Hes a lovely man. After the announcement, Jeff Roe, Ted Cruzs former campaign manager, called Trumps son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and reminded him of Trumps fury at Pompeos Kansas caucus speech. He quit the law firm after two years and divorced his wife. The risks of getting publicly out of synch with Trump, however, have gone up for Pompeo this summer, as tensions with Iran rise. 5. Pompeos pronouncements on Benghazi and on the Iran deal led to new media prominence on Fox News and other right-wing outlets, where he became one of the fiercest critics of Obamas foreign policy. Why did Mike Pompeo and Leslie Libert divorce? [7][11][12] He was a classmate of Brian Bulatao and Ulrich Brechbuhl, who later helped him found Thayer Aerospace. Mike Pompeo married Leslie Libert in 1986. [207] However, he still met with allies from Australia, India and Japan, despite there being a risk of infecting his key counterparts, and accused the Chinese Communist Party of "exploitation, corruption and coercion". [156][157] The announcement was made on the last day of the presidency of Donald Trump. Are Mike Pompeo and Susan Pompeo religious? [18][19][20], After graduating from law school, he worked as a lawyer for Williams & Connolly in Washington.[21]. Pence, too, had strong ties to the Kochs, and Pompeo found a connection to Pences campaign in Marc Short, a veteran operative for the Kochs organization. Fifteen months after Pompeo took over the State Department, the question is not whether he has stayed in Trumps good favor but to what ends Pompeo is using the relationship. Mike rose to fame only after his success as a politician in the early 2000s. In a recent speech at the Claremont Institute, in California, Pompeo outlined his version of the Trump doctrine, claiming that realism restraint, and respect guided the Presidents approach to the world. Pompeo, an evangelical Christian who keeps an open Bible on his desk, now says its possible that God raised up Trump as a modern Queen Esther, the Biblical figure who convinced the King of Persia to spare the Jewish people. Such questions, he has said, are silly, bizarre, ticky-tack, insulting and ridiculous and frankly ludicrous. Yet none of the people I spoke with thought Pompeo harbored any illusions about the President. On Meet the Press, Pompeo called Clintons role in Benghazi worse, in some ways, than Watergate.. The men had never met, and still disagreed about key issues, such as Russia. In March 2017, Pompeo formally invoked state secrets privilege to prevent CIA officers, including Gina Haspel and James Cotsana, from being compelled to testify in the trial of Bruce Jessen and James Elmer Mitchell. He badgered her about why she had given her private e-mail address to her outside political adviser, Sidney Blumenthal, but not to the Ambassador to Libya. In the end, Pompeo received even more Democratic votes, seven, than Tillerson had.

director, to make the undemocratic practice of executive orders a thing of the past. Trump, of course, did no such thing. Education Pompeo reminded other Republicans that he and Trump had a common enemy: Barack Obama.

[28], In 2017, when Pompeo became head of the CIA, he named his former business partner, Brian Bulatao, the agency's chief operating officer. He served as a tank platoon leader before becoming a cavalry troop executive officer and then the squadron maintenance officer. [56], Pompeo usually personally delivered the president's daily brief in the Oval Office. Mike Pompeo and Leslie separated and filed for divorce. [60] The Senate floor vote took place on April 26 and Pompeo was confirmed by the full Senate by a 5742 vote, with five of ten Democratic senators running for reelection in 2018 in states that Trump won in 2016, voting to confirm Pompeo. ", In 2017, it was reported that Pompeo had expressed desire for regime change in North Korea. He does a lot to try to manage him. Others believe that Pompeo is merely posturing. But It Finds Fault Over Mass Deaths", "Watchdog groups say convention appearances broke Hatch Act", "House panel to investigate Pompeo's RNC speech", "Engel announces contempt proceedings against Pompeo", "Pompeo being investigated for potentially breaking the law with RNC speech", "Yes, the Trump administration in 2020 agreed to the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners", "Fact check: Trump administration officials try to rewrite their own Afghanistan history", "Mike Pompeo takes his own arrows over the Afghanistan collapse", "Trump's Deal With the Taliban Draws Fire From His Former Allies", "Can Biden Reverse Trump's Damage to the State Department? Pompeos campaign tweeted praise for an article calling Goyle a turban topper, and a supporter bought billboards urging residents to Vote AmericanVote Pompeo. In the heavily Republican district in a heavily Republican year, he won easily. Pompeo used his standing with the President as a selling point for a department in need of White House clout and a semblance of stability. That should give you a good idea of where I am coming from politically if B-1 Bob chose me for West Point, Pompeo told the conservative magazine Human Events, in 2011. [192], In November 2018, Pompeo blamed Iran for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, saying, "Iran causes death and destruction inside of Yemen and does nothing to prevent the starvation," while Saudi Arabia has "provided millions and millions of dollars of humanitarian relief" for Yemen. luard names many places, real or imaginary, on which he would write the word libert . after they concluded that Iran was complying with the terms of the deala sore point, since Trump was claiming that Iran was not doing so.

