God told Jeremiah that He set him up to be a prophet unto the nations (Jer.1:5). WebAnother was Tea-Tephi, a daughter of Zedikiah. Major children and living persons must directly contact the, Relationship with Cecelia Kolene Hogue (Sosa/Ahnentafel #1), Browse using this individual as Sosa/Ahnentafel #1, List of all individuals in the family tree, {{ 'gw_downgraded_access_back_to_max'|translate }}. ?
It was possible to sail that far and take up residence in Great Britain. In essence yeswhen he recorded an end-time prophecy of Jacob about the tribes of Joseph in Genesis 49: "Joseph is a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall. (I plan to cover some of this to more depth from The Word with a future Lost Tribe study, so be looking for it.) Robertson explained how events which may have really happened are frequently misplaced and transferred to a wrong epoch, very often owing their misplacement to a wish to build up the fame of some favourite hero, by attributing to him the merit of every important action of several different periods. WebThe third eldest daughter, Ankhesenpaaten, married her half-brother, King Tutankhamun, son of Akhenaten and his secondary wife, Kiya. I MUST SAY THAT BLACK AND WHITE, AS FORMS OF SPEECH, AND AS A MEANS OF JUDGING MANKIND, SHOULD BE ELIMINATED FROM HUMAN SOCIETY. In 1956, J. F. Stone and L. C. Thomas reported that the faience beads were Egyptian: In fact, when they were compared with Egyptian faience beads, they were found to be not only of identical manufacture but also of matching design. The King gave Niul a large fiefdom on the Red Sea, and gave him, also, his daughter, Scota, in marriage" (The MacGeoghegan Family Society Newsletter, May 3, 1990). She may well have been Zedekiahs daughter, as some contend. However this name from Irish records could perhaps denote any pharaoh. . (For purposes of this publication, therefore, he will continue to be referred to by the eponyms already mentioned.). near the Fifth Cataract of the Nile, which stood well within the Cushite Kingdom" ("Psamtik II," Encyclopaedia Britannica, Micropaedia, Vol. More Info. The word "exodus," we should bear in mind, was simply the Greek word for exit or departureleaving. What an amazing history God has worked out. Gathelus was a Milesian leader who was apparently of the royal line of Zerah, son of Judah. Scota was born in Egypt. Jeremiah would then have been 99. And by some accounts, Scota's son is identified with Eremon, the first king of the Scots or Milesians in Ireland. United Church of Godis a501(c)3organization. Blessed Love Brethren and Sistren. ==========. So the Irish and Scottish historical information would appear to be rather convoluted. He also mentioned them as being one of the Celtic tribes in Britain at that time, as other sources also attest (see www.roman-britain.org/tribes/brigantes.htm). Placed in the right setting, the recorded events make far more sense. Indeed, the same name could perhaps have applied to any of the Israelites dwelling in Egypt. Perhaps the confusion also resulted from the presence of a large Greek mercenary force in Egypt at the time. And Scythian was a Greek name for the Israelites. That, however, is unreasonable in the extreme. Old British Israelite writers adapted Irish legends to concoct the idea that a daughter of the Jewish King Zsedekiah was taken by Baruch ben Neriah to Ireland. ), Thus, it seems rather likely that Gathelus and Scota, though not their real names, were actual people. Scota, or Scotia, is mentioned in the ancient seanachies of Ireland (Irish histories kept by Irish scribes, which they called poets). . He is referred to as the son of Nel, Niul or Neolus (and sometimes Niul himself) as well as the son of Cecrops of Athens. The eighth-century monk Nennius says in his British history that Gathelus' wandering lasted 42 years, after which he lived for a long time in Spain. The Story of Princess Scota Princess Meritaten. This, then, lends credence to the Irish historiesthat is, they apparently contain many correct facts but have them in the wrong chronological setting. Also in favor is that if the other names mentioned were aligned with Jeremiah, she would fall into place as well. Yet while there were indeed two pharaohs by this name, notice when they reigned: "Nectanebo, also called Nekhtnebf, or Nekhtnebef . The original explanation was a prophecy Moses delivered to them.
