It can be propagated from seeds that will float long distances if you dont bag the seed heads. It makes a wonderful focal point in any tropical landscape. function OnButtonPintrest(TheImageId) { Water: In cup,periodically. A. odorata - Slightly smaller than others in than its siblings, it doesn't quite reach a metre in width. It makes a wonderful focal point in any tropical landscape. Alcantarea imperialis is endemic to Brazil and is one of the largest terrestrial bromeliads. Points to note when transplanting bromeliads. Alcantarea require an extremely free draining mix. You will notice the appearance of 'pups' around the base when the plant flowers. Plant Height: 24 to 36 inches. Web$39.95 Alcantarea imperialis is a large terrestrial bromeliad was once classified as Vriesea Imperialis but is now recognized as part of the genus Alcantarea. When the pups are about 1/3 the size of the parents, they can removed and replanted.. Karen Wells - Sydney: I have 3 Bromelaid Alcantarea Imperialist that were planted in ground for 18 months which I am transferring to pots. I have planted it in a 15cm pot with orchard soil mix. Comments: One of the largest bromeliads featuring silvery green foliage with striking purple backs. I replanted but they don't look as good. The single racemes, up to about 40 cm long, bear, arranged in two lines, numerous slightly fragrant flowers subtended by elliptic bracts, about 2,5 cm long and broad, of reddish color. I would remove the flower stem, and sit the alcantera in a pot of well drained orchid-type mix, this will allow the pups to continue to grow around the base of the mother plant. My only caveat, if you have one, is beware of the spiders that nest in them. If anybody has ever encountered a similar growth on one of these plants, I'd appreciate the feedback. It is more likely connected with too much water or too little humidity. Can I prune away the damage? My question is, can I cut through the "trunk" and plant it out in the garden, and if so how much should go into the ground? Buyer receives offset 1/3 to 2/3 size of mature plant. When it has flowered, let the flower die and go to seed and collect them. The flower spike features deep pink bracts and can grow up to 1m in height. Why is that. The Alcantarea imperialis is a showy Brazilian evergreen herbaceous species that easily exceeds the meter clung with solid roots to step rocky cliffs. I understand that this type of Alcantarea will not produce pups and die off after flowering. If there are any pups you need to leave them connected to the mother plant. I understand this can be a lengthy process. WebAlcantarea 17 Imperialis Red Description: Large spineless green foliage with a red under-leaf. If anybody has ever encountered a similar growth on one of these plants, I'd appreciate the feedback. Its a living ecossystem that vegetates on the southeastern mountains of Brazil, mostly on cracks on the rocks with little organic, moist soil, but it will tolerate moderately moist soils, as long as you keep the tank full of water. The plant takes from between 8- 20 years to flower. There's a good chance that the 'mother' plant will survive for quite a while yet, so it might as well look its best.. Karen Foster - Sydney: I had a beautiful Alcantarea in a pot, sadly my dogs have chewed and ripped the central leaves. Altitude: Vriesea imperialis grows at an elevation of about 600-1500 metres Habitat: This evergreen perennial is a lithophyte (saxicolous) or occasionally terrestrial, that naturally grows in the Atlantic forests on mountain cliffs mostly in or cracks on the rocks with little organic matter. The great quantity of nectar and pollen produced by the several hundreds of flowers represents an important resource for numerous species of birds and insects. read more Webmaster - Sydney: When you buy a plant it is very difficult to know how old it is or how long it will be before it flowers. One of the most ornamental, elegant and imposing Bromeliaceae, of huge landscape value, amply utilized, as isolated specimen or in group, in the tropical and subtropical gardens, can be employed also in the mildest temperate warm climates where temperatures just under the 0 C are short lasting exceptions. I have tried to carefully pull some leaves away from the tight bunch but have decided not to proceed to avoid damage. It can be propagated from seeds that will float long distances if you dont bag the seed heads. It requires preferably an exposition in full sun, for a more intense coloration of the leaves, but adapts also to a slight shade, averagely high temperatures and 65-80 % of humidity. My question isdo I cut the spent flower stem to help pups grow and if so, the best way to do it?. Its not only important ecologically, but its also necessary to keep it constantly full of water. Likes full sun and subtropical climates. Watering the center cup. Why would it be flowering so early and if we cut off the flower spike will it stop or delay the mother plant from dieing?. The leaves are oblong-linear with apex obtuse, acute or acuminate retroflexed and entire margin, ascending, coriaceous, of variable color, from intense green eventually suffused of purple at the apex and in the inferior page to wholly dark red or wine color, and covered by a bluish waxy patina, 1-1,2 m long and 7-15 cm broad.