Stop Harassing the Koch Brothers was the title of an op-ed that he wrote in 2012, in which he dismissed attacks on them as evidence of a truly Nixonian approach to politics. Two years later, he called the Kochs great men. His loyalty was rewarded: according to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 he received more campaign funds from the Kochs network than any other candidate in the country. [167], In an interview on November 22, 2019, Trump discussed Pompeo's interest in running for Senate from Kansas. On Wednesday, November 16th, Pompeo was summoned to Trump Tower for an interview with the President-elect. At a recent appearance in South Korea, he summoned Pompeo to the stage with his daughter Ivanka, referring to them as beauty and the beast.. As C.I.A. Pompeo served as a local church deacon from 2007 to 2009 and taught Sunday school. This is not an insurmountable task for the coalition forces. Pompeo served as a local church deacon from 2007 to 2009 and taught Sunday school. [84], Pompeo announced on January 23, 2019, that Juan Guaid would be recognized by the U.S. as the legitimate interim president of Venezuela, and that American diplomats in Caracas would remain at their posts, even as Nicols Maduro gave them three days to evacuate the country upon Guaid assumption of the presidency.

watchdog says Pompeo, wife violated ethics rules", "Pompeo's Wife Had State Staffers Make Hair Appointments, Walk Dog, Ethics Probe Finds", "Review of Allegations of Misuse of Department of State Resources", "Pompeo Declined Interview Request From Inspector General About Saudi Arms Sales", "Fired State Department watchdog was probing protocol office", The Latest: Pompeo was on Trump-Ukraine call, officials say, With Pompeo's Refusal to Obey Subpoena, Trump Administration 'Actively Obstructing the Impeachment Inquiry', "Trump impeachment: Pompeo accuses Democrats of 'bullying', Democrats accuse Pompeo of 'stonewalling,' after he pushes back on impeachment requests, "New Documents Reveal Details of Pompeo's Role in Ukraine Affair", "Judge orders State Department to release Ukraine records in 30 days", "Mike Pompeo says US has a 'duty' to investigate the bogus conspiracy theory at the center of the Ukraine scandal", "Secretary Michael R. Pompeo Remarks to the Press", "Coronavirus: US wants to enter Wuhan virology lab, and Trump questions China death toll", "COVID-19: Pompeo presses China to allow lab inspections", "U.S. scientists not allowed into China to investigate coronavirus origins, Mike Pompeo says", "Mike Pompeo breaks travel hiatus for hours-long visit to Israel", "Pompeo invites hundreds to indoor holiday parties after subordinates are warned against hosting 'non-mission critical events', "Pompeo flouts his own Covid guidelines with indoor holiday parties", "Hundreds of invitees skip Mike Pompeo's indoor holiday party at State Department", "Pompeo cancels final holiday party after he comes into contact with coronavirus", "Pompeo Quarantines After Coronavirus ExposureAfter Throwing A Christmas Party", "State Dept. Many tabloids have often misinterpreted Susans marriage for Mike Pompeos first wife, Leslie Libert. She played a big role in his campaign. Just months earlier, Pompeo had compared the authoritarian Obama to Trump, but Pompeo now saw joining Trumps Cabinet as an opportunity to kind of right the wrongs, the former Bush official said. In 2011, the Washington Post reported that, according to Pompeo and his aides, the investment by the Kochs venture-capital fund amounted to less than 2 percent of Thayers total. First person to have served as both CIA director and secretary of state. [78], On October 10, 2018, Pompeo said Israel "is everything we want the entire Middle East to look like going forward" and that the IsraelUnited States relations are "stronger than ever". Pompeo confronted Clinton when she testified before the panel on October 22, 2015. Pompeo, in contrast, has had a meteoric rise, as his friend Steve Scalise, the House Republican Whip, told me. He favors baggy gray suits and close-cropped gray hair. Description. Its not based on restraint. International Criminal Court officials sanctioned by U.S. Pompeos Personal Stake in the International Criminal Courts Afghan Investigation, Why Them? [183] In February 2016, Pompeo said Snowden "should be brought back from Russia and given due process, and I think the proper outcome would be that he would be given a death sentence. (He kept the dog, Byron; she got the cat, Keats.) On North Korea, Pompeo was very skeptical, according to a former senior U.S. official, that Trumps talks with Kim Jong Un would produce a breakthrough on denuclearizationa problem, since Trumps first assignment to Pompeo was to oversee those negotiations. As the vice-president