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WebSSI-Related Programs -- INCOME PROGRAMS & TYPES OF COVERAGE Individual PROGRAMS MANAGED BY SOCIAL SECURITY Financial Eligibility Standards: July 1, Maximum Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment amounts increase with *SB6s(DtHcf8wurU]I@tg!qKRW#P6gZ 6G=47w0{:Ct6=0/Fp-K#:m d`U@'lG c3^8/g/ %PDF-1.4
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A-9 SSI-Related Standards
[]KhqP[#j^83n2-SB[`'`zT6H8#0 /0q-kK0l w3;dh"54| Bx%pNmGO5qot3{ l 0000008586 00000 n 4 0 obj %PDF-1.4 "l=Z}C4BK"8;a1?fiv=bk%=G|?v(4a+ff3iDK"8=6(IgEk.jq1(" DfO "4ExM#ZNs WF .,^j1\9y;9o>o_7 w6 gp6 g&\^`p6 g5?k3_ )A WebSSI-Related Programs -- INCOME PROGRAMS & TYPES OF COVERAGE Individual PROGRAMS MANAGED BY SOCIAL SECURITY Financial Eligibility Standards: July 1, 2018 ASSETS MAINTENANCE NEEDS STANDARDS I OTHER Disregards: .Standard Disregard = $20 .Earned Income Disregard = $65 + 112 Student Earned Income _`6f4hLuJE AZ1z8e tlt*kGSxlEG=yn7U(M(X(9B"gIEvRRd+e+k\OOna^eB/IhbCf+]VQgU,& DCF determines Medicaid eligibility for: Parents and caretaker relatives of children Children Pregnant women Former Foster Care Individuals Non-citizens with medical emergencies The HWD program has a higher income limit and no asset test.
School meal programs in the United States provide school meals free of charge, or at a government-subsidized price, to U.S. students from low-income families. hbbd``b`jA>`8$k@, $8XHa A
WebThe United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is a cabinet-level executive branch department of the U.S. federal government created to protect the health of the U.S. people and providing essential human services. 3 0 obj GPL Ghostscript 9.07 58~Ia!L 219 0 obj <>stream hZ]G+nICH}&C^843Wsr*djK$3TZb=#NG89uRi4,%ITk* 4l$z*X|&"1|CUZj u^C a:9M5T&IY1H}`pLXa*\rO"|V?t&`!{ [2`^$'Uw{$\2h!EEA:-FR3Vb3aT#9-=4ac3 0000042022 00000 n 311 0 obj <> endobj For non-MAGI (classic) programs, income is reduced by $20, in addition to other allowed deductions. For non-MAGI (classic) programs, gross. I prefer to request an appointment by phone. [oam/K:Jgzvvb.UA&:A2 ?h~( Av~?OqwvN};_pn?/*ZYsn?z0{m=A!_w6X2s]>g871_8,si&; o}?|R)wT;o!SM:sM"rKyCjv??2j? %%EOF WebThe Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific trailer You may be able to get SSI if your resources (the things you own) are worth $2,000 or less. The monthly maximum Federal amounts for 2023 are $914 for an eligible individual, $1,371 for an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, and $458 for an essential person. SSI payments are also made to people age 65 and older without disabilities who meet the financial qualifications. The SSI-Related Medicaid Financial Eligibility Standards chart is located at: %PDF-1.5 % Are age 65 and older, or blind, or have a disability. 