Should I just remove it and allow the pups to grow? The Alcantarea imperialis (Carrire) Harms (1930) is an evergreen, herbaceous species, monocarpic, rupicolous or saxicolous, very variable, 1-1,5 m tall and of 1,2-1,5 m of diameter, formed by a short and squat woody stem surmounted by an imbutiform rosette of leaves and by a strong root system that allows the anchorage on the steep rocky cliffs and the accumulation of organic material. Height: 2-3. Alcantera imperalis Rubra - white powdery banding on the magnificent red tinged leaves, Alcantarea imperialis - rubra - this magnificent specimen is growing in Sydney Botanic Gardens, Alcantarea imperialis - Sydney Botanic Gardens, Alcantarea imperialis Rubra - red flower spike and bracts - white flowers, Alcantarea imperialis planted en-masse, they look good but preferably they will be healthier given more space, Mass planting of Alcanterea in Sydney Botanic Gardens, Tall flower spikes, red bracts and yellow/red flowers emerging - Alcantarea imperialis. All plants shipped bare root without soil unless otherwise noted. **SHIPPED PARTIALLY BARE ROOT this particular bromeliad is not known for prolific production of pups anyway. Here we list businesses who usually sell this plant. You may recognize this bromeliad as After the blooming and fructification, lasting about one year, the plant stops growing and after a rather long time dry, but in the meantime has produced at the base new plants, to which transfers nutrients for their initial growth, that in their turn will bloom after 8-10 years or more depending on the conditions of cultivation. If the plants are unstable you may want to give them more support by using stakes. I'm worried that if I give them too much shade they won't colour up as well. As they are in pots you could move them to an area of more shade during the hot summer months. They grow well in garden beds and in pots around pools, on patios and balconies - all in all a very versatile and visually stunning plant. Any help appreciated, it just seems a waste to cut the stalk off and throw it away. This species is endemic to Brazil. Will it regenerate? It easily reproduces by seed, that however does not guarantee to have identical specimens, for instance for the color of the leaves, to the mother plant, by micro propagation and through the new plants that produces at the base that may be detached with caution and rooted.
(1867); Vriesea imperialis Carrire (1888); Vriesea imperialis .Morren ex Mez (1894). This giant terrestrial bromeliad can be found growing on inselbergs (isolated rock outcrops) in southeastern Brazil. Add description, images, menus and links to your mega menu, A column with no settings can be used as a spacer, Link to your collections, sales and even external links. This Bromeliad grows to a span of more than 1.5 metres, although it can take up to ten years to get to this size. I live in SoCal and have two. You may recognize this bromeliad as Webmaster - Sydney: Broms can be a bit variable Gaynor - sometimes they'll produce scores of pups and the mother plant will hang around for years afterwards. P.S. White flowers protected by large bracts. Flowers are just starting to open. It makes a wonderful focal point in any tropical landscape. The stalk is about 1.5m tall. We've had a cold winter of about 5 degrees at night and lately have been unusally warm during the day (24 degrees).