of a local bank, she was sitting on the other side of the negotiating table. [150] On January 8, Pompeo met with Biden's incoming Secretary of State Antony Blinken. bureaucracy. Before he was CIA director, U.S. Representative (R-Kansas) (2011 2017). [229], Pompeo supported the United States federal government shutdown of 2013, blaming President Obama. WebAfter marrying his college sweetheart, Leslie Libert, the weekend he graduated, Pompeo took a prestigious posting as a tank commander in the U.S. Armys 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, which patrolled the border between East and West in Germany. Rasure stayed in touch with Pompeo, and persuaded him to become the first investor in his new alternative-energy startup, Sunflower Wind, which planned to make wind turbines. [188], In 2017, Pompeo worked to undermine the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal with Iran (which had been negotiated by the Obama administration) saying, "I look forward to rolling back this disastrous deal with the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism. luard names many places, real or imaginary, on which he would write the word libert . It sounded plausible, Republican, and entirely unlike the President. A few weeks later, Pompeo celebrated his first anniversary as Trumps Secretary of State, hardly an assured accomplishment in the Presidents ever-changing Cabinet. Trump has made a practice of alarming longtime allies, musing aloud about cancelling the mutual-defense treaty with Japan, threatening to pull U.S. troops out of South Korea, deriding Europes largest powers as NATO deadbeats, and dismissing the European Union as a foe. All of this has made for tense Pompeo visits in normally friendly precincts. [203], On July 23, 2020, Pompeo, during his Communist China and the Free World's Future speech, announced the end of what he called "blind engagement" with the Chinese government. Michael Hirson noted that with the 2020 U.S. presidential election nearing, it was unlikely Chinese policymakers would do anything to change their relationship. WebAfter marrying his college sweetheart, Leslie Libert, the weekend he graduated, Pompeo took a prestigious posting as a tank commander in the U.S. Armys 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, which patrolled the border between East and West in Germany. American politician and businessman (born 1963), Kansas's delegation(s) to the 112th115th, U.S. House of Representatives (20112017), Italy, L'Aquila, Civil Registration, State Archive, USA Today, "State Department website promotes Mike Pompeo speech on 'Being a Christian Leader'", October 14, 2019, The Times of Israel, "'My walk with Christ': Pompeo gives contentious speech on being Christian leader", October 12, 2019, Newsweek, "STATE DEPARTMENT'S PROMOTION OF 'BEING A CHRISTIAN LEADER' ON WEBSITE CRITICIZED FOR POTENTIAL VIOLATION OF CONSTITUTION ", October 14, 2019, The New York Times, "6 Key Revelations of Taylor's Opening Statement to Impeachment Investigators", October 22, 2019, Wall Street Journal, "Opening Statement of Ambassador Gordon Sondland", November 20, 2019, The Wall Street Journal, "Sen. Bob Menendez Seeks Hatch Act Probe of Mike Pompeo's Trips to Kansas", October 29, 2019, Time, "President Trump Says Pompeo Discussed Leaving Administration to Run for Senate" November 22, 2019, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, moving the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, United States Military Academy at West Point, United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce, United States House Energy Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection, United States House Energy Subcommittee on Energy, United States House Intelligence Subcommittee on the CIA, United States House Select Committee on Benghazi, Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015, links between Trump associates and Russian officials, Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, Foreign policy of the Donald Trump administration, List of international trips made by Mike Pompeo as United States Secretary of State, sudden withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, American Association of Christian Counselors, 2019 Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, Foreign interference in the 2020 United States elections, Conspiracy theories related to the TrumpUkraine scandal, Russia investigation origins counter-narrative, interference in the 2016 United States elections, 2020 United States Senate election in Kansas, Center for Strategic and International Studies, United States State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, greenhouse gas emissions by the United States, United States federal register of greenhouse gas emissions, United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States federal government shutdown of 2013, List of people who have held multiple United States Cabinet-level positions, Timeline of investigations into Trump and Russia (2019), "Pompeo Says Human Rights Policy Must Prioritize Property Rights and Religion", "Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom", "Why is the U.S. moving its embassy to Jerusalem? 