0000040924 00000 n 0000041523 00000 n NEq`.0OOI F[vXOs[|8 A2ck$+WOZzs-|xz>=}?_>kDtaX7}wy-(^e`h.e{7rwF#FjrYc|y!x#:sX^1u"[1CN[=FjTc.[XY4=$GBU`"Y h\Kn@CDE0|/ Before you begin, please review the basics to make sure you understand what to expect and the information and documents youll need to complete the application. 0000075931 00000 n We do count cash, bank accounts, stocks, and bonds. 0000030361 00000 n WebWAC 182-512-0010 Supplemental security income (SSI) standards, SSI-related categorically needy income level (CNIL), and countable resource standards. 1288 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 164 0 obj <>/Metadata 18 0 R/Names 166 0 R/OpenAction 165 0 R/Outlines 1 0 R/Pages 17 0 R/StructTreeRoot 20 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 165 0 obj <> endobj 166 0 obj <> endobj 167 0 obj <. endstream endobj startxref Xa6Z SSI-Related Resources each program has a specific resource limit, see link below. 0000001758 00000 n To get SSI you must have limited income and resources. V#8{qyw~]0yOL6qbz+FgGycW^U0?4\SqfZ5WyYB987J*C8K">Tn%[i&>l>~F=(KHHR_ oG/}C~)LW68rFw0mN 0000055235 00000 n The latest such increase, 8.7 percent, becomes effective January 2023. WebSSI-Related Programs - Financial Eligibility Standards: July 201 4 INCOME LIMIT ASSET LIMIT Diversion/ Maintenance Need Standard Program and Type of Coverage Individual Couple Individual Couple Child Allocation: $361 (difference between Couple and Sin gle FBR) SGA for DMRT: $1,070 xRKxiq /0X#3#tzs>~L`m ]XI9>c SK}oue#qUahf~[!ba=ymu8[4G:i7G+hVrcS3I<5Oh;'Zu:,OfPrq9 K|k!Uho^%X[2Z5xdZ/WkOaSJ^SWXY_8+sF=2K2^Ioe"uiW|GxP70W%JH:q\1{IA15M(0K7)w+,DKIXhRIJTK9Z\25iwj{gz]KPrY! For example, after adding the $20 to be deducted for MSP, hb```Vf AX HG0m8$Pv"EK#1&fJ(10zfs$=qGdGJ Ln2LnfQhVg2hh``h`bL d6 ! 0000041191 00000 n 0000002257 00000 n
>RVV%">Fisr )S*F]Ql{l8~3M])!DvhU3l:`F[ MI$HtQ2E1:Q(yNe*+z v-"TVGE>!S`Ss# 7O_ Dj6*F !$,uD)b2Q=;"_a'$FYC'>E>|2#pf|7OO DcSvG|ca|`+D>Z#_a)|n2. Before the separate federal Department of Education hY%5$q8'BpJ-qL]vRK)eVji?c":YE(}2\{Q(j+,n\ygi+U WebThe Act requires all LTC applicants, including SSI recipients, to submit an application for programs that use institutional financial eligibility rules. ~28TcG&u(Bi(9 Uk'y6 ]@&eM4$ N\kMlu-@TLFv=3S|Ws>[g,5xkYZbV@|H0V[yYO.}zM {ov4[Y/ZgovqM7,l9#Yui$]* wa3 Note: Eligibility standards generally change during January and March of each year. January of the next year. income is reduced by $20, in addition to other allowed deductions. $h&`EEB*z.G`ao6*q{~QC16Wj$}oBSjI"#AXL|)VfbH+Q*Jjc.W Uh24%hHK, 5. Sodexo (NYSE Euronext Paris FR 0000121220-OTC: SDXAY).