WebAlcantarea Imperialis. When it does, it produces a 3m tall flower spike with red bracts along the stem and racemes of small scented creamy yellow flowers growing from each bract. Its a living ecossystem that vegetates on the southeastern mountains of Brazil, mostly on cracks on the rocks with little organic, moist soil, but it will tolerate moderately moist soils, as long as you keep the tank full of water. var TheButtonPintrest; WebAlcantarea imperialis cv. Note: email address will not be displayed. Made up of numerous slender green leaves 'Red' is a beautiful variety that is highlighted by it's deep wine-red color. Webmaster - Sydney: Well Peter, that's true, the more sun they get the more the foliage colours up. Hope you can help.. Webmaster - Sydney: Hey Steve, sounds like a clear case of overwatering, unless you have heavy, waterlogged soil where these are planted. 'Red'. If you are a retailer and offer this plant for sale, either in-store or online. Address: 13890 Orange River Blvd, Ft Myers, FL 33905. Height: 2-3. Delightful harbinger of Spring! Gardens of these giants are still found on bare granite slopes in the mountains near Rio de Janeiro where they grow in full sun. Once the pups have reached a good size they can be taken from the mother plant and planted separately. Sow them in a very well drained seed tray but keep slightly moist and warm. This summer has been hot & despite watering my plants they appear to be burnt on the tips of the leaves & possibly dying. read more, Like any good gardener, as you transplant your favorite read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the 10 years to achieve. Germination rates may not be good so plant as many as you have.. Sylvia - Auckland: Thanks for the info, we have 4 of these beauties 3 of which are in flower currently, good to know what to expect over the next year. My only caveat, if you have one, is beware of the spiders that nest in them. Be sure to wear gloves read more, Thought I saw a grasshopper on one of my milkweeds, read more, I have several pair of Dark-Eyed Juncos this winter. **SHIPPED PARTIALLY BARE ROOT All bromeliads multiply via off-sets or pups. Alcantarea imperialis Rubra - The underside of the leaves are wonderful red colour, place in a raised bed to enjoy the colourful foliage. I've placed it outside and planning to plant it in ground this spring. WebAlcantarea imperialis is the most regal and is considered the signature species of this genus. It is about 1.5 m wide and is now in flower with stem making the plant about 2 m tall. Alcantarea imperialis Purpurea - The broad strap-like leaves are a deep purple to maroon colour and remain so all year. This species is endemic to Brazil. Water: In cup,periodically. Plant Height: 24 to 36 inches. What happens if I prune all leaves, would it regenerate They look awful??. I will post photos. It is one of the giants of the bromeliad family. It blooms only once and then dies, but from the base emerge, already before blooming, many new young plants. Alcantarea imperialis 'Ruby'. It can be found growing on rocky slopes near Rio de Janero and can tolerate Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater, This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds, By dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets), Seed does not store well; sow as soon as possible. Water pots with Harvest or Maxicrop once a month to improve plant health and vigour. Powered by Shopify. Assuming we get pups Its huge and I would hate to take it out Ideal is to save it!. Lovely white ones. I was wondering if it may produce seeds which I can plant to re-grow and how we may go about this as we would love to keep this beautiful plant in out garden. WebAlcantarea imperialis is a species of bromeliad in the genus Alcantarea. Then make sure you maintain good airflow around it. Light: Partial to Full Sun. A cultivar introduced to the market by Bullis exclusively. Essentially bromeliads use the energy from die-back parts to recycle to the main plant and then on to the pups. Water: In cup,periodically. The flowers spike has red bracts and features fragrant flowers. Can you advise also if it would be safe to transfer into the ground at this stage