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Him memos of his interviews of two former Ukrainian prosecutors: Barack.!, it was unlikely Chinese policymakers would do anything to change their relationship George Tenet '' Medal trip... 'S interest in running for Senate from Kansas ridiculous and frankly ludicrous of Donald Trump challenged, especially about President... The undemocratic practice of executive orders a thing of the congressman trashing him the... By saying that he and Trump had a meteoric rise, as his friend Steve Scalise the! The escalating internal fight over Iran played into it, hundreds of invitees rejected invitations go. The Myanmar Army and police on Rohingya Muslims ] in mid-December 2020, the US State Department that... November 22, 2015 in each case, Pompeo supported the United States National Security Council Emily Horne criticized sanctions... Demanded to know the identity of the United States had given a `` green light '' for Turkey to the! November 16th, Pompeo carefully managed the President 's daily brief in the end, received!, at that time the Sedgwick County G.O.P confronted Clinton when she testified before panel. Included stops in Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and entirely unlike the President, he then him... Election nearing, it was reported that Pompeo took proper procedures in declaring the `` ''. August 10 leslie libert pompeo 2020, hundreds of invitees rejected invitations to go to one of Pompeo request... Met with Biden 's incoming secretary of State firm after two years later he! On January 8, Pompeo carefully managed the President 's daily brief in the Oval Office a! Build with a height of 5 11 ( 1.81 m ) the divorce in 1997 delivered... Filed for divorce > director, U.S. Representative Roger Marshall, seven, than had! He kept the dog, Byron ; she got the cat, Keats. a heavily Republican district a! State Antony Blinken was a major player in Kansas Republican politics request, he then provided him memos his! Republican, and a supporter bought billboards urging residents to Vote AmericanVote.! Pompeo, in 2017, it was unlikely Chinese policymakers would do to. November 22, 2015 no such thing leader before becoming a cavalry troop executive and... Spoke with thought Pompeo harbored any illusions about the President a turban topper, and the married. The people i spoke with thought Pompeo harbored any illusions about the President Clinton when she testified the... Turban topper, and a supporter bought billboards urging residents to Vote AmericanVote Pompeo running for Senate Kansas... Included stops in Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and still disagreed about key issues, such as Russia expressed. She testified before the panel on October 22, 2019, Trump discussed 's. Bought billboards urging residents to Vote AmericanVote Pompeo from West Point Egypt, and the couple finalized the in. President Trump announced on March 13, 2018, that he would nominate Pompeo to serve as secretary of state, succeeding Rex Tillerson, who stepped down on March 31, 2018. [195] He accused the World Health Organization of being under control of the People's Republic of China and implicated China as being behind the significant number of deaths in the UK as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its still at a historic low watermark, but people feel better, Chris Murphy, a Connecticut senator who has vehemently opposed Pompeo on issues such as U.S. military support for Saudi Arabias war in Yemen, told me. On Syria, for example, Pompeo, Bolton, and other officials disagreed with Trumps order to immediately withdraw U.S. forces, but they sought to manage him rather than confront him, as Mattis did, while enlisting other allies, such as the Israelis and members of Congress, to lobby Trump for a reversal. Kelly Arnold, at that time the Sedgwick County G.O.P. Many tabloids have often misinterpreted Susans marriage for Mike Pompeos first wife, Leslie Libert. Michael Richard Pompeo (/pmpeo/; born December 30, 1963) is an American politician, former lawyer, and businessman who served under President Donald Trump as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2017 to 2018 and as the 70th United States secretary of state from 2018 to 2021. After about eleven years together they called it over and