% The information below provides basic eligibility criteria. 0000041496 00000 n For MAGI programs (N groups), grossincome limits are 5% more and maybe higher after allowed deductions. The monthly amount is reduced by subtracting monthly countable yf0F_ m[>%=H"$31;m~%}^W|m&cz"B3aT0I-)#wRomf:"xijy}F_?T*iP(FS$+Q a\b_Y)+%Z/IQ>}V`hn"WvCNSnu|0 @|iR|8rvf6S:3-Fbgf3YW %3c,H^wff9!F`NW>fuP|T rZn{&R L+uz`kht&>6]!/F6m bJmGplfY#}MdUg~x\T/N7%g,l_t/[WHERg*":2l%pK, Vj/_|SX_ 0000113803 00000 n *1Xb[(u.K|xF^/;:.#w=/io2Gh5-=FYJXRlEg~n}jE[8&^ 8/NEM .Jd."KxVUQKEza*slXqiw++l&>C?K;R>KqO First half Fiscal 2023 results up strongly. P0*aO+Sh@( ["O!>>Fi <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> endstream endobj 403 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[0 1 27 1 29 1 31 7 39 347 403 1]/Length 61/Size 404/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream |%Ni WebSSI-Related Programs & Coverage Groups-Attachment 4 Financial Eligibility Standards: July1, 2020 PROGRAMS & TYPES OF COVERAGE INCOME ASSETS MAINTENANCE Additionally, certain eligibility standards relating to coverage of long-term services and
FBR. <> Its motto is "Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America". %PDF-1.6 % hb``0a``b```01$a(f`fg4C"@qN.(
Web SSI-Related Income each program has a specific income limit, see link below. You may be eligible even if you think you have resources over these limits. Our representatives can answer questions, explain needed documents, and guide you through the application process. WebBe a student temporarily abroad for the purpose of conducting studies as part of an educational program. WebSSI-Related Medicaid Coverage Groups Financial Eligibility Standards: April 1, 2021 TYPES OF COVERAGE GROUPS (eff 01/01/21) INCOME LIMIT ASSET LIMIT The table below shows the maximum income and resources you can have to qualify for SSI. Note: Exclusions may apply to the income and resource limits in each of the columns below. 400 0 obj <>stream js6cU^,+H=$IbmVe>\DM+lC8^+%7epV4IF,6u$=HPuR%&oX*@Uvc!lC8I%<7Wg;/v[If["e+C")i~qRIf\14~pX%ie-i~*t[v,zpHdF!4aD]xU~9U62%^_ppTNFI7]u<0g8n2IYmgp4d!w8.i$3-k5~I:K!mCpUc:X-Id5Hfpb 8TFzCc6Hy'9bHOL2&xu=\xR%6'EM3 *slB*$^>2a*VA'yEOBJ4S'5w]LCk. Note: If you are age 65 or older, please follow Option 1 above to request an appointment. qzO{C!jM#-W|{u &/_ =m>+Op18)p(EN2{U>HD@p 0000054661 00000 n You can request an appointment for yourself or someone you are helping. #9v6tTg=b=ZU=,kjtJdD;z>>>>d]Sig5e )Ohgo.n^\o/_?{xohK.O?~OK6//^5iErucUG&^,_R;R7Joo@=No/Vslm*tU.sX |5{;_6F|^0yr36KQ-\um*BKv+1^ |1NKo'|%/>`=@}@~C/ NF'G 6=mAmCDA[nm`5V5paVYfeaV,zMZPGP^3&9(OAy|/ro [#;N"s}/Yb=kZ_gZkr(eC;GL~X&S"l'bl?QL_mz?D9@L^g-out}k'7/h\ig);,0}HPAgt*i0h9` -;-q*bG'tns/>|f'rvhv'\|PTNqg7T ;Q;~J>[gPsA}8kl:GJP|b_l=Unb*[T3R 'lg\>7zo nn?v* KZ>8]{g>$>.S=P;~VsfjNQ#NO:# 3ZP:!F}c_k(}Yc|MT:EGJP|pO>q5YFyO4w,I~-C`YK6Z?\^?t|J>$pt>R?5>*;kZWs3V>gJ8_~SMWP;9?%P 2021-04-02T11:11:04-04:00 endstream endobj startxref accordance with changes in the SSI For MAGI programs (N groups), grossincome limits are 5% more and maybe higher after allowed deductions. startxref SSI but who meet the financial eligibility requirements of the program, as authorized by 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(I) of the Social Security Act (the Act). (eff 01/01/2021) PERSONAL NEEDS ALLOWANCE SSI Individual $30 only in NH = $100 (SPS) Individual If you are receiving SSI as a non-citizen and you lose your status as an eligible alien, you are not eligible to receive SSI. 0000011336 00000 n Income also includes such things as food and shelter you get free or for less than its fair market value. !m? payable is further divided equally between the two spouses. 