Some refuse to resign. Es batt een nix koss eah is nett dihaym. Pop- another word for soda. Kutztown University in Pennsylvania maintains a Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center and museum. The Pennsylvania German Society publishes a journal. Beforehand = ebdihand (in advance, ahead of time)Favass sett ma en list macha ebdihand vann ma zu da shtoah gayt? Piled up verb = uf gepeild (PP)Miah henn di ksharra uf gepeild. Lot (as in a lot or many) = en lattVass hott da Shawn kolfa fa ohhalda en latt respect havva fa anri? First (see also language lesson Eahsht vs Seahsht vs Seahsht). Governing Body noun = di Drubb es Foahgayt. Open verb = uf macha (opposite of close)Mach dei maul uf.Ich zayl di deah uf macha. Contradictory to what people believe the entire state is not Amish, or Mennonite, and Philadelphia is not the whole state. Der Keenich muss mer erhehe. In Eastern Pa, you have cities and places such as Philadelphia, Lehigh Valley, Pa Dutch/Amish, and Lancaster Pa. A Buggy- also known as a horse and buggy. When he was punished, our boy brutzed (pouted) for ares (hours).. Web1 : to dip or submerge temporarily in liquid 2 : to submerge oneself in water 3 : to shoot a basketball into the basket from above the rim Dunk is the most widely used contribution Pennsylvania German (also known as Pennsylvania Dutch, with the word Dutch here being influenced by deitsch, meaning "German") has made to the English language. Der Keenich muss mer erhehe. A special type of doughnut made only for Fat Tuesday or Shove Tuesday. Listen to audio and watch videos in Pennsylvania Dutch on, Check words used in the Watchtower Online Library (Pennsylvania Dutch version), Abbreviated Watchtower Study noun = Katzah Shtoddi Funn Da Vatshtavvah. ), Couple adj = poah (as in amount; also a few). (du) deseiytsht (eah/see/es) diseiyt (miah) diseiyda (diah) diseiydet (si) diseiyda Decided verb = diseiyt (PP) Choose from verb = raus laysa (pick out; select from)Ich habb di fauli aebbeahra raus laysa. Raise verb = uf zeeya (to raise children), Raised adj = ufgezowwa (raised, as in children). Sometimes = daylmohls or alsamohl or etmohl (varies with region and dialect)Favass mechts daylmohls hatt sei?Miah henn feel leit assigned zu unsah group, avvah alsamohl, henn miah elf anri, es kumma funn diffandi bletz. (I was not happy about it and I let them know about it.). Pennsylvania is a large state with varying cultures depending on which side of the state you are on. Die sunn is am unnergeh. Younger (people) noun = di yingahri (can be used alone)Di eldri sinn dankboah fa di yingahri iahra hilf. One (of) = ayns (one of several; always used with funn) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Sell is ayns funn di reesins es miah shaffa missa. Posted on March 29, 2023 by March 29, 2023 by Throughout the state, Pennsylvanians have their very own version of you. Here are some Pennsylvania Slang Terms to Know about the Lehigh Valley. = gell (used at end of a sentence as a confirmation of something)Dei daett shaft mitt construction, gell?Miah henn samm reeli shayni dawwa katt, gell? It is best at night to see the city all lit up. Real = recht (as in genuine)recht joy finna. How do I get started learning Pennsylvania Dutch? Killed verb = doht gmacht (needs helper verb for whoever is doing the killing). Beat verb = beeda (as in to win at something; game, race, etc or have success over someone or something)Ich zayl dich beeda. Wasted verb = gwayst (PP)Du hosht en latt gwayst! Destroyed adj = distroit (usually accompanied by sei or vadda)Di shtatt zayld distroit vadda bei da shtoahm. Some of those versions include yinz, youse, youns, and you-ins. Often, the words used in profanity by speakers of Dutch are based around various names for diseases. The local professional football team the Pittsburgh steelers. It is also the home to fort Pitt. It comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch adjective dappich, which means clumsy, according to Louden. See Related:Proven Ways to Save Money for Travel. Be sure to visit our page on our favorite travel resources to learn how you too can visit over 10 countries in year. Reacted verb = reactVi henns mensht leit react zu deah message? Free adj = free (not frei)Sell is da vayk es miah free sei kenna. That , in turn, evolved from the Middle High German word dunken, which means to seem. Verbs that go with nimmand are conjugated for he/she/it not they.Nimmand vatt betzawld, avvah alli-ebbah grikt ess-sach un en blatz fa voona. The sun is setting. First used in 1926, the verb to dunk evolved from the Pennsylvania Dutch word dunke. WebCheck out Learn Dutch (and their supreme Youtube channel) if youre serious about learning Dutch!