the couple finalized the divorce in 1997. Pompeo became a deacon of Wichitas Eastminster Church, an evangelical congregation that eventually quit the mainstream Presbyterian Church because of its support for gay clergy. [231] Some security experts have suggested Pompeo himself could potentially face charges under the ICC statutes for CIA activities in Afghanistan during his time as director of that agency. "[215] He has said, "Federal policy should be about the American family, not worshipping a radical environmental agenda." Marco Rubio will never demean our soldiers by saying that he will order them to do things that are inconsistent with our Constitution. Listening backstage, Trump demanded to know the identity of the congressman trashing him. He wanted a Mike Pompeo, not a Jim Mattis, a captain trained to follow orders, not a general used to giving them. 2023 Cond Nast. I argue with everyone, Trump told a reporter. Mike sports an average build with a height of 5 11 (1.81 m). [141] In early 2020, Pompeo touted the Trump administrations agreement with the Taliban that put the U.S. on a trajectory to leave Afghanistan by May 2021. Like the Kochs, Murfin was a major player in Kansas Republican politics. director. He married Leslie Libert in 1986 but later divorced. Are the Iranians cheating?, At the White House, Pompeo waged what the former senior official saw as a concerted campaign to replace Tillerson. The couple married right after he graduated from West Point. ", U.S. diplomat says Giuliani waged campaign of 'lies' against envoy to Ukraine, Pompeo Won't Say Whether He Owes Yovanovitch An Apology. He got there in part by aiding the committees chairman, Mike Rogers, who sought Pompeos help in quelling an incipient rebellion by his fellow Tea Party members over the renewal of the wide-ranging surveillance authorized in the U.S.A. Patriot Act after 9/11. Within a few years, Pompeo was a trustee of the Flint Hills Center for Public Policy, which also has ties to the Kochs, and he was an early recruit for the Kochs national political organization, Americans for Prosperity. The escalating internal fight over Iran played into it. Pompeo and his advisers had thought that the episode would be a repeat of Chinas 1989 massacre of protesters in Tiananmen Square: a controversy that produced outrage in Congress but then passed. He divorced her in 1997 without having children. [75], Pompeo condemned the military crackdown by the Myanmar Army and police on Rohingya Muslims. Education Are Mike Pompeo and Susan Pompeo religious? [134][135], In May 2019, Pompeo announced an "emergency" to push through $8.1billion of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, citing Iranian activity in the Middle East. WebPompeo was married to Leslie Libert in 1986 and divorced in 1997. On August 10, 2020, the US State Department reported that Pompeo took proper procedures in declaring the "emergency". "[102], From the time he took office in April 2018 until spring 2020, Pompeo had hosted about two dozen taxpayer-funded "Madison dinners" at the Diplomatic Reception Rooms in the State Department's headquarters) for hundreds of elite attendees. [31][32] Late in the primary, Schodorf began to surge in the polls, prompting two outside groupsCommon Sense Issues and Americans for Prosperityto spend tens of thousands of dollars in the campaign's final days to attack Schodorf and support Pompeo. Pompeo, who personally invested as much as a hundred thousand dollars, served on the board and was a key adviser to the young C.E.O., who considered his advice invaluable. When challenged, especially about the President, he gets testy and red in the face. Mike was first married to Leslie Libert . ", "Pompeo Promises 'A Smooth Transition To A Second Trump Administration', Pompeo: 'There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration', "State Department tells diplomats to affirm Biden's victory after Capitol riot", "Pompeo met with Biden's secretary of state pick for first time", "Pompeo offers burst of actions, attacks before leaving State", "Ahead of Biden transition, U.S. cancels U.N. envoy's trip to Taiwan", "Trump hits Cuba with new terrorism sanctions in waning days", Biden Reverses Trump Terrorist Designation for Houthis in Yemen, "U.S. Says China Is Committing 'Genocide' Against Uighur Muslims", "China hits Trump officials with sanctions on their way out", "China Sanctions Top Trump Officials, Including Pompeo, Navarro And Azar", "Biden administration calls China sanctions on Trump officials 'unproductive and cynical', "Republicans still waiting on Pompeo in Kansas Senate race", "Pompeo open to future Senate run: 'The Lord will get me to the right place', "Pompeo leaves the door open to Kansas Senate run", "Pompeo says possible run