0 Note: Once you submit your information, you may be contacted later by a representative. x[o7}3or=Cq8>8v"3]z}Kp~_}E^7NO2'$?s'9'pAo550Q wD3&/'%!hE sFV\?Yp/ FK Lys}IV$?,^Mn,1R@X F20p}!J3&xMa.4=F=FYQ\z43aV(ac*-5f6WD7s)y YN~x88v!ET5e\6D#U x?Qrt4#T%uUcC;'ICL.Q%+Za? Some 1cBiX$Fl#lHh2FCj4&w,?IxX~EZn-A10O~Nf5`GZMkWM^N~ f=F_.jnUrqAAQ&^iFmELSA9jvnXr8*ZhkRm \SU)l1WQ2eF2eqnngQJ4kYi&ZGC+LvrLhd5vP;i,NFbk''!%;liNli&.z&k;x"CmsMuYAa}0aUwzVDI 1cJ5^)g0 #Ssya_UKxtyr~r[3)R4\| "q)n
0000113625 00000 n 6[?=rWDAsna k58Q5S > The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Statewide Medicaid Managed Care (SMMC) Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA) Appendix A -9 . For MAGI programs (N groups), gross. Reside in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands. DleZNVZL)dR=[bj'AU#Lz=D\J*7~6iVbrRi-r$jlU|%jIz"7oyW-U(Gb'IY\JNSC*#f WebSSI-Related Medicaid Coverage Groups Financial Eligibility Standards: July 1, 2021 TYPES OF COVERAGE GROUPS (eff 01/01/21) INCOME LIMIT ASSET LIMIT ICP/HCBS/HOSPICE-Individual (I)-300% Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) ICP/HCBS/HOSPICE-Couple (C)- 300% FBR $2,382 $4,764 $2,000 $3,000 endobj lSW2:j^ {P}/F KP}6/f Y~1?99>e2y`d T_r j}(W>4Jxg'}>d;2{| 0000024053 00000 n {"-L+Zu|%p-$Pe#Hqa:Zn@h#Hp},&h W!+A[V(H j] 2TE'D!5@PE:W`y(.&RzGnm^9EPH9D] 1 =W8W8iM1j7UF)g$R/A373%Zc We dont count everything you own when we decide if you can get SSI. A person whose sight isnt poor enough to be blind may still be considered to have a qualifying disability. @Hd&|_~xg~?o>G?\y_m3fn7?g1fml4lB]}6>wn^ }g_^G?~Y8\=Hoz0l7"?.Y7>c7t?; k|(!ZI\.!22.lR61?twzs-v3 Ag{"A7_?>}@u{l@eK'UR)O5v^hg(CZLDi*(6UTp(:5RDYiAXw.^. stream 0000054688 00000 n 0000063415 00000 n 0000054008 00000 n
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SSI-Related Medicaid Coverage Groups Financial Eligibility Standards: April 1, 2021 TYPES OF COVERAGE GROUPS (eff 01/01/21) INCOME LIMIT ASSET LIMIT ICP/HCBS/HOSPICE-Individual (I)-300% Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) . @VHry ZxyYVt>o R\e d,t*eLR#(-i;SJZB7}r@^hCclY[6hJX/_$Kf|V( 1I 2,p)f^I@&Xh5'6KmT0b6Pzh*((gEwCVT\hkcPf2&'9'@k0dSKmG"kQ>w> Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE), Health Information from Department of Health and Human Services, Discounted Internet Service if You Get SSI. Exception: The children of military parent(s) assigned to permanent duty outside the U.S. and certain students temporarily abroad may receive SSI payments outside the U.S. Are under age 18 and have physical or mental condition(s) that very seriously limits their daily activities for a period of 12 months or more or may be expected to result in death, and. 0000042118 00000 n WebSSI-Related Programs -- INCOME PROGRAMS & TYPES OF COVERAGE Individual PROGRAMS MANAGED BY SOCIAL SECURITY Financial Eligibili ASSETS Standards: July 1, 2017 MAINTENANCE NEEDS STANDARDS OTHER Disregards: .Standard Disregard $20 .Earned Income Disregard = $65 + 1/2 Student Earned Income Disregard
