The SoCal ATCS Sysops Group Running only 20-25 trains per day, it can see up to 3 hour lulls on occasion. ATCS is data. Unfortunately, the current ATCS channels live in this part of the spectrum. -ChrisWest Chicago, ILChristopher May Fine Art Photography"In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration." 0000026963 00000 n Note that there Unfortunately I don't live near a rail line so I can't try this stuff. 0000069989 00000 n 0000075598 00000 n For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You have to join with to get access to the content, The group is restricted and located here: You need to have both the proper layout file AND data base file for this program to work. A big diagram should appear like below. Does anyone have a link to where I can find an online map of where Advanced Train Control System is deployed in the U.S.? 0000017211 00000 n ~Ansel Adams.
0000027408 00000 n
0000075218 00000 n
Some control points, like those on SCRRA's
0000118137 00000 n
On many
has been done. ATCS Monitor allows you to graphically monitor train traffic on railroads that use the Association of American Railroad's Advanced Train Control System (ATCS) Specification 200 protocol, Wabtec (ex-Rockwell Collins) Advanced Railroad Electronics System (ARES) protocol, Union Switch and Signal Genisys protocol, and Safetran for (i=0; i WebTB: UVM. It's for Amtrak trains only but it's something. It's also possible that the red block
Sometimes you can even see if they have towers
For those just looking for server information and files, here's whats available in our area. They
site, RG6
0000168432 00000 n
Type =RANDBETWEEN. 0000017139 00000 n
0000024907 00000 n
0000042225 00000 n
Not exactly where, track circuits can be miles long. The third column is the absolute number of
It's free, I'm still trying to figure all this stuff out. Provided video is not very good help. So you cant download ATCSMon unless you are a group member. this, you'll realize the technologies true potential and being able to have
Web2 AN AIR TRAFFIC DETECTION COVERAGE MAP SIMULATION: Based on your operating requirements, we will determine the best deployment setup to optimize your air traffic detection objectives. 0000142218 00000 n
//Use [at] and [dot] in place of "@" and "." Sure enough, when this happens, a train will be there. a link to a photo of a train before a diverging approach signal. ATCS communications transmits an indication message once a minute even
It's unencrypted and software exists to decode it. Coverage Map Bad Weather Areas LiveATC FAQ Offer LiveATC feed Contact Press Inquiries LiveATC on iPhone LiveATC on Android LiveATC Mobile (Mobile browser) ATC Audio Archives Interesting Recordings LiveATC Forums Finally, I know where all FEC and CSX trains are in Florida at all times with a dispatcher display on my laptop computer. Sure makes railfanning a lot more efficient and productive, not to mention FUN!. It may interest ham radio enthusiasts, hardware hackers, tinkerers and anyone interested in RF. 0000017584 00000 n
passes through that control point, that generates at least another 3 to
What's that mean? a 50 ohm to a 75 ohm system adds another 1.5 dB worst case (but almost
are pretty straightforward, with little topographic challenge. WebThere is the ATCS system based upon CTC radio-shared data that the railroads use, and the ATCSMonitor software which is often data-shared on the Internet. And sadly, ATCS is now starting to be unmonitorable as more and more of the Class I's are going to Fiber, or SatNet systems, and radio is going away. 0000026697 00000 n
Jun 3, 2007 #9 Caveat for CSX railfans in New York State: CSX uses a proprietary data system in the 220 MHz band to do what ATCS does elsewhere. Building a platform to openly share this data would be super cool. The fourth column
200, is a standardized communication system for railroads designed to ensure safety by monitoring locations of trains and locomotives, providing analysis and reporting, and automation of track warrants and similar orders. WebThere are currently 2670 Co- Location poles Citywide. those can help us to "light up" more of the region through donations
Waterfall to agile transformation - Conducted various workshops to coach team members, stakeholders, business on Agile way of working, mindset, collaborations, processes. To display one single email, input the corresponding array element. Finding a Home for Your
Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. at the antenna, and the transmission loss is more than made up by the
0000168646 00000 n
Crest is set for the siding (diverging route). represents a problem with the track circuit, or a train moving away from
It would come in handy on lines like the CSX "Mountain Sub" between Cumberland and Grafton, among other lines.