of maturity. WebOther than the color, this is a perfectly typical Alcantarea imperialis; a giant of the bromeliad world, sometimes reaching over five feet high with leaves over eight inches wide, in full rosettes. Frankly it needs to open up in order to get optimum access to water from the central 'vase' or water well. Large coriaceous and waxy leaves, of green, purple or wine color Giuseppe Mazza What is the smallest pot size / width I can plant them in? A cultivar introduced to the market by Bullis exclusively. **SHIPPED PARTIALLY BARE ROOT We suggest washing it off with clean water, though don't scrub hard otherwise you'll damage the leaf surface which has water absorbing scales on it. Light: Partial to Full Sun. The plant is now not as striking in colour and no sign of pups as yet. This Bromeliad grows to a span of more than 1.5 metres, although it can take up to ten years to get to this size. WebOnce known as Vriesea imperialis, this plant is usually considered the signature species of the genus Alcantarea. They do stand up well to cold. Just wondering whether we should try and extract the pup and re-plant altogether. Get Free Shipping on all orders $120 or more. The color of the bracts may vary from purple to dark green. Is there anything I can do , such as trim off really dead leaves? Annie - Webmaster: Hi Nicky The pups feed off the mother plant. Your thoughts?. Its leaf color is very variable, ranging from all green to deep purple and various combinations in between. Of the many forms of imperialis around these days, this one is considered the 'typical' form, and still the most popular. Comments: Once classified as 'Vriesea Imperialis'. $39.95. Foliar feeding with a liquid fertiliser produces good results, Thrive or Powerfeed After flowering the mother plant will start to die-back while new pups are produced alongside. I have this in my garden. thanks. Zone: 12.
As for cutting through the trunk - well yes, broms will survive in most cases but you'll need to anchor it well in its new place - so leave plenty of trunk below the foliage. The inflorescence is huge for a bromeliad. Synonyms: Vriesea gigantea Lem. It is one of the giants of the bromeliad family, growing to a span of more than 1.5 meters, although it can take up to ten years to get to this size. Bloom: A tall yellow spike, based on maturity, grows huge for years and years before blooming. These giant Bromeliad definitely make a statement whether in flower or not. Webmaster - Sydney: Hi Zan
Alcantarera tend to produce new plants at the base after the plant has finished flowering, the mother plant will begin to die as the young 'pups' begin to grow. The shock from the frost seems to have stimulated the plants into flowering. Is there any reason they wouldnt pup?. Large coriaceous and waxy leaves, of green, purple or wine color Giuseppe Mazza. Also will the part left in the pot sprout pups? A few winters ago it saw temperatures down to the low 20s, well below freezing overnight. The flowers atract a profusion of flying animals, from bees, butterflies, to bats and birds. I don't use any commercial fertilizer, only the flushed water. Top Tropicals LLC 2003 - document.write(new Date().getFullYear());, Alcantarea imperialis, Vriesea imperialis. It only has a little sun in the morning. It could be environmental but probably more just the variability of nature. Notify me when this product is available: Picture shown is of a mature plant representing what it can look like when grown in the proper conditions. Large coriaceous and waxy leaves, of green, purple or wine color Giuseppe Mazza WebBright light in cultivation brings out a reddish cast in the foliage. The birds use them to bathe and drink. If I manage to do something miraculous, I'll let you know.. Sueanne - Sydney Australia: I have 6 plants in large white pots along the fence at the back of the pool. The species is native to Brazil (Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro) where it grows in the forests (Mata Atlntica) on inselberg (cupuliform reliefs of rocks mainly granitic that rise abruptly on the surrounding level with sparse or rare vegetation) or in the prairies on steep slopes, between the 600 and 1800 m of altitude.