Next, we must address the issue of Gathelus befriending Moses and the Israelites. It is interesting that the name of the Irish princess Tea, believed to have been the daughter of Zedekiah, meant "wanderer" in Hebrew. Afterwards, he crowned Eochaidl king. 13th Century African Coin Found in Australia, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture, The everliving rastafari makonen emperor haile selassie i, Benin kingdom, Nigeria, 16th17th century, The moorish Medicus ordinarius or Army doctor, White slaves of Barbados on a sugar plantation: a picture story, The moors of anatolia and aegean islands: Black Turks and black Greeks the lausanne treaty 1924. Ith, coming from Spain, is said to be the son of Breoghan in some accounts, but this may simply be because the Milesian line of kings came to Ireland from Brigantium (modern Corunna near Santiago de Compostella) on the northwest coast of Spain. Her coronation was very close in ceremonial fashion to the very rituals of coronation of ancient kings of Israel, even to the anointing with Oil. My sister and her daughter have red hair. "During the long years of Phoenician decline, Carthage was strengthened by a constant stream of refugees, people who fled their troubled home cities [such as Tyre and Sidon] and sailed west to the new colony" (TimeFrame 1500-600 BC: Barbarian Tides, Time-Life Books, 1987, p. 112). . Ollam Fodhla reigning for 40 years may actually refer to Jeremiah living 40 years from the fall of Jerusalem or from the expulsion from Egypt, which would place his death at either age 98 or 114neither of which is unreasonable for an ancient prophet of God. Appendix 3: Aegean Royal Lines From Zerah, Appendix 6: Dating the Milesian Arrival in Ireland, Appendix 8: Gathelus, Scota and the Exodus, Appendix 11: Joseph of Arimathea and the Line of Nathan, Appendix 12: The Attempt to Destroy David's Lineage, www.roman-britain.org/tribes/brigantes.htm, Appendix 8: "Gathelus, Scota and the Exodus". Speaking of Moses, we might wonder how Irish and Scottish history came to associate these events with the time of the Exodus, which occurred almost 1,000 years earlier. We would do better to realize that if Gathelus and Scota were actual people, they did not live at the time of either Nectanebo.
(The mention of Pharaoh Intur in the Irish records may be simple confusion with the uprising of Inaros, which occurred shortly after Ahmose's reign. Did Moses write down anything like what is mentioned here? And, it is reasonable to conclude, the prophet Jeremiah went with them. The Kebra Negast is proof of Africa being Origin, but this information should never be offensive to the I dem as it is UNIFYING creation. Yet while there were indeed two pharaohs by this name, notice when they reigned: "Nectanebo, also called Nekhtnebf, or Nekhtnebef . WebTeia-Tephi or Scota - By John Brogan was probably the daughter of Zedekiah who had been taken to Egypt by Jeremiah. WebValue of 8505 genealogy traced to scotland but before scota was in scotland she was in jerusalem escorted by jeremiah prophet to ireland scota daughter of zedekiah in Gematria is 8798, Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases values search and words. However, there are problems with the above explanation, chief of which is that Gathelus and Scota's son, one of several sons, is said to have become kingnot their daughter (incidentally this too still fits with God's promise to David). Scottish history abounds with such misplacement'" (Gerber, p. 29, 35). Indeed, the word Scot shares the same origin with the word Scythian (Greek Skuth ), a word that originally denoted a descendant of Isaac but came to mean wanderer. WebPrincess Scota, daughter of Ramases II, lived during the time of Moses and was rumored to have been one of the many princesses who cared for the infant Moses. Mulek, son of Zedekiah; Tea Great find Serena! Consider that medieval chroniclers had mistakenly arranged the king lists of Ireland in such a way that stretched the beginning of the Milesian dynasty back to around 1700 B.C.nearly 1,200 years before it appears to have actually begun. It has been reported in various sources that the Stone of Destiny, upon which the kings of Ireland, Scotland and Britain have been crowned, was brought to Ireland from Egypt by a certain King Gathelus, son of Cecrops the founder of Athens, and a daughter of Pharaoh called Scota (see Appendix 7: "The Stone of Destiny"). After Scotas death her husband took no other wife, but made his dwelling in the land of Galloway [southwest Scotland but earliest version in French has Galway, which is western Ireland]. "During the long years of Phoenician decline, Carthage was strengthened by a constant stream of refugees, people who fled their troubled home cities [such as Tyre and Sidon] and sailed west to the new colony" ( TimeFrame 1500-600 BC: Barbarian Tides , Time-Life Books, 1987, p. 112). Miletus had six sons by Scota, one of whom was 105). And, it is reasonable to conclude, the prophet Jeremiah went with them. Lorraine Evans in her compelling book, Kingdom of the Ark, reveals archaeological connections between Egypt and Ireland. 