I wonder if trains carry some sort of transponder that would allow this? o Verified RTL using System Verilog. No. document.write(' 0000144229 00000 n
in the program directory, Step 3: Copy the file Ft Wayne Metro.mdb into the folder labeled "MCPs", -Select "Open" and choose the file labeled "Ft Wayne.ini", -Under Configure; select MCP Information. The only digital transmissions I hear are FRED and Mary in the 450s. Then, a year or two after that, I had a demo and thought it would be neat to show the software in action. Central Ontario. By loading the mcp information for the particular railroad and subdivision as a profile into the monitor program. applying. 0000018333 00000 n
As part of the reband, the FCC is alloting two 125kHz portions (896.000-896.125 and Looks like yahoo has taken down the ATCS Monitor. The train signal audio is piped from SDR# to ATCSMonitor via VBCable, and received with an RTL-SDR and simple whip antenna. //1st parameter: Input the name of the array containing the list of email addresses. and Imperial Valleys, and Arizona. It provides real time block status and clearances. It is a good idea to join however because once you get into
0000019730 00000 n
//Specify caption text to display within SELECT menu. extrainfo : ""
Am I being a little too cautious? 0000176156 00000 n
cost for site rental, tower space, electricity, internet, etc. You might hear something like
If a splitter is used to connect that antenna to both an
One group Im subscribed to went to Google and another went to 0000155131 00000 n
as well as the program inventor's website: The line that runs near my location, the CSX New Castle Sub can be very slow at times. 0000015170 00000 n
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Like, I have mine set for the Union Pacific Geneva sub, and only the UP line will go red, but only over the diomand. 0000013459 00000 n
Sometimes the specific location for a control point is available
0000030357 00000 n
Please note that you must join this yahoo group in order to download the
0000014328 00000 n
may be. This thing is very cool and completely done by railfans/hobbyists. 900 MHz. 0000029553 00000 n
So, first make sure to put the preamp as close to the antenna as possible. WebWhat railroad and area are you wanting to monitor with ATCS? near 60 indications per hour, but shows that there was probably little
Not all lines are covered, but I also enjoy remotely monitoring lines that do have coverage. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more. Here's a block diagram of the
Sounds like either there are noservers inthe area you cover or you don't have the proper profile loaded. WebATCS Monitor for Windows - Software to graphically monitor train traffic with a scanner on railroads using Advanced Train Control System (ATCS) Carolina Rails - Extensive histories, maps, and photos of Class 1's, shortlines, industrial railroads, logging railroads, and interurbans in South Carolina from 1827 to present. To put that data rate into perspective,
Complete it, submit it and you'll gain access to everything you need which is available on the ATCS Monitor Yahoo group web page. You must forward your answers to the email address If the train has a caboose and no EOT, which I think is fairly rare, then you won't be able to pick up anything from it. 0000140062 00000 n
x|+DQ]`#O/3(r(YkHD ATCS signals are found in the USA, and is used for things like communications between trains, rail configuration data, train location data, speed enforcement, fuel monitoring, train diagnostics and general instructions and messages. See my photos at: Dave Houy is down right rude when you contact him. 0000100928 00000 n
And if a train
And second, use the very best preamplifiers, like ones designed to be
I even drove down a road that runs along the local yard and got nothing on the ATCS frequencies. I have seen them hold a ready to depart train in the yard for up to two hours to wait until Amtrak passes so they can let the slower freight out behind Amtrak. Updates are being made to it continuously to keep it as current as possible. redBus. 0000115110 00000 n
Later in the video he shows how to fully set up the software with train databases so that the actual spotted train names show up. BTW-before anyone gets antsy to get it going be aware that only lines useing the advanced traffic controll system are compatible. Roger Coud VE2DBE is an amateur radio operator who developed this tool,
GusGorman402 has uploaded the tutorial in two videos. convenient location, no matter how good the equipment, may net little
0000115011 00000 n
WSPR receiver is possible make for HF bands with RTL-SDR v.3 at direct sampling mode., I would suggest using your four digit Maidenhead grid square. 0000008418 00000 n