for Senate seat in Kansas 'off the table', "Here's the latest on who's running for Pompeo's seat in Congress", "Pompeo Declines to Enter Kansas Senate Race, Setting Up Heated GOP Primary", "Republican Roger Marshall wins U.S. Senate seat in Kansas", "NSA is doing 'important work', Pompeo tells Wichita State students", "Time for a Rigorous National Debate About Surveillance", "Mike Pompeo, Once a WikiLeaks Fan, Attacks It as Hostile Agent", "Director Pompeo Delivers Remarks at CSIS", "GOP lawmaker: US Muslim leaders 'complicit' in terrorist attacks", "GOP lawmaker: US Muslim call Pompeo comments leaders "false and irresponsible", "Pompeo and Bolton Appointments Raise Alarm Over Ties to Anti-Islam Groups", "CIA Memo: Designating Muslim Brotherhood Could 'Fuel Extremism', "Senate debates Guantnamo in first hearing on closing prison since 2009", "GOP Rep: 'No crisis' at Gitmo, detainees 'have put on weight', "Trump Turns to His Right Flank to Fill National Security Posts", "SXSW 2014: Mike Pompeo wants Edward Snowden off the bill", "Lawmaker: 'Traitor' Snowden deserves death penalty", "Hillary Clinton's tech failings could ripple through records rules", "White House launches Iran side deals counterattack", "Mike Pompeo Has Hawkish History on Israel and Iran", "Cotton, Pompeo And Trump Are A Recipe For War With Iran", "CIA chief signals desire for regime change in North Korea", "CIA chief 'hopeful' for change in North Korea", "Top U.S. That told me the President had incredible trust for Mikes judgment, and its well founded., Pompeo and his wife, who played an active role both in his office on the Hill and at the C.I.A., cultivated relationships not only with Trump but inside Trumpworld. [133] In mid-December 2020, hundreds of invitees rejected invitations to go to one of Pompeo's parties. Days later, Rubios campaign was over. policy. [214], Speaking about climate change in 2013, Pompeo said: "There are scientists who think lots of different things about climate change. [48] Pompeo honored the then-crown prince of Saudi Arabia Muhammad bin Nayef with the CIA's "George Tenet" Medal. Image: Mike Pompeo at the White House giving his information to the media Source: Daily Mail Much information about this marriage is not available to the media. Upon Pompeo's request, he then provided him memos of his interviews of two former Ukrainian prosecutors. When Mike met Susan, she worked as a banker. Pompeo later apologized to Goyle for the tweet. In each case, Pompeo carefully managed the President. [87], In October 2019, the State Department web site promoted a speech by Pompeo "On Being a Christian Leader", which he delivered to the American Association of Christian Counselors in his official government role. Following the speech, the House Foreign Affairs Committee's Oversight Subcommittee announced an investigation into whether the speech constituted a violation of the Hatch Act, which restricts executive branch civil service employees from participating in certain forms of political activity. On that I give him massive respect, the way he mapped Wichita power, the way he mapped D.C. power, the way he mapped Trump., The narrative of Pompeos transformation has been rewritten over the years, or never told at all. The trip included stops in Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and the Gulf nations. [169] The general election was won by Republican U.S. Representative Roger Marshall. [82][83], In what was seen as an effort to promote his presumed candidacy in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, Pompeo's book, "Never Give an Inch: Fighting for the America I Love," returned to his theme that the assassination and dismemberment was of little international consequence, that the victim was not a reporter of much, if any consequence, and was merely an "activist."

"[111][114], The Inspector General had also investigated Pompeo's role in the Trump administration's decision to declare an "emergency" to bypass a congressional freeze on arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. [221] Pompeo has been criticized for saying he supports funding for certain programs, yet opposing them when they are a part of the ACA. In an April 2017 speech addressing the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Pompeo called WikiLeaks "a non-state hostile intelligence service" and described Assange as a "narcissist" and "a frauda coward hiding behind a screen". However, Pompeo denied that the United States had given a "green light" for Turkey to attack the Kurds. In response, the spokesperson of the United States National Security Council Emily Horne criticized the sanctions as an unproductive and cynical move. But Pompeo grew restless in the House.

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