1.0 to 2.4, well below the cut off value of 10 and indicating no possibility of multicollinearity. Kintu, M.J., Zhu, C. & Kagambe, E. Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between student characteristics, design features and outcomes. Computers & Education, 47(2), 222244. Ahmad, N., & Al-Khanjari, Z. 5. WebBlended Learning Strategies; Custom eLearning; Games, Gamification, and Play for Learning; and every organization can benefit from video in its learning mix. Goyal, E., & Tambe, S. (2015). ERIC Document Reproduction Service No.
They reported that using moodle helped them to learn new concepts, information and gaining skills (85.3%) as well as sharing what they knew or learned (76.4%). Research also has Tier 3: Emphasis on collaboration skills using IBM's collaboration tools and group exercises. Linearity was found suitable from the scatter plot of the standardized residuals and was rectangular in distribution. Universities should be mindful of the interplay between the learner characteristics, design features and learning outcomes which are indicators of blended learning effectiveness. All it Finally, multiple regression analysis was done between student variables and design elements with learning outcomes to determine the significant predictors for blended learning effectiveness. WebIt even helps teachers to tailor the online/offline model for students who need more attention and enable an effective learning experience for them. Something Has Gone Terribly Wrong. Therefore, further well-designed randomized controlled trials should be done. Shapiro-Wilk test was done to test normality of the data for it to qualify for parametric tests. Boasting several distinct advantages to traditional methods of employee learning, blended learning has recently seen a dramatic increase in adoption by businesses and other organizations as a way to train, reskill, and upskill employees. WebFour-tier blended learning model: Tier 1: Online content covering topics such as evaluation, retention and conflict resolution. Rigorous discovery of such competences can finally lead to a confirmation of high possibilities of establishing blended learning.
WebEffectiveness Research supports the idea that blended learning results in learners becoming confident in their own learning. Internet and Higher Education, 7(1), 5970. Blended learning effectiveness: the relationship between student characteristics, design features and outcomes,, Learning outcomes and significant predictors, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education,,,,, Perth, Australia: Murdoch University. The learners balance between study and work is a drive factor towards blended learning effectiveness since their management of their workload vis a vis study time is at 60 and 61% of the learners are encouraged to go for study by their bosses. In planning to design and implement blended learning, we are mindful of the implications raised by this study which is a planning evaluation research for the design and eventual implementation of blended learning. An effective blended learning environment is necessary in undertaking innovative pedagogical approaches through the use of technology in teaching and learning.
Google Scholar. The Electronic Journal of e-learning, 6(1), 1930. The use of virtual environments acts to capture the attention of the audience involved while augmenting interactions between subject parties. Blended learning, which integrates face-to-face and online instruction, is increasingly being adopted. Gamification and badges are two strategies that can enhance blended learning, which combines online and face-to-face instruction. The blended e-learning approach provides learners and educational institutions with substantial cost savings. From the Postgraduate Directorate (n=17), first and second year students were selected because learners attend a face-to-face session before they are given paper modules to study away from campus. Influence of computer literacy on post-graduates use of e-resources in Nigerian University Libraries. Blended learning is a popular and effective approach to staff training that combines online and face-to-face delivery methods. The characteristics and background factors were studied along with blended learning design features such as technology quality, learner interactions, and Moodle with its tools and resources. Blended learning is a popular and effective approach to staff training that combines online and face-to-face delivery methods.
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Colorado High School Wrestling Individual State Champions,
Articles E