0000155311 00000 n
Frame=34 GFI=2 Group=5 SSeq=77 Rseq=45 Beacon=0 Vital=0 UsrData=6 attractions, etc. That is why it is important that rate but only 108 indications received in that two hours. document.write(''+ emailarray[i][0] + '' + seperator)
0000140250 00000 n
contacts[0]=["Greg Lavoie", "webmaster[at]fwarailfan[dot]net"]
For this to work, the car has to roll by a box that first transmits a signal to "wake up" the tag, and then listens for the signal from the tag. I have heard freights sit on a siding for up to a few hours when there is a train coming from the opposite direction on the main. used to connect multiple receivers to one antenna, and other system inefficiencies. This is a user group for ATCS Monitor, a Railroad data, CTC monitor and display for railfans, monitoring enthusiasts, and the industry. If there's activity, and control points like Daggett, East Barstow and
names are the second column. Age was not a question in the form I had to fill out. 0000117502 00000 n
0000028148 00000 n
Wow, thanks for posting this topic--I sure am interested in checking this out. It doesn't matter, let them be seen! I haven't seen Chad around lately, but I'm pretty sure he's using ATCS Monitor. Wayne Metro Area that includes the CSX (former B&O) from Ripley to Sherwood
for future sites. BTW from a security or privacy standpoint, this does not sound any different than the websites such as that have realtime commercial airline radar display and flight tracks. I downloaded the application this evening and took about an hour to set it up. - YouTube Tonight I wanted to show all my viewers how I am field monitoring CN using ATCS. Like Jamie said, no scanner necessary. ATCS Monitor attempts to estimate
I didn't know what this was. 0000005607 00000 n
If so, are there any alternatives??? can be an expensive and (still) incomplete exercise. of $5, $10, $20 or more by clicking on the PayPal "Donate" button
There may be other sites like this someplace else on the net, but I haven't found them. Now if I only can get the other ones working as good as this. I just basically told them that I was using this to enhance my at home experience of railfanning. Finally, some freight cars have RFID tags on them, for a system called Automatic Equipment Identification. 0000016848 00000 n
2.8 dB of loss, compared to about 1.8 dB for the same length of LMR400. 0000019362 00000 n
0000140177 00000 n
Air Traffic Control System (ATCS) is a large-scale information system that spreads all over the world and is widely used (Zhang et al., Modern Air Traffic Management (in Chinese). 0000071041 00000 n
0000182509 00000 n
Any new instructions appreciated. 0000101043 00000 n
because of it's close proximity to Ft Wayne, and the MCP information to be
This group has not moved to , although there is repeated talk of it due to the Yahoo powers constantly mucking with the Files storage. Thanks in advance for your
I joined about a month ago. That's 1440 messages per day. location=themenu.options[themenu.selectedIndex].value
0000179399 00000 n
To view the visual display
I see the control points just up the roadnow this is getting really interesting. of control points monitored by the SoCal Aggregator. As with all flight simulation tools, SimAware is not for real-world navigation or flight signal immediately before control point Crest, and the track switch at
Im sure everyone is paying attention to the **** storm of topics in the main group, so lets clarify things here, where moderation is actually done. Seconds later I hear the horn blowing for the crossing. document.write('')
Over on his YouTube channelGusGorman402has uploaded atutorial which shows how he monitors ATCS (Advanced Train Control System) signals from trains. through the Cajon and Beaumont Passes, into the Mojave Desert and Coachella
0000015384 00000 n
function jumptooption(themenu){
0000169344 00000 n
tax-deductible. or no train traffic during that time. Nah, everybody here is crazy and angry, and we're all afraid somebody is gonna blow us up because that makes them angry too. (sarcasm) If you Google ATCS map, the second entry (the first is your post, the second is this site: The map you linked to is for Adaptive Traffic Control System and while it has the same acronym it has nothing to do with trains. This take a lot of time and patience. 44' of RG6 is about
appearing on the questionnaire, or membership will be denied. You can have CTC without ATCS, but you can't have ATCS without CTC (dispatcher controlled switches, signals, etc.). (or not) of the approach block to the north, the two approach blocks to
0000113073 00000 n
This file includes the layout files for the Ft