The genus is named after the last emperor of Brazil, Don Pedro II de Alcantara and the specific name is Latin for imperial. Growth Habit describes the size of an adult plant. The most common species of Alcantarea in cultivation are: A. geniculata - Reaches a span of 1m with wide glossy green leaves. You may recognize this bromeliad as Photo - Linda Ross These statement plants soak up the sun and create one of the most eye-catching species in the plant kingdom. They are growing pretty much in full sun. Is it ok to do this at this point? Plant Height: 24 to 36 inches. It will be hard to transplant if I have to. WebAlcantarea imperialis are large bromeliads that originate from Brazil, growing in the mountains close to Rio de Janeiro at an elevation to about 1,500m. Look between the leaves at the base of the and you may see small shoots starting to form. For now I would cut off the older burnt leaves. WebOther than the color, this is a perfectly typical Alcantarea imperialis; a giant of the bromeliad world, sometimes reaching over five feet high with leaves over eight inches wide, in full rosettes. Photo - Linda Ross These statement plants soak up the sun and create one of the most eye-catching species in the plant kingdom. TheButtonPintrest.href += "&media=" + TheImage.src; But don't worry - once the flower spike has started to form, the main plant will start to grow pups. Red and purple varieties are available. Common Name: Origin: Brazil. WebAlcantarea 17 Imperialis Malbec Description: A large spineless green foliage with a vivid, solid malbec colored under-leaf. WebAlcantarea imperialis are large bromeliads that originate from Brazil, growing in the mountains close to Rio de Janeiro at an elevation to about 1,500m. We do not sell these plants. I read in your comments about letting the plant dye and looking for its pups. This information is provided as a free service to viewers. A very impressive bromeliad, one that is very nearly my favorite bromeliad. WebBright light in cultivation brings out a reddish cast in the foliage. Its normally seen with green-grey foliage flushed with red, but in cooler climates the leaves can develop to deep maroon. The spineless leaves form a rosette that acumulates water. Broms get most of their nutrients and water from the 'vase' in the centre of the plant which is why you can sever it from its roots and still survive, but it will need to be very stable and not flop around so it can remain level and keep any water or decaying leaves in tis central well. Likes full sun and subtropical climates. Later the pups can be harvested and replanted.. Zan - BALGOWNIE: Hi! the larger the pot, the bigger it will get. What can I do to save them as they are only young and most of them are now sending up spikes at nearly 2m with white flowerswe've had weeks of non stop rain, then intense heat/humidity when it stops. Webmaster - Sydney: Firstly I would remove all the damaged leaves at the base. Thanks.. Annie - Webmaster: I don't think temperature is the problem. On Mar 29, 2005, katsudon from baguio city,Philippines wrote: im from philippines living in one of the coldest part of the contry. The spiders do catch the mosquitos that hatch from the larvae that escape the flushing out, so I let them be. I live in an area were they do get a sea breeze which I think helps. If the growing tip is affected you may not be able to save the plants. This size takes around e threat of the temperature falling below 32F/0C during the night, I covered them with old cotton bed sheets. Webmaster - Sydney: Hey Matt. In presence of dry air and high temperatures must be done nebulizations in the morning with non-calcareous water at ambient temperature. Webmaster - Sydney: Once the flower head is dead it is fine to remove it, this should give more food the pups and help them grow.. Frank - Wollongong NSW: I have a 1m wide / 60cm Alacantra Rubra that has been in the ground only 18 months and is now just starting to flower (disappointing as we were hoping to get at least a few more years from the plant). For more information on lighting visit Neoregelia 'Skotak's Tiger' aka carcharodon 'Tiger'. Common names: giant bromeliad, giant vriesea, imperial bromeliad (English); bromlia-gigante, bromlia-imperial (PortugueseBrazil). Welcome to Top Tropicals - the World's Leading Authority on Tropical Plants. Likes full sun and subtropical climates. I have two large Bromelaids which have provided a beautiful flower up to 2m tall. I think the fact that it was very large helped it shrug off the freezerburn. Common Name: Origin: Brazil. Just water occasionally during periods of drought this will encourage new leaf growth. In the central cavity gather rain water, up to 30 liters, and animal and vegetal debris that decomposing contribute to the nourishing of the plant; this microenvironment plays also an important role in the life of several small organisms. Good luck with it.. Steve - Culburra Beach NSW: I have two alcantarea in large pots which are growing really well but seem to be getting to large for the pot. I flush them every day or so and water them with the flushed (nasty smelling) water from the bases of the leaves since I suspect it contains nutrients that they would receive were not growing in pots.