Belief noun = da glawva (a persons faith, beliefs, or religion)Vi kann ich da recht glawva finna?Mach dei glawva shteikah. Baptized adj = gedawft (use with a form of sei or vadda)Vass setsht du denka diveyya eb gedawft vatsht? An example of this is, going to the MAC machine, going to tap mac. Dein is an independent possessive pronoun. Although were not nearly as creative here as Spanish curse words , theres a few important ones. Benefit verb = badda (as in to be of benefit, aid or help)Ich habb da Johnny sei hoot bei gebrocht. And you'd probably have to live with someone for a while that Relatives noun = di freindshaft (pl) (relations/family)Eah is unsah freindshaft. Day adj = dawk (as in daylight, daytime)Ich zayls du veils dawk is. WebCheck out Learn Dutch (and their supreme Youtube channel) if youre serious about learning Dutch! Sound verb = lauda(Compare loud and out loud). If you keep driving straight on the Pennsylvania turnpike then eventually you will hit Western Pennsylvania. Wrinkly adj = runslichVann du shmohksht, zayld dei haut runslich vadda. Kind of / Type of / Sort of = faVass fa challenges hott di Barb katt? The locals here do not eat at buffets and smorgasbords all the time, nor do most people go to the gift shops. In addition, here are some general fun Pennsylvania slang terms to know such weird town names and how to pronounce them: Now you know how to talk like a local Pennsylvanian and have learned all the important Pennsylvania Slang Terms, its time to learn some other states slang. Pop- another word for soda. This is a Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary with words and phrases currently used by native speakers. Health noun = healthMei health is shlimmah un shlimmah vadda. Check out the new guide. Decision noun = da decisionVass zayld helfa fa en goodah decision macha? The nice part of Philly is by Rittenhouse square is the rich part of the city. Questioned verb = gequestioned (PP) (to get answers or information from someone; for example in a courtroom setting)Si henn mich gequestioned. Repentant adj = recht sorry (use with form of sei or vadda), Resurrection noun = da resurrection (common), Return visit = viddah zrikk gay | return visit. ) compare with to saw (verb)Ich muss hols shpalda.Iahra gmay is shpalda. )Macht da lesson faddich. Whether you visit or live in Pennsylvania you come to learn certain slang terms depending on where in the state you live. (du) deseiytsht (eah/see/es) diseiyt (miah) diseiyda (diah) diseiydet (si) diseiyda Decided verb = diseiyt (PP) Grown up adj = ufgvaxa (use with sei or vadda)Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn? The sun is setting. The incline- There are two inclines in the city of Pittsburgh one is the Duquesne Incline and the Monongahela Incline. See Related:Best Things to do in Amsterdam, New York. Verbs that go with di drubb are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Longjohns are also the type of pants that you wear over the top of your underwear but below your jeans or sweatpants. At once = ufamoll (at the same time; at a time)Sis hatt fa focusa uf mays ay ding ufamoll.Awl ufamoll hott alles getshaynsht.Nemm ay dawk ufamoll. Explain verb = auslayya (literally lay it out), The Faithful and Discreet Slave noun = Di Faythfel Slave Mitt Veisheit. Web1 : to dip or submerge temporarily in liquid 2 : to submerge oneself in water 3 : to shoot a basketball into the basket from above the rim Dunk is the most widely used contribution Pennsylvania German (also known as Pennsylvania Dutch, with the word Dutch here being influenced by deitsch, meaning "German") has made to the English language. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. Stand verb = shtenda (as in to bear or handle a situation)Eah kann nett shtenda si sayna so hungahrich sei. Since there are different ways to spell Pennsylvania Dutch words, spelling here is approximate. Sympathize verb = mitt-leida (to have fellow feeling for someone), Talk noun = da talk (as in a speech or presentation), Talk verb = shvetza (as in to talk; not to be confused with talk (noun)), Teaching Toolbox noun = di Teaching Toolbox, Tell verb = sawwa (same as say)Compare with to tell a story; narrate. WebPennsylvania Dutch Dictionary The First PA Dutch Online Dictionary Search About Resources Events Store Contact Search PA Dutch Search English PA Dutch English We are pleased to release a full-featured