0000015269 00000 n
0000175704 00000 n
After doing that for a few months I learned this about the schedule: There isn't one. That's for sure. the antenna can make the receive sensitivity remarkably good. can be found here. But there's another, more insidious
0000011566 00000 n
If you set up an ATCS Monitor server and collect local information from your radio scanner, other people running ATCS Monitor would most likely want to partake of this data and thus fill in voids in their ATCS Monitor maps. By setting up UDP ports, you can specify how many visitors or seats in you theater you will permit. Rail. You are using an out of date browser. For example DM13 would indicate you heard the signal from, Just a warning to anyone thinking of installing the old Weather to Image WxtoImg software, it is malware, and the, GOES 16/17 and GK-2A Weather Satellite Tutorial, Decoding 433 MHz ISM Band Weather Stations, QRP (FT8, JT9, WSPR etc) Monitoring Station, Performing Replay Attacks with RTL-SDR and RpiTX, SignalsEverywhere Direction Finding Tutorial, Measuring Traffic Volumes with Passive Radar, Manual gain controls and decimation driver, ExtIO with Decimation & Tuner Bandwidth Controls, Decoding End Of Train and Head Of Train Packets with an RTL-SDR, A Tutorial on Using a Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless for ADS-B Flight Tracking, Monitoring House Power Usage using an RTL-SDR,, The Outernet Dreamcatcher: A Linux Based ARM PC with Built in RTL-SDR, TXAdvance: An RF Transmitter Manager Android App that uses RTL-SDR, Building a 315 MHz Jammer with an Arduino, Receiving TPMS Tire Pressure Data from a Mazda CX 5 with an RTL-SDR, Hacking GSM Signals with an RTL-SDR and Topguw, Open Source Close Call Monitor for RTL-SDR, SignalsEverywhere: Installing and Configuring OP25 Phase 1 & 2 Digital Voice Decoder on Linux, Creating a Standalone WSPR Receiver with an RTL-SDR V3 and Raspberry Pi 3, Automatic dependent surveillance broadcast, RTL-SDR Discussion SDR Sharp settings for local CB traffic. good coverage can be had via Radio Mobile, it's time to start looking
0000007414 00000 n
Please note
0000029261 00000 n
The EOT radio is fairly weak (a few watts), so you can be pretty sure the train is close to your receiving antenna if you can pick up signals from it. visiting the location and recording latitude and longitude from a GPS. if you are interested. I can see where trains are on certain tracks. So I found a site that has other territories and *voila! return modified
I then emailed him personally, apologized and said that I have two Yahoogroups of my own. ATCS Monitor allows you to graphically monitor train traffic on railroads that use the Association of American Railroad's Advanced Train Control System (ATCS) Specification 200 protocol, discriminator output, and a Windows PC (running 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10) with a sound card. What is ATCS? When I first started to listen to their frequencies for trains coming into and leaving the yard I decided to make an excel spreadsheet of all the times on what days of the week and what direction and whether they were coming in or departing. ATSC Mon beginner help pdf is a must to completely set it up. WebFollowing the development of wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSN), the coverage of the sensors in the network constitutes one of the key technologies that have a significant influence on the monitoring ability, quality of service, and network lifetime. 0000182574 00000 n
0000191581 00000 n
This page was last modified on 26 December 2020, at 04:40. The preamp's noise
of LMR400 coax also adds about 2 dB of thermal noise power to the natural
Click tab, type 1. On a
0000191028 00000 n
From this last diagram, a fair
Equipment is rarely free, though
but unavoidable natural noise from the radio environment.
0000139963 00000 n
0000010562 00000 n
A lot of devs of small niche software only give it out to real confirmed users. You won't be able to track CSX trains here. 0000073486 00000 n
figure keeps the ultimate system noise figure very close to the one measured
WebOpen an excel sheet. I have no idea why. 0000012549 00000 n
This should
But, I dont feel the need to ask a questionnaire. The Bureaus rigorous engineering and design standards are resulting in more innovative streetlight designs, and sleeker integrated poles. 50 feet of high quality Times Microwave LMR400
The splitter is a 4-way, with 6.5 dB of loss. 900MHz ATCS monitoring, look for quality LNAs from vendors like Advanced
train ID, direction, signals and locations. connectors is a breeze. This site uses high quality MDS and Maxtrac radios,
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