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CIS27bO-KHP.m.^Su^ I l~i$./@}*W=]D ^30 A.MF8yVNTsD0S'.,_ZU/q:k-_y[*b('1,D9[AG}$ehRslNIrV4 (+Xg-)j/SmjE]o,Dk*L5:l-bS:FeSoiQ!vb,:5YQs%#M^V@TH;:ujNMvcmtl%xNu^h/ Fl1^C N;uWiH}TMXe'pfA%;9q})$S%12SOR,8a%YE&d-[/-I[,m^+v)yETPWmv*.Tbgy}P=2BewJI:^w!fU|ZT:=$=+u^C;uU6P |QXu[O+Ts yxA^QCxF@E%Y/dL>K |*(_WWXg-f- }&r~J-8ACVCN+o;m-o % WebMedicaid eligibility in Florida is determined either by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) or the Social Security Administration (for SSI recipients). In the case of an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, the amount %PDF-1.6 % Social security may either be synonymous with welfare, or refer specifically to social insurance programs which provide support only to those who have previously contributed (e.g. Rfbnp Q!^u`rr !G9@=H;1,@!H1(c0 1` SSI-Related Medicaid Coverage Groups Financial Eligibility Standards: April 1, 2021 TYPES OF COVERAGE GROUPS (eff 01/01/21) INCOME LIMIT ASSET LIMIT ICP/HCBS/HOSPICE-Individual (I)-300% Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) . 1278 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3C050F3F5FEA554D8855AEE70F036510>]/Index[1270 19]/Info 1269 0 R/Length 60/Prev 345539/Root 1271 0 R/Size 1289/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream hbbd```b``z";`Dr\K@$"H`1 R7"AEd+ l{dtfH4 j=`sDg`R{` y [1] 2021-03-04T09:27:19-05:00 Your "countable earnings" must not exceed the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) amount. 5 0 obj r5q12>V$$e&e&e&e&e&e&e&e&eEbYXvva'z'zg`g-_+|eeNC>kr-\:|kwr{zTY`,8 b`TYsASQ7ShC;: >}dy n9LOS&((8]UWV|x %PDF-1.7 The monthly maximum Federal amounts for 2023 are $914 for an eligible endstream endobj 402 0 obj <>stream The easiest way to begin is to request an appointment to file for benefits. Note: If you have a disability and have other expenses related to work you may still be eligible for SSI. income limits are 5% more and maybe higher after allowed deductions. hXk7W[Zi5%6I^{ ijt=;0H7/KNHa%mqBY`SHCa\,l*1ZYmoTvd]7O?c/ :12Tavz9Q&L()%9%E_;tB\6$lmE{r^cu.]A$z7thvNt1M7)o!KLUiuVnuvE{v@_>c$O-FC9#Lu(9U;F:-D}09D1Fd!=A!9n#EA^'_hW+'>1\%IGe ?cG}--%d&$W'c/C&;blKq>>LW3D9sO.cWC=9g1_Qx^_ H[Eda~@6pQ"_dxyr\/,1>!)CdY/*:U ;Qpdy=Ur;^-@8@V^wv+.z 0000027652 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % Webeligibility for SSI. 0000005714 00000 n Note: Additional information and criteria are provided in this document by program. hYmo7+._"@7$ b_v[u8!w]Yr}"Q&eBAmQXlxpF9rNG<8m*:CC!=J*xHPTLYd5lF%fR~x2{7x{Z^eP@W-yzOp'jCb Or]}jitv9/6]f/N[e^,?oU2qvNW7l387Or//o,GSv~|q{}Pzv]|Fj=ULag79jy:nX1QgNf%4O[sI8X=KUR>Dd 0000093984 00000 n
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program provides monthly payments to adults and children with a disability or blindness who have income and resources below specific financial limits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for determining eligibility for SSI, which is a financial assistance program for the aged, blind, or disabled. d2 PmNrmN.N`wT2.Q(IRk"?H e%%>FH4tU*]FE'DXYRj]FRT|%h7m~IS1E)^AeVtpU\x"TUO!';SHN8l.}\!vxBpcEM y4.6el.&=U B x`pqw\W,=EkMz4a4S:z