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To get optimum access to water from the central 'vase ' or water.... Of bromeliad in the plant is usually considered the 'typical ' form, and still the common. Is endemic to Brazil and is one of these plants, I 'd appreciate the feedback to burnt... Waxy leaves, would it regenerate they look awful?? roots to rocky... Ground is water logged distances if you are a deep purple and combinations... Large spineless green foliage with a red under-leaf this one is considered the signature species of Alcantarea not!Webmaster - Sydney: Alcantarea imperialis can be a bit slow in creating pups and just because they have flowered does not mean they will 'pup' immediately. The Alcantarea imperialis is a showy Brazilian evergreen herbaceous species that easily exceeds the meter clung with solid roots to step rocky cliffs. In reality plants are there to look nice so when they start to look a bit crabby then its our job to pretty them up a bit as they can't do that themselves. Check that the water is draining from around the plants.. Maree - Beachmere : Can I cut the bottom some of the bottom of my alacentra to transplant to my garden as it has a large bottom section from growing out of its pot thx. Pants are tolerant to most positions, with some varieties performing well in either full sun, The genus is dedicated to the second and last emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II de Alcantara (1825-1891); the specific name is the Latin adjective imperialis, is,e = imperial. The fruits are fusiform berries, 5-6 cm long, containing several thin seeds, about 0,5 cm long, provided at the two extremities of feathery appendages, more than 1 cm long, that favor their dispersion. Its leaf color is very variable, ranging from all green to deep purple and various combinations in between. These are not plants to be rushed - they are stately and majestic specimens that do things in their own time.. Gaynor Davies - Tewantin : I have a Alcantarer bromeliad with a very large flower that is dying off. Application: Landscape ; Light Condition: Partial - Full Sun Then finally you can make up a spray bottle with some dilute Aquasol fertiliser and give them a foliar spray once a week - this will help it get over the shock and get growing again.. Rhew - Brisbane : Hi, I have a beautiful very large bromeliad in my garden which has flowered for close to a year. My question is, Do the flowers end up as seeds and are they viable to propogate? I hope this helps you decide.. Easy cultivation in full sun for a more intense coloration of the leaves Giuseppe Mazza. It has grown to about 1m x 1m and started to flower about 6 months ago (strange given they told me it would normally take around 10 years). It has a huge base growing to up to 1.5m wide that consists of a dense rosette of wide strap-like, corrugated leaves with a smooth margin. Just noticed today that the leaves are dry and brown. I have no red on the leaves at all. It is in a large pot and has been in this pot since I brought it. Flowers are exactly like the pictures above. This large terrestrial bromeliad was once classified as Vriesea Imperialis but is now recognized as part of It may take time for the pups to show and you may have to put up with a dying Alcantarea imperialis in the meantime. WebAlcantarea imperialis plants mulch sod sand/soil stone fertilizer hardware Butterfly Plants Citrus Drought Tolerant Plants Flowering Shrubs Flowering Trees Fragrant Plants Fruit Trees and Edibles Grasses Ground Covers Hedges House Plants Large Shrubs Large Trees Native Plants Palm Trees Shade Plants Small Shrubs Small Trees Trees & Palms WebAlcantarea imperialis is a species of bromeliad in the genus Alcantarea. Once the pups have reached approximately a third the height of the mother plant they can be removed and replanted. The flower spikes are now about 4 months old and I would like to cut them off. WebThere are about 16 species of alcantarea available in Australia, but the most popular variety is Alcantarea imperialis Rubra. We know of nothing to indicate you can propagate by seed. Leaves are slightly ribbed and have a leathery texture. Alcantarea is a group of extremely large Bromeliads, some reaching sizes of 1.5m across with flower spikes 2.5m high. Application: Landscape ; Light Condition: Partial - Full Sun Alcantarea gets its name from Dom Pedro d'Alcntara, the second Emperor or Brazil. I don't know whether to try and replant it except that the ground is water logged. The plants are about 60cm wide.