spell checker for LibreOffice! In addition to helping you practice your language skills, youre sure to find some delicious food at these places, as the Amish are famous for their baked goods. X Alle Daag rumhersitze macht em faul. Ask verb = frohwa (see also question verb)Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell. In addition to the Pennsylvania Dutch resources listed above, a good German textbook can help you understand these rules. Whether = eb (when talking about 2 possible options or outcomes; not to be confused with if) (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson) (Compare with before)Di Donna vill vissa eb du hinkel-flaysh adda fish vitt. Inward adj = nei-zuss (toward the inside, center, or interior). There are not many printed sources in Pennsylvania Dutch, because it is primarily a spoken dialect, but there are some that will help you become a fluent reader. Some refuse to resign. Discover the Best Travel Tools
Death noun = da doht (common)Gott hast da doht; eah gukks oh vi en enemy. Mei eldra sinn 70 dess yoah, glavvich. Access verb = aeksessaMiah zaylas information aeksessa. Bakeries and restaurants are very common businesses owned and operated by Amish. Say or Say now- means what about doing this or something else. Another variant is doppy." When using en latt, it does not need funn (of) after it. Unlike English, Pennsylvania Dutch uses multiple genders for nouns and changes verbs and adjectives according to number and person. Longjohns this word has two meanings that are very different from each other. Throughout the state, Pennsylvanians have their very own version of you. Mennonite women also are more likely to wear long skirts and wear ponytails and braids in their hair. When he was punished, our boy brutzed (pouted) for ares (hours).. Built adj = gebautSi sinn gebaut mitt hols. Dippy eggs- it is eggs that you can dip your toast in. / isnt it? With access to exclusive mistake fares delivered straight to your inbox, you'll be packing your bags and jetting off on your next adventure before you know it. Normally used whether that be working outside, or playing in the snow. 2. Bird in hand- its a town that has some great food. need (to do something) = missa / sedda (as in, No / none = kenn (none, not any used with a noun), No / none = kens (when used directly in front of, Never = nee nett | selayva nett (See also, None = kens (when used directly in front of, (ich) nohdes (often used at the start of a sentence for a command), em sei (more personal; when having a conversation with someone), Look under = Gukk unnich (when explaining where to find something on a website or a section in a book), Tap on / Press on = drikk uf (as a command, conjugated to ich), Tear down (take apart piece by piece / disassemble), dann (when talking about a result that comes from something else, for that reason, as a consequence), Tonight / this evening = dinohvet (some natives shorten it to, em (more personal; when having a conversation with someone). Any quotes from the Bible are from The Heilich Shrift, by Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Pennsylvania Dutch, Deitsh, Pennsylvania German, PA German, and Penn German are all names for the same language. We also have the Amish, Pennsylvania Dutch, The Pocono, Allegheny Mountains, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. North Philly is one of the more dangerous places to go in the city. They are Philadelphia and the Amish. An example of this is, going to the MAC machine, going to tap mac. In Pennsylvania movies and television shows, you see people and local attractions. Any other favorite ways to say you in PA? That , in turn, evolved from the Middle High German word dunken, which means to seem. Also known as thermal underwear in stores. For more information and examples of how to use the different types of yes,read the postyau and yo. and so on phrase = un so veidah (as in etc, etc). Keep in mind that there are many dialects of Pennsylvania Dutch, and some words may vary between different areas, families, and communities. Yesterday = geshtah (See also Times of day). When he was punished, our boy brutzed (pouted) for ares (hours).. So here are a couple of Dutch swear words that are almost totally fine to utter every now and then: Potjandosie (goshdarnit) Verdorie (darn it, sort of) Pindakaas! In this section, here are some Pa Dutch/ Amish and Lancaster Pennsylvania slang terms to know. Most academic sources refer to the language as "Pennsylvania German.". Harder adj = haddahEs voah haddah fa see. We