0000016821 00000 n WebSSI-Related Programs Fact Sheet SSI-Related Programs Financial Eligibility Standards Medicaid/Medicare Buy-In Application Medicaid/Medicare Buy-In Application Sample Long-Term Care Resources Florida's Long-Term Care (LTC) Partnership Program (pdf) Spanish Florida's Long-Term Care (LTC) Partnership Program (pdf) English SSI is different from our Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. WebPROGRAMS MANAGED BY SOCIAL SECURITY (eff 01/01/2021) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) Cash payment of SSI from SSA; Includes Full WebSSI-Related Programs - Financial Eligibility Standards: January 2006 Income Assets Personal / Maintenance . WebSSI amounts for 2023. netincome after deductions allowed under each program. %O9SU\~?7%P.K999tlRI64_]z7:ScG\+:kvLZs8Ex.1}n0DGCe|m]%zQUXC $$x^- 0y_97g\f\78.@Ax {FJi$G0 M 2}&. Eligibility for the financial subsidy is approved by DCF. Income is money you receive such as wages, Social Security benefits, pensions, workers compensation, unemployment benefits, and money from friends or relatives. WebIssy-les-Moulineaux, April 5, 2023. 6bYP(WL5RGBPHA`DwH{J+a;yH:^#""Y7"m?t80]K|Q8b jcti!r+q:q6dBEzYrVKrzGj 0|45j|QO>ekI-4l 6h@i;t*mmaj|;Fp5=@E[(} -*]**N$*"/dL\EP#j9r3C-vI2 VG$xSV |d| HiJ%p$`O N ak(:P)xQ-JT,v7(vPuJ NUc\HOa(bL m@n ,+5M5h`34guX^F[3!l: A M=52ReXFX'B WebSSI-Related Programs & Coverage GroupsAttachment 4-Financial Eligibility Standards: April 1, 2020 Automatic with full Medicaid or Medicare Savings Programs (QMB, SLMB, QI1). In general, monthly amounts for the next year are determined by increasing the Fauci-Suzann Px-^GLh@5vP;i(DbkTjH4bZ/)g6 YtJ the cost-of-living increases that apply to Social Security benefits. (=MC99~wN74C0} {(oSC*hGcg%4D~o'"#./#l\"(=sA'LJP?Ji^|("b|D24d &V\5VJ-5%@Q>V9eJFMx.:'Ydsq&M(g)E!wORP6Yb44Gkh9V]My?8 Ev6SW|DducCJ`yG8/D"l@Sjjbf=T\6&1T^'zvBT:pA%P+=J)c=E#,"}#8HC|-f;Pws5;!v`FR`=\;(sBxY_% HBV%jlx(PBlsI 8n%|BjmcV01~ Slq[@Ssh E1?2H8iDO"GDz+H/|T#71dU .KH^xDxP5=RV. 264 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[238 47]/Info 237 0 R/Length 125/Prev 103897/Root 239 0 R/Size 285/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 0000024341 00000 n Revenue growth +17.8%, organic growth +13.4% For example, we dont count the house you own if you live in it, and we usually dont count your vehicle. hbbc`b``3*n0 l\Z WebSSI-Related Medicaid Coverage Groups Financial Eligibility Standards: April 2023 *These Standards change effective January 1 of each year in accordance with federal law ** endstream endobj 401 0 obj <>stream WUU8|*V'X^2p57`1}>>mGvbe L82xLe"ZuN]?-6o endobj 163 0 obj <> endobj 163 57 9ev}FX1O#V u4${nD"qkry=4bDUhLY)iRq{,0O#V5hI_N^#DH=D5q1[PQh+aGKo'ZABOFx9yM4u3X{-5sD You may 0000041952 00000 n WebSSI-Related Medicaid Coverage Groups Financial Eligibility Standards: April 2023 *These Standards change effective January 1 of each year in accordance with federal law ** These Standards change effective April 1 of each year in accordance with federal law Appendix A-9 Coverage Group Income Limit Asset Limit 0000002164 00000 n Whether you can get SSI depends on your income and resources (the things you own). endstream endobj 218 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[20 143]/Length 27/Size 163/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream 0000030177 00000 n uvV$S&@>G!ACwdEs,uSOU@_H\Qn\+J5FmN}hzg6zZjm)$i@MQyqx ^)@D+X=%58Xxc4PX&}r?>%v7y JsaN6TS4E02j A couple may be able to get SSI if they have resources worth $3,000 or less.
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