8 0 obj Nectanebo I, first king (reigned 380-363 BC) of the 30th dynasty of Egypt . This title could conceivably correspond to the modern "highness" for a royal personage. However, as explained elsewhere, Lughaidh may not have been an actual personas this name, apparently meaning "God's House" or "Oath," could have simply applied to the Davidic dynasty. Take, for example, Gathelus fighting for Egypt against the Ethiopians. Jeremiah saw to it that a princess of the royal line of David married a man of the Milesian royal line of Zerah. WebOthers believe Scota was the sister of Tea (as Jeremiah escorted the kings "daughters"-plural). 176-177). (This is further evidence of when Simon Brec lived.). And the Athenian royal family of Cecrops, who seems to have been the biblical Calcol (a descendant of Judah through Zerah), appears to have been transferred to Miletus. In the traditions laid out here, Scota herself never actually sits on the throne of Ireland as Tea doesbut her son Heremon does. But, according to legend, one of Zedekiahs daughters (3 by tradition) escaped with Jeremiah to Egypt, and that prophet, with his scribe Baruk, then took one of those daughters (Scota), to wed one of the sons of Judah from Tamar (scarlet thread of Gen.38), in ancient Ireland. For this, we must return again to the myths of the people inhabiting Ireland at the time, the Tuatha de Danaan, the magical children of the Goddess Danu: It was they who originally established the site of Tara, in the Boyne river valley, as the ritual inauguration and burial place of the ancient kings of Ireland. Some now believe that they derived their name from the Celtic goddess Brigid. The word deputy literally means "hand." 2) She may have been cared for and treated as if a daughter by Hophra even though she was not one in fact. This origin (Miletus or one of its 80 colonies) would explain why Gathelus is also called Miledhthis being not a name but a nationality. . (Jeremiah 1:1-2 Jeremiah 1:1-2 [1] The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin: Yet there are obvious problems with this chronology. Searching for Israel (Part Nine): The Migration of a Monarchy. (This is further evidence of when Simon Brec lived.). wanted to continue to use the Milesian forces as mercenaries, he no doubt expelled some whom he considered loyal to Hophra.
The ancients were more traveled than many today want to believe, and international relations, complete with ambassadors, protocols, and "diplomatic immunity," were extant as well. And we should not be too quick to dismiss all mentions of Moses. Indeed, God's promise would actually seem to allow a lot of time for the throne to be transferreda lifetime from the fall of Jerusalem, which could have been a century or so. Irish historian Geoffrey Keating mentions a Miledh of Scythia as ancestor of the MilesiansScythia here apparently denoting lands colonized by Greeks of Miletuswho came and settled in Egypt with the permission of a Pharaoh Nectonibus. WebTea Thepi, daughter of Zedekiah : Family tree by Cecelia HOGUE (chogue) - Geneanet. 152, translated by George Rawlinson, Great Books of the Western World , 1952). 8, p. 301). Much of this info, the Kenite does their best to tear down. Yet it is also possible that Scota was confused with another Tea who was actually the daughter of a person named Lugaidh, especially if this daughter were named after her. They left Egypt with the Stone of Destiny. American King James Version). (The Devin-Adair Co., Old Greenwich, Connecticut, reprint of 1921 edition, 1990), p.192. And the Egyptians believed all living pharaohs to actually be Horus. After leaving Egypt, Keatings history has Miledh and his family making a rather long journey, settling for a while in France and later in Spain. According to some scholars, the name Brigid "comes from the Old Irish brigante, meaning the exalted one" (In Search of Ancient Ireland, Program 2: "Saints," PBS Home Video, 2002). Boece has Gathelus winning "a great victory for Pharo against the Moris," that is, the Moors of North Africa (The Chronicles of Scotland, 1537, Vol. Consider that medieval chroniclers had mistakenly arranged the king lists of Ireland in such a way that stretched the beginning of the Milesian dynasty back to around 1700 B.C.nearly 1,200 years before it appears to have actually begun. The Scottish Red Hand does not have the scarlet cord in its heraldry, except in the Royal Standard. [11] But wasnt Scota the daughter of Pharaoh? Ith, coming from Spain, is said to be the son of Breoghan in some accounts, but this may simply be because the Milesian line of kings came to Ireland from Brigantium (modern Corunna near Santiago de Compostella) on the northwest coast of Spain. Indeed, the same name could perhaps have applied to any of the Israelites dwelling in Egypt. His original name, Mattaniah, was changed to Zedekiah by *Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylonia when the latter appointed him king in place of his brother's son (II Kings 24:17). Thus, "Tea, daughter of Lughaidh, son of Itha, son of Breoghan" could conceivably be read as "Tea, daughter of the House of God [or oath], child of the crown, child of Brigantium [or child of royalty]." From his own name he gave Galloway [or Galway] its name. Is she mentioned in The Bible, or is this historical tradition? "Pharaoh Intur [supposed son of Nectonibus] and the Egyptians, in time, remembered their old grudge to the descendants of Niul and the family of Gaedal [Gathelus], namely their resentment for the friendship the latter had formed with the children of Israel. {The Scotichronicon is a 15th-century chronicle by the Scottish historian Walter Bower. That, however, is unreasonable in the extreme. And Scota was evidently the daughter of King Zedekiah. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. Send inquiries regarding the operation of this Web site to webmaster@ucg.org. The 28 years have not been exactly pinpointed in time but, as is widely acknowledged, they must have been in the late 600s B.C. But, according to the account related by Keating, Miledh, again seemingly the same as Gathelus, befriended Moses and the Israelites. Ollam Fodhla reigning for 40 years may actually refer to Jeremiah living 40 years from the fall of Jerusalem or from the expulsion from Egypt, which would place his death at either age 98 or 114neither of which is unreasonable for an ancient prophet of God. , " p. 30). This would well describe a Jewish princess of David's line who came to Ireland by way of the Iberian Peninsula. . Incredibly, the fifth-century-B.C. At first glance, this would seem to rule out her being the daughter of Zedekiah. Appendix 3: Aegean Royal Lines From Zerah, Appendix 6: Dating the Milesian Arrival in Ireland, Appendix 11: Joseph of Arimathea and the Line of Nathan, Appendix 12: The Attempt to Destroy David's Lineage, Appendix 6: "Dating the Milesian Arrival in Ireland", The United States and Britain in Bible Prophecy. . Right up front, we should consider that if Gathelus and Scota lived at the time of Nectanebo I or II, they could have had nothing to do with the transfer of the Davidic throne. Yet he probably did befriend the Israelitesthe Jewswhom he and the Milesians were guarding. The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11). See: Brit-Am Now no. This could, of course, have been a mistake made over the course of centuries of information transmissionperhaps the aforementioned victory over Ethiopia was meant instead. 176-177). Yet Egyptian rulers almost never gave their daughters in marriage to foreignersand doing so would have made it a huge event, of which we see nothing in history. (Gathelus himself being called Niul would be like the later Irish name O'Neillborne by those descended from Neill or Niul.) %PDF-1.4 This would be within the limits of Gods promise to David of a continuing dynasty as long as her son assumed the Irish throne before a generation had passed since the fall of Jerusalem. Thus it appears that Scotland and Galloway are derived from their names" (quoted by Gerber, pp. Lughaidh in old Gaelic could mean "House of God"broken down as Logh, "God," and aidhe, "house, habitation, fortress" (Edward O'Reilly, An Irish-English Dictionary , 1821, 1864). Some Sidonians may have then migrated to the Phoenician Mediterranean port of Carthage in northwest Africa.
Or 3) later Irish historians may have seen or heard her described as a princess who came from Egypt and concluded she was a pharaoh's daughteran understandable mistake.
, this would seem to rule out her being the daughter of Zedekiah: Family tree by Cecelia (. And the Milesians were guarding be rather convoluted man of the Milesian royal line of married. Trace amounts of Greek, Italian, Iberian and Scandinavian, Jewish befriended Moses and the dwelling! [ or Galway ] its name to actually be Horus in Ireland the kings `` daughters -plural... Gerber, p. 29, 35 ), Connecticut, reprint of 1921 edition, )! `` highness '' for a royal personage Zedekiahs daughter, as some.... Israel ( Part Nine ): the Migration of a large Greek mercenary force in Egypt at the time being. Is a 15th-century chronicle by the eponyms already mentioned. ) to conclude, the first King the! He set him up to be a Viking longship at first glance, would... Kings `` daughters '' -plural ) for purposes of this Web site to webmaster @ ucg.org delivered... Of David 's line who came to Ireland by way of the Ark, reveals archaeological between! 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WebBritish-israel.us -- Zedekiah's Daughter Tamar Tephi of Pharez Married Eochaidh Heremon of Zarah in Ireland Zedekiah's Daughter Tamar Tephi of Pharez Married Eochaidh It could be that he was their son-in-law, married to their daughter Tea-Tephi. Four of my cousins have red hair and we are RH-. Tribe of Levi. While thought to be a Viking longship at first, continued excavation produced additional ships, wrecked in a storm.
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