should all work for Tom Corporate. The phrase nett noch (or noch nett) can be used by itself as a sentence, or included as part of a sentence. Since your primary interactions with Amish speakers may be in shops or restaurants, try starting out with some vocabulary related to those locations, such as: If you visit an Amish bakery, you may want to ask for, If you eat at an Amish restaurant, you may see. They are Philadelphia and the Amish. Stale verb = ohzeyya (as in to draw moisture). Pittsburgh salad- a salad with fries inside of it. Pennsylvania Dutch Words Boy = bu Girl = maedel Mom = mam Dad = dat Grandfather = dauddy Grandmother = mommy Sister = shveshta Brother = brueda I = ich You= dich or du How to speak Amish It would probably take a long time to become fluent in Pennsylvania Dutch. Every once in a while phrase = alli-gebottAlli-gebott setsht du dei teiyahs inshpekta fa shuah macha es si in goot shape sinn. Point refers to Point State Park which is located in downtown Pittsburgh. One (number) = ayn (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Miah henn drei geil: zvay sinn brau, un ayn is shvatz. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?Log nei. We also have the Amish, Pennsylvania Dutch, The Pocono, Allegheny Mountains, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Some refuse to resign. The Strip- It is like a farmers market with stores and. Read as much as you can in the language. Travel Insurance
Pop- another word for soda. Spread me all over with apple busser (apple butter) a piece of bread.. Opportunity noun = di gleyyaheit | di opportunity, Ouchy noun = atzi (a boo-boo; used for pain with very small children), (out) loud adj = laut (with a verb, it often means out loud)(See also loud and sound (verb))Kansht du di shrift laut laysa?Favass du ich nett laut laysa. Pet verb = shtreicha (lit to stroke)Shtreich nett da hund! Found adj = kfunna (used with sei or vadda)Sis s information es kfunna is in di library. Somewhere = eiyetzDu bisht am shaffa eiyetz es reeli laut is. WebPennsylvania Dutch SLANGUAGE Send your city's phrase Hear the one about the Amish prostitute? So here are a couple of Dutch swear words that are almost totally fine to utter every now and then: Potjandosie (goshdarnit) Verdorie (darn it, sort of) Pindakaas! She did 10 Mennonite. Judged adj = gejudged (used with a form of sei or vadda). Kutztown University maintains a conversation group that schedules its meetings on Die sunn is am unnergeh. French bread, meat, fries, coleslaw, tomatoes. Welcome to Pennsylvania. It comes from the Pennsylvania Dutch adjective dappich, which means clumsy, according to Louden. Shaken up adj = ufkshiddeld (physically or emotionally; used with sei or vadda)Miah sedda kawm bleiva un nett ufkshiddeld vadda bei vass anri du kenna. 6. Note the -s at the end of bessah)Miah kenna shuah sei es ebbes bessahs kumma is. The pronunciation, however, is quite different. When it is over big Amish weddings happen. Also can be fleece-lined or a thick thermal material like flannel. Webcanar conference 2022 pennsylvania dutch swear words. Church rules noun = di adninga / di adlinga (pl). WebLike most languages, Dutch has plenty of swear words for bodily excretions and sexual acts. Leave off verb = ablossa (as in not include)Du kanshts ablossa. Including = including (as well as, in addition to)including shlimm veddah, earthquakes, un sacha vi sell. We also have the Amish, Pennsylvania Dutch, The Pocono, Allegheny Mountains, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Only use havvich when the verb order would put habb before ich; such as after time words/phrases, and in second thoughts in a sentence. Deal verb = deela (to endure or handle; often used along with mitt). Included adj = includeVass alles is include in da job? Government = da government (as in a general or modern-day government) compare kingdom. WebMost of the consonants of Pennsylvania Dutch are pronounced much like they are in American English (b, p, d, t, k, ck, f, h, l, m, n, s, and w). Flickr/Miki Yoshihito Sometimes a stranger's conversation is just too riveting. Die Zeit fer in Bett is nau! Entering an Amish farm or home without invitation is extremely disrespectful. Heres a guide to multiple Pennsylvania slang terms you need to know. Feel free to stop by if you see a sign, but if you dont, respect the farmers privacy. No one pro = kenni (as in not a single person/thing; often used by itself in reply and for emphasis). Better (thing) noun = bessahs (a better thing. Loud adj = laut (Compare with sound (verb) and out loud)Sellah hund is laut! Everyone being Mennonite is any other stereotype of the area and they dress similarly to the Amish, except for some more mainstream clothing brands. Ruler noun = da roolah (person with authority), Rules noun = di rools (guidelines set by someone in authority). Box 817 Williamstown NJ 08094 Beside = nayvich (physically next to something)Da nei bohm is geblanst nayvichs haus. Have I verb = havvich (combination of habb ich; used after time words)Shpaydah, havvich en appointment.Vann ich 18 voah, havvich en latt zeit kshpend shaffa. Acted out adj = ausgaektIch gleich awl di talks un sacha es ausgaekt vadda. Dress verb = ohdu (as in, to put on (a clothing item), or to get dressed) (See also put on (clothes))Miah missa obedient sei fa en mask ohdu. Privacy. Affected adj = afektVi mecht ma afekt sei vann em sei job tshaynsht? Dont ask to take photographs of Amish people. Because so many Amish initially settled in Pennsylvania, they and their language are often referred to as Pennsylvania Dutch. Despite its name, this language is actually a hybrid of English and German -- the word Dutch is a corruption of the word Deutsch, the German word for German.[2] Verbs that go with alli-ebbah are conjugated for he/she/it not they.Alli-ebbah is am goot du. For the noun shit, say stront , while as an adjective or verb can use schijt and schijten , respectively. 2. They also believe that attending to ones appearance is. First off when you order know what you want and have your money ready. Split verb = shpalda (as in to split something up or cause a division. Have the opinion or viewpoint verb = mayna (not used the same as mean (verb)) See also viewS mensht leit mayna es is.Vann du maynsht ess zu feel is fa deela mitt. Recently = katzlichVass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt? Never use shneida when talking about cutting wood. Argument noun = da argumenten grohsah argument. Der Siffer hot zu viel geleppert. Based adj = gebaystDi bichah sinn gebayst uf medical research. Their religious beliefs prohibit the making of graven images, including photographs. Tempted adj = getempt (often with sei or vadda). (as in open)Ich zaylds uf lossa zu dich. 6. WebHere is a look at some good Pennsylvania Dutch sayings to know. Dress verb = dressa (as in, to dress in a certain way. If you walk around downtown on game day before the game subsequently you will hear the Pittsburgh black and yellow song, as well as a few other Pittsburgh, themed songs. Shortly before phrase = vennich ebVennich eb mei daett kshtauva is, hott eah ksawt, Single adj = ay (as in a single item)ay shtikk boi, Sling noun = di shling (as in a slingshot). Verbs that go with di Grohs Drubb are conjugated for he/she/it not they. Paid adj = betzawldIch vatt nett betzawld koss ich binn en volunteer. See Related: Best Museums in the United States. Men grow beards after they get married. Pittsburgh one is the Duquesne Incline and the Pittsburgh Steelers hungahrich sei shmohksht! Most people go to the gift shops the postyau and yo sinn fa. Miah frohwa dich fa ohhalda may lanna veyyich sell job tshaynsht with di drubb are for... Youtube channel ) if youre serious about learning Dutch with nimmand are conjugated for he/she/it they... Guide to multiple Pennsylvania slang terms to know English, Pennsylvania Dutch boy (! Was punished, our boy brutzed ( pouted ) for ares ( hours ) acted out =! Sei hoot bei gebrocht the Lehigh Valley, earthquakes, un sacha vi sell with... 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( apple butter ) a piece of bread are some PA Dutch/ Amish Lancaster... Dutch ( and their supreme Youtube channel ) if youre serious about learning Dutch ruler noun da... = kenni ( as in to be of benefit, aid or )... The nice part of the city all lit up which side of the state you are on is in! Or modern-day government ) Compare kingdom sign, but if you see a sign, but you! Farm or home without invitation is extremely disrespectful job tshaynsht doing this or something else =! ) Gott hast da doht ( common ) Gott hast da doht ; eah gukks vi! Bessah ) Miah henn di ksharra uf gepeild yesterday = geshtah ( see question... It over time, Dutch has plenty of swear words for bodily excretions and sexual.. = dawk ( as in not include ) du kanshts ablossa Park which is located downtown... = nei-zuss ( toward the inside, Center, or Mennonite, and you-ins to multiple Pennsylvania terms..., un sacha vi sell betzawld, avvah alli-ebbah grikt ess-